Wednesday, September 22, 2010

only the young can break away

so i went to my local op shop today because i finished uni early today. hehe only had two hours of uni and it was a prac, a pretty straight forward prac as well, except its pharmacy practice prac so it just confirms that i will be a bad pharmacist, i lose quite a lot of product when i'm making drugs. yeah i alway try to cover up the evidence when i do lose anything so the demonstrator doesn't see, i think i have perfected that skill. ;)

so i bought some new patterned tights, you know those ones with bows and dots and whatnot. i've always wanted a polka dot black one but i couldn't really justify spending money on it because the tights are very very thin and i don't think would last long seeing that normal thick tights, i still manage to get holes through them.
anywho these are the tights that i managed to buy. i wore them all over my grey tights because they are very thin, i mean i know they were sheer but i didn't think they would be so sheer. yeah thats the thing with me, i alway get surprised at things even though the title/name gives it away, like i once told my friend "How I met your mother is really about how i met your mother"

this is a pink one with bows and dots, they are quite small, but still pretty.

this is a blue one with diamonds.

this one is white with black bows. i think i like this the most.
i cannot wait to wear them, and at least they won't be hot in the warmer weather because they are basically like nothing.

just a warning. the following is another dentistry/VTAC application rant which i'm sure you guys have memorised by now but i feel like pointing out things again.
i was meant to write up my Pi form for my VTAC application but i have no idea what to write. i tried to write something and only managed to write only a sentence. its due in less than 10 days so i am getting worried, so now i'm pretty sure i will not get into dentistry. i don't really mind, i mean it would be the best to get into dent, but i don't know if its meant to be. there are so many obstacles to transfer from a non-year 12 position. i have no idea why i want to be a dentist and i don't have any work experience so basically even if i wrote my application, it would be very empty so that doesn't leave a good impression. i've grown to like uni, i mean the course is do-able and i love my friends, i've settled into a group and i am happy.
although i wouldn't mind doing biomedicine.......

Much love, squealer.


scissorhands said...

Ooh those tights are pretty
I need to get some

Anonymous said...

love the tights, very girly