Wednesday, September 15, 2010

holmes is in the hood

yesterday my friends and I went to a pub for a trivia night, it was my first time i have been to a club and when we walked in, man did we stand out. there were just middle-age to not-quite-senior business people and then there was us. hehe. it was a sherlock holmes themed bar, and the outside had a pretty cool sign and the inside was pretty cool too, it feels very homey, casual and antique-y. i felt like i was in how i met your mother and made me wish that i had a steady job and a close group of friends to go out everyday in a bar/pub, hmm tv shows always makes life so idealistic and fun. anywhos, we arrived early and decided to order food first, the prices were a bit pricey and quite a bit more than what i usually pay for food, but i guess i only go out with my friends every so often, but lately these outings have been increasing which mean a decreasing bank balance, oh man wish i had a job so i can not groan every time i check my bank balance. anywho i ordered a chicken parmigiana which was quite nice which i managed to finish the whole thing, maybe because i knew how much i paid for it and i didn't want to waste any food. i love chicken, just putting it out there. so we ate our foods and waited for 6.30 to roll around so the trivia can begin. so trivia began but we were missing two members of group, who we really needed the help of, the questions were like superquiz style and i only partially knew a little of the answers. i'm so glad for my uni crew for catching my up on current affairs because i am a clueless person. so we got through the rounds ok, but we still came last. hehe, we were happy about some of the pop culture questions which luckily we knew the answers to, ahhh to be young, though i still think being 19 is quite old. it was a very fun night and i wish we could do it more often but i would be so broke. afterwards our walk to spencer street was quite funny, i think we all must of looked drunk to the bystanders. we were posing with some statues which we found hilarious.
the table where we sat, obviously that wasn't us, i didn't bring my camera because i knew that it wouldn't fit in the locker. 

the chicken thingy that i had. yummo. also not my picture. 

i got home at 9.30 and i felt so tired that i had no energy to study so i just went to sleep, well i originally was going to take a nap but i woke up feeling so tired so yeah it was clearly bedtime.

anywho i walked to school this morning, and while i was getting close to school, a postman, which i must of past, said "that was quick." and i just smiled awkwardly as i always do to people to whom i have no idea what they are talking about, oh then i realized he must of been talking about my walking speed. it made me feel good about myself, i'm a fast walker. i used to quite slow actually but it took years of walking with my friend who has longer legs than i do and walks faster than me to get me to the speed that i now currently walk at. also i am always in a rush somewhere, so i'm always jogging/power walking somewhere, most likely you will find me running to catch public transport because i always cut it close.
i also decided to walk to from melb central to school tomorrow, it only takes around 35mins but it might take longer because i think i shall take it slowly. it will me me-thinking time which i love, but also depresses me because i think about my life and how i would like my life to be or where i would like to skip forward in my life, but that's ok i'm used to my thoughts but it might looks strange to onlookers because sometimes i like to  think out loud as well.

Also on a side note, V is not going to be going to badminton anymore which means i have lost my security blanket, she is the one person who i stick around in uni, whom i follow everywhere and only go to things that she goes to, i guess because after two years of being in the same classes and gets me and my weird and random ways, also i don't think she thinks that i'm clingy which i'm not clearly, i mean i can be independent but its hard when you don't have someone to connect with when you're in a group so you have feelings of loneliness even if you're surrounded a bunch of people. anyways i asked R if she wanted to be my new security blanket on fridays she has work most weeks so that did't really help, they suggested that i make B my new security blanket but i was a bit reluctant because he is a guy. which reminds, i have been quite sexist lately, no idea where that came from, anywho out of desperation i made B my new security blanket. hope he is up the challenge because V was a damn good one.

That is all.

Love Squealer.


Oopsadaisy said...

Why can't I be your security blanket? I've known you longer....or maybe I'm too clingy?

M said...

We should go to that pub again, or another pub, it was pretty awesome