the table where we sat, obviously that wasn't us, i didn't bring my camera because i knew that it wouldn't fit in the locker.
the chicken thingy that i had. yummo. also not my picture.
anywho i walked to school this morning, and while i was getting close to school, a postman, which i must of past, said "that was quick." and i just smiled awkwardly as i always do to people to whom i have no idea what they are talking about, oh then i realized he must of been talking about my walking speed. it made me feel good about myself, i'm a fast walker. i used to quite slow actually but it took years of walking with my friend who has longer legs than i do and walks faster than me to get me to the speed that i now currently walk at. also i am always in a rush somewhere, so i'm always jogging/power walking somewhere, most likely you will find me running to catch public transport because i always cut it close.
i also decided to walk to from melb central to school tomorrow, it only takes around 35mins but it might take longer because i think i shall take it slowly. it will me me-thinking time which i love, but also depresses me because i think about my life and how i would like my life to be or where i would like to skip forward in my life, but that's ok i'm used to my thoughts but it might looks strange to onlookers because sometimes i like to think out loud as well.
Also on a side note, V is not going to be going to badminton anymore which means i have lost my security blanket, she is the one person who i stick around in uni, whom i follow everywhere and only go to things that she goes to, i guess because after two years of being in the same classes and gets me and my weird and random ways, also i don't think she thinks that i'm clingy which i'm not clearly, i mean i can be independent but its hard when you don't have someone to connect with when you're in a group so you have feelings of loneliness even if you're surrounded a bunch of people. anyways i asked R if she wanted to be my new security blanket on fridays she has work most weeks so that did't really help, they suggested that i make B my new security blanket but i was a bit reluctant because he is a guy. which reminds, i have been quite sexist lately, no idea where that came from, anywho out of desperation i made B my new security blanket. hope he is up the challenge because V was a damn good one.
That is all.
Love Squealer.
Why can't I be your security blanket? I've known you longer....or maybe I'm too clingy?
We should go to that pub again, or another pub, it was pretty awesome
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