Saturday, March 5, 2011

SIDEWAVE 03.03.11

ok so the day that i have been waiting for more than half a year and boy was my anticipated brewing quite steadily until finally i was there, waiting in line. But let's go back to the start, where the story begins. On Thursday 4th November, the tickets were released for the sidewave concert with Never Shout Never, The Maine and We the Kings, so there I was, eagerly waiting for 9 o'clock to snag myself and some friends tickets. After an hour, payment and order confirmation and bam! We have our tickets! Also I want to mention that this concert was underage but weighing out the awesomeness of who were playing, the risk was definitely worth everything. So now the four month anxious and unbearable wait for what could possibly be one of the most amazing nights of our lives.
Fast forward to Thursday, M and I waiting at the door two hours before doors open. But by the i got there, there was already a massive line filled with underage people. M and I kept thinking that they should have been in school. First, Never Shout Never(NSN) walked by with a group of assumingly his friends. I followed him and try to take a photo but i couldn't quite take one, i finally got in front of him and then he decides to turn so all i could get was a photo of his back.
So many girls were running and screaming after him, they annoyed me but i probably would have done the same thing if it was someone I was really into. Anywho, when i back to M who was at the front of the entrance, i think the drummer from NSN pushed me aggressively and i wasn't even in his way, so now his on my blacklist. After, I can't really remember the order of who arrived but i think it was Danny from We the Kings came, which i think caused a frenzy but not so much as NSN. Lucky i got a snap, i'm so slow with my camera and i wish people would pause so i can have a chance.
Yep, that's Danny in the cap :) After a bit more of a wait, Kennedy and John arrive, causing a little frenzy because they are just awesome, i couldn't quite a shot of them, but M and I were so excited to see them in real life for the first time ever.
The guy on the left in the plaid is Kenny (also is my future husband) and the guy's head next to Kenny in the black jacket is John, who was in the previous photo.
Then one of the HI FI saff came out and told us that we had to wait in line on the other side of the footpath. We were a bit pissed off because we're been waiting there for a while and we would have been further up in the line if we actually stood there when we first came. We would pop our heads over anytime someone started screaming but most of the time, it wasn't anyone and it was just the girls being stupid. Then we heard some legit screaming and i told M to check it out. She was gone for a while, turns out she was following Pat and Garrett/Jared (can't remember who it was) from The Maine and Travis from We the Kings. So now we know where the back entry way is, so time more stalking band members. i don't photos of them yet, as they were on M's camera. Then Mel, R, R and T came along so M and I went to eat. I got KFC and we walked around a bit and returned to the line. We were so excited, and then it was time to go inside. It sucked that we were so far back but i was trying to be positive. We got through the door okay because they didn't even check our 'IDs' so that was good. The coat check took forever, there were so many people for the one person doing coat check. But finally we got our bags checked, and made our way to the mosh pit. The Maine started playing a few moments after we found a spot, it wasn't a very good spot though and i couldn't take many photos because of my position. They were amazing though even from my impeded vision. There's just something about listening to one of your favorite bands live, and hearing the music that has gotten you through so much, and it just means that much more when you hear it live, really enhances the meaning of the songs. At one stage, John was wearing an Australian flag and hat and singing, and had the posture of an old man, it looked funny but awesome at the same time because its John. When he sang Girls Do What they Want, at the final part he pulled two girls on stage, and asked if they knew the words in the next part of the song. I was angry that they didn't because it was easy and they should have know because they were fans all and this song is one their main songs and lyrics to the next part are very significant. It goes "Girls do what they want, Boys do what they can" the most awesomest lines ever. But John was very nice to them because he is just so cool. The one thing that bugged me was that they had such a short set, and it was over way too quickly. I didn't feel that satisfied. It hurt much more when The Maine left a little bit after their set, which meant there was no signings or photos being taken after the concert.
Next up, was NSN who i was looking forward to seeing because his music soothes me and makes me happy.  He had a full back up band, and he sounded so much better with the support of the band. I actually was able to know most of the lyrics to the songs, and was going all out with my singing. By this stage, M and I were separated so that kinda sucked. i got really in NSN, and it was the best feeling ever. However the unfortunate part was that he smoking during his set, before he played he lit up a cigarette, smoked it and clipped it on the end of his guitar. I'm very against smoking but he was just so nice, that you couldn't really hate him. There were so many people there for NSN, i was quite surprised, all those screaming teenage girls. i think NSN smoked 3 cigarettes during his set. at one point he said to someone in the audience if he wanted a drag, but the security guard stopped him, and he was like 'Sorry, you're under 18 thing' or something along those lines. overall, very fun set and it gives me the best feeling to be belting out his songs, and listening to a more rock version of his songs.
After NSN was finished, it was time for the much anticipated We the Kings set. It was a longer wait before they came out, so i was trying to put myself in a position where i could have a good view. But seriously when did everyone who go to concerts, are extremely tall and have to stand in front of me. There was this incredibly tall guy in front of me, and i couldn't find a better position. But at least i could see the stage and most of the band properly with a little bit of footwork and maneuvers. Finally WTK came out and obviously everyone started screaming and cheering. They were amazing, and again i was belting out the songs and dancing and moshing to my hearts content. I'm quite partial to their music, because their songs are ones that i can relate to most in my life and come the closest to my feelings. So while belting out their songs, it sort bought up all these emotions, but i quickly shut them down because the concert was way more overpowering, and and i couldn't believe that they were, on stage, live, in person, almost touchable. Travis (singer) was incredible at keeping the audience entertained with his random talks and speeches. There was one story he was telling the audience which he used elements from the song he was going to sing, to make up the story, it was so funny and random, the part that i found hilarious was when he would dust the sand of the girls' feet before he lunged her into her bedroom, i guess you just had to be there to understand. For the same song he picked up a girl from the audience, so he could serenade to her. It was so amazing, his singing that is, not the girl from the audience because she just sat looking bored, at least show some emotion, there is this amazing once in a  lifetime experience and i would give anything to be in that position. I just loved the whole band and their set, and while our standing positions weren't that great, it was just so fantastic and so worth if for that euphoria you get when you're at a concert. There were so many faint/sick people in the concert and the crowd had to pull them to the front, and sometimes the security guard would have to aggressively push through the very tight crowd to get to the sick person.
After their set, i was sad because everything felt so short. And i was still feeling sad that i wouldn't be able to get signings and photos with The Maine, because on tumblr a lot of people got photos after concerts and i was so jealous. M and I hung around the venue for a bit to see if we see any of the band members, but unfortunately we didn't get to see anyway, i was hoping to see Mayday Parade, who had a concert afterwards but no oh, we didn't catch them either, apparently they were already there by the time that we came out. So M and I didn't feel as adrenaline-rushed or satisfied as for the Boys Like Girls concert. But i guess i was feeling happy because i knew that it was SOUNDWAVE tomorrow.

So guys stay tune for the post on Soundwave when i get a chance because it is going to take me a long time to write and hope i can remember most of the details because it was a day to remember.

Love Squealer.

1 comment:

M said...

I stole some of your photos for my post because mine sucked, what an awesome night! we really need to go to another concert soon