Oh man I am so bored. I only had one lecture in the morning today. My first lecture was boring as expected, i didn't really meet anyone new, i went straight home from the lecture. I waited around for Y to finish, watched a little friends and took a nap. I couldn't sleep properly for some reason, i think i'm not used to this new bed and just a whole new environment. Then Y came home, and her friend came over and now they just left for a prac thingy and i decided to study, which is very unlike me. There's not much to study as it is the beginning of the year. I'm reading all my biology notes, attempted to do Medicines in Profile (without knowing which drugs to do, so i basically revised all the Monash ones) but i gave up quickly because APF doesn't give you much information, and now i'm trying to write up some chem notes. We're doing Quantum Mechanics first which i like so i'm looking forward to that. Yeah the oscars are on but i don't like watching it on tv because of the commercials, i really just wanted to watch it for the Social Network actors part, not sure if Andrew Garfield was there because i was watching a bit of the boring part, but i did catch a glimpse of Jesse Eisenberg which sent me into a little spaz attack. Hopefully i can watch it when i get home and skip to the parts that i want.
It's so weird, i get this overwhelming sense of loneliness here even though i have Y, when i'm holed up in my room, its feels so different, like i've been living in solitude for ages. i'm quite lazy so i haven't eaten a proper meal since i got here yesterday afternoon, but i should really make some rice or something. Also we don't get much internet which sucks because me and Y are stressing out about not being able to watch our tv shows, because thats the important part.
Love Squealer.
HI Jenny!
I hope you transition into Bendigo gets better and good luck for everything!
Love nay
You'll get used to everything soon, haha I had a little spaz when i saw Jesse Eisenberg too
Hah! Well we kind of got over the stressing pretty quickly hey ^^ ARGHAD J;FLKAJK THE FINALE !!!! I'll be super annoying tuesday, just so you know.
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