Friday, August 14, 2009

your legs are short

"The world comes to life and everything's bright From beginning to end When you have a friend by your side That helps you to find The beauty you are, when you open your heart And believe in the gift of a friend The gift of a friend" The Gift of a Friend

(why can't my room look like that??)

yay, no more SACs for the next couple of weeks.
it gives me time to concentrate on the yearbook.

which due in about a month!!
i feel really bad
because i haven't done much,

i want to write an article but i'm not very witty

so i don't think people will like it.

i went op shopping on wednesday after school

as a treat for finishing my sac,
which by the way
i was so relieved that it's over,
but am now thinking about all the mistakes i made,
well my treat was going to spotlight

and i decided to go to the one in brunswick
because i haven't been there in quite a while
(ahem a couple of weeks).

i was a bit upset as there was nothing to buy.

and thinking i should have gone to essendon instead.

so then i went op shopping.
i brought a belt and a chunky knit cardigan,
it very big and comfy and has a cool winter print on it,
but it's not as cool as my bright orange cardigan,
that was a good find.
i really want to get into vintage shopping
but i just don't have the time
to go around looking,
so next year
to add to the things-to-do after year 12 list,
i shall regularly go op shopping (and drag my friends along)

Love Squealer.

1 comment:

i am so anonymous said...

your room can't look like that because:
1. you don't need two beds
2. your ceiling isn't like that