Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Songs about Home

today was the day i went to spotlight,
and it was also the day i vowed never to catch the 903 bus.
i had to wait so long for a bus
because two of the scheduled bus didn't arrive on time
well they didn't arrive full stop.
the one thing that i really don't like is waiting,
and that's all i did today,
i only spent about 10 mins in spotlight.

so yeah so more 903 unless
desperation or boredom is the reason.

i would rant more
but i have already ranted in a previous post,

so feel free to read that.

lately i have feeling so indifference about everything,
you know that feeling where
you don't know the purpose of anything,

and the time so slow,
you want to crawl up in your bed and sleep.

(well i always want to crawl up in bed and sleep)
I want to get myself out of this phase
but i am still unsure how.
my friend Y hid the new copy of seventeen for me,
which made me happy because i have this thing where
i always have to be the first person to borrow a magazine,
although my interest in the magazines have declined,
i still want it first,
i would say that's a middle child thing

but i'm not a middle child.
so that event boosted my happiness,
and the fact that tuesday i had four frees
and this friday i'm going to have a double free.
which also makes me sad
because i don't feel as excited about them

as i used, but i will try to
make good use of this double free,

(not good use as in studying-wise,
i don't study during frees, unless i have to)

i'm thinking of going op-shopping to buy books,
i like second hands books because they're cheap
but they are always put randomly on a shelf
so i never know where to find things,
and i don't know what books are good, too.
so maybe i'll leave at the start of lunch to increase book-searching time.

Love Squealer.

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