Friday, August 7, 2009

Deer Hunt

i should really concentrate when i'm studying for english.
i just get so distracted,
i mean i'm distracted in other subjects,
but it really shows in my english.
i keep say thats there only 10 weeks to go,
which means i have only 10 weeks to get my essays writing
in the time limit of 1 hour to an A+ standard for the exam.
it's looking quite bleak but i am trying so hard,
well relatively hard according to my standards.

we were in physics today,
and playing with slinkies,
imitating waves and stuff life that,

and someone got the slinkies tangled
and Mr.R got really mad,

seriously i think
it was the only time i have seen him annoyed,

well relatively speaking,
he was furious, because he's always so mellow.

i remember the last time he got annoyed was in yr9
when my friends and i got the slinkies tangled.

well its going to be an english filled weekend.
and i have no tutor in the morning,
which means i can watch HSM1 on tv. YAY.
i'm looking forward to that. =]

(yes i know that's from HSM2, i just like picture)

Oh and yearbook preparations are underway.
i feel so bad because i don't have any photos,
but i will try my best.
hopefully everyone will like the yearbook.
and and the senior school breakfast is coming,
we're getting it catered so the food
is going to be really good.

i can't wait.

Love Squealer.

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