Saturday, April 16, 2011

Who Needs Air.

Last Thursday night was the Classic Crime (TCC) concert which i have talking about for the past couple of weeks. Many little interesting events happened, awesome live music and a refreshing change of pace all strung together to make a very fantastic night indeed. There were four bands playing, the three local bands and TCC. The smaller bands were Almaria, Darcee Fox and Chemical Transport, if you guys do feel like stalking them. Interesting things that happened throughout the night included talking to one of Almaria's guitar player's dad, and finding out his son is not included on the band's myspace page, little awkward laughs, subtle maneuvers to take down the concert posters and as always inappropriate behavior and thoughts. The difference in venues was a nice change, it wasn't crowded and the vibe was mellow and relaxed, most of the crowd were probably Caucasian and mid twenties or older. So we basically stood out, i reckon. The venue was quite small and the stage was tiny, not much room for the band people to fully rock out. I quite liked this scene, we could sit down and still enjoy the music, and the members of TCC were just casually walking in and out of their dressing room. Its nice for them to be able to walk freely and not be overwhelmed by a bunch of teenage girls, although i do believe i fit in that criteria.

L-R (Alamaria): Ben, Shelby, Mike, Matt, Anthony. 

The local bands put on great sets although i didn't know any of the songs, though i tried to mouth the words and guess the lyrics. The singer for Almaria sounded like an american which was nice and he looked very young, about 16ish but he can't be because he has a tattoo. Afterwards stalking on facebook revealed that the members of Almaria were our age so that was pretty cool. Darcee Fox was the next band, they had a more rockier sound rather than pop, i think. The lead singer was wearing very tight skinny jeans which i found it hard not to look (in a non creepy way) at . There was this middle aged drunk man talking to the bands about getting signed and record deals but he obviously was just talking crap, he is also a character in very disturbing incident that i will explain later. Then The Chemical Transport played and again i didn't know any of there songs, but for this set, M and I stood on the steps about 3 metres from the stage. There wasn't really a mosh pit for the bands. 

Darcee Fox. (there's also another guitar player and the drummer)

The Chemical Transport. 

When TCC played, people started moving closer to the stage. Their set was so so good, they are pretty amazing live, and i love not being squashed in a crowd. The lead singer Matt was pretty funny, i liked the story/s he told and I kinda wished there were more people who came to see them, because i was expecting something more crowded. But I think TCC were grateful that people actually came out to see them, because they consider themselves a small band from Seattle. They played most of the songs that i liked, although i still didn't know some of the lyrics so as usual i moved my mouth along. During their set,  band members of The Chemical Transport kept walking past us, and every time they did, i did a little squeal. So I haven't really gotten a grasp on how to handle myself in front of band people. Oh and a creepy thing happened, during one of the songs, i felt someone tugging on my pony tail, i thought it was S or someone i knew, but i turned around and it was the drunk guy i mentioned before, and that freaked the heck of out me. But obviously i didn't show it on my face, i just did an awkward smile and move myself away from him, he went past me and beckoned me to dance, which freaked me out even more, i kept shaking my head and refusing hoping he would go away, luckily he did. After M and I looked at each other with the most shocked and scared as looks. It creeped me out so much that he touched me hair. But i had to shake that off and enjoy the rest of TCC. After a song, they suddenly left the stage but then they came back and played one last song and said that they will be hanging out after the show. 
The Classic Crime: (L-R) Robbie, Matt, Justin, Alan, Skip

We waited around, and Robbie the TCC guitar player, came out and was shaking people's hands. I wanted a handshake too, so i feebly held my hand out when he walked past. I think i said Hi to get his attention, and he suddenly gave me a hug unexpectedly, which made me lose all control of my speech abilities. i was muttering something along the lines of "awesome show" and "thank you". And then he hugged M, who also experienced speech difficulties as i had. I think we were shocked that he hugged us, totally wasn't expecting that, so we immediately really liked him, he was nice too. M and I met up with S and J (we are also coincidently are the group who went to soundwave together) and waited to get 'our' posters signed. TCC were so nice and talking to everyone, except M and I had trouble thinking of what to say to them, i think that is my biggest problem, making proper non-awkward conversation with band people. I think Justine asked us where we got the posters from, and we were like we took them off the wall, and he replied "oh so you stole them, you thieves. Nah its ok, its not ours anyways" in a jokingly way. Then i got my poster signed by the drummer and this was our conversation: 
Drummer: Hi, I'm Skip 
Me: Hello
Me (as he was signing): Is your name Paul? 
Drummer: Yeah, can you read my signature? 
Me: No i already knew your name. 
Drummer: How do you know?
Me: Because i stalk you. 
(In hindsight that was a bad response, but i think he didn't hear what i said so Phew!)
Drummer: Ok. 
Yeah Skip was pretty awesome. And then after the signings, we wanted photos with the band members. So we waited around for them to finish. One guy was talking to Skip, and then Skip gave him a set of drumsticks and we were wondering what he had said to get free drumsticks. So yeah that made us like Skip even more. 
We first got a photo with Skip and Robbie but my camera was in the wrong setting so the flash didn't go off, but i think i was able to brighten(haha) the photo a little and make it more photo-worthy. One guy got a photo with the whole band, so we quickly asked for one. They were so friendly, they said come to the front. Afterwards when J looked at the photo, she told us there's only four guys, and it turned out that Robbie wasn't in the photo :( 

So i'm going to end it here. I should learn to write shorter concert posts because they drain so much energy and time although i don't mind writing them out. 

Love Squealer.  

1 comment:

M said...

It was a great night!
I need to learn how to write shorter posts too, I feel like I cut out a heap of stuff but it still ends up being so long