Monday, April 18, 2011


I was watching one The Maine's old update video and this part came up, and my mum watching it too. She didn't say anything but i wonder what she was thinking.
Yes awkward indeed, i was surprised she didn't question what the heck i was watching.
Anywhoo i can't stop watching that scene as creepy as it sounds. NSN looks really young in this video, even though his older than us.
Man one day when i'm older i'll look back on this blog and think "That's why she doesn't have many friends."

Well I had my first shift back at work since i stopped last holidays, and it was pretty boring, it puts me off working in a big retail store, there are so many products that you have to know and keep tidy. I wouldn't mind owning a little quirky weird little shop that requires minimal cleaning, maybe i can add that on my already long list of things to do in the future.

So yep, another weekend wasted when i'm meant to be finishing up on my work so i don't have to do anything on the mid semester break. why oh why am i so lazy? And why did i download all those TAI and WTK podcasts, i think i intervention from the internet, anyone feel like holding one for me?

Love Squealer.

1 comment:

M said...

haha that's the video I was telling you about the other day!
It still makes me laugh and then Pat is like stop it haha
Yay for TAI TV
I didn't know about the wtk ones so I downloaded them