Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Like We Used To

Today was such a relaxing day of doing pretty much nothing. My essay was due today but i had pretty much finished it the night before with much head ache and frustration, all i had to do this morning was format it properly and proof read for the umpteenth time. i got to the point where i was so tired of reading the same thing and feeling so helpless because i don't have a clue on how to improve the darn thing. Oh wells, its all handed it and now i have a bigger version of the essay to look forward to, which is worth 35% of my grade, so i actually have to put more effort than usual for an assignment.
I woke at 7, and laid around in bed for a bit, and then watched the latest glee episode for the millionth time, for some reason i love it, its not as good as some of the previous episodes but somehow its the episode i watch when i want to watch glee. I acutually got out of bed at 10.30, had breakfast and started to put the finishing touches on the essay. I love having the house to myself, it means i can actually sings more loudly and turn my music up, its a very soothing feeling.
Then i had to go to lectures, which was boring as usual but i was half paying attention. Then i started reading harry potter on my ipod during biology. I have the best times during lectures.
It was housemate dinner day, but my housemate didn't have enough time to make dinner so she ordered in pizza which was good, we let her slide this time, but we told her she should make something next time.
There's not many tv shows coming out the next couple of weeks which leaves me not much to look forward to, but i was able to watch the latest episode of make it or break it, i really like the show, but some of friends can't watch it for some reason.

Here's a photo of myself (coz i'm vain like that). But yeah the point of this photo is to show you my outfit, its not fashionable by any means, but for some reason it looks childish, and makes me feel so much younger, maybe i should have sold the look with pigtails? i don't like my face, hence the scribbles.

Love Squealer

1 comment:

M said...

for an essay worth 35% that sucks
sounds like you had a relaxing day, being able to turn up music and sing is the best feeling.
haha the scribbles, if you wore pigtails you would definately have looked like a kid. i like the top