Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Yellow Onesie/Jumpsuit Op-Shopped 

The time of year between Christmas and the first couple weeks of January isn't my favourite, and this has a lot do to with op shops going on break. Whenever I get bored I love to op shop so during that time, I find solace in Spotlight instead. This results in buying so many craft items for projects that I mean to start, but never get around to doing. Seriously, I should learn to stick with one project and actually finish it. Anywho, I went op shopping for the first time in a while on Saturday, it wasn't a proper op shopping trip, I only went to one Salvos because my mum and I were waiting for a restaurant to open (Dragon Express in Sunshine, my work friend's dad owns the place, and we got free prawn crackers, okay well that's not thaat great, but any free stuff is good, and for some reason, the prawn crackers in restaurants taste better than the ones you fry at home). 
I don't know what it is about onesies, but they are just so cool! So when I spotted this yellow one, I had to have it, now I'm not sure if its PJs or outer wear. The label looks like it's outerwear, but the actual garment suggests otherwise. I think this will become my permanent house wear, although it is a little see-through, so best to wear indoors. Anywho, I'm grateful that op shops are beginning to open again, but I am glad that volunteers were given a well-deserved break.

1 comment:

zerloozer said...

that's a pretty cool jumpsuit. i wonder what ppl originally wore it for??

anyway yay for free prawn crackers