T-shirt This Century Band Merch; Shirt Op-Shopped; Skirt Op-Shopped; Earrings Op-Shopped
Wait WHAT? Are those earrings on my ears??!! Well I'm sorry to say that they're only magnetic, and my ears lobes remain hole-less. I've been looking for magnetic earrings for soo long; those huge earrings displays in accessories stores are just teasing me. I came across these ones while op shopping yesterday, and thought they were so cool, and apparently they glow in the dark as well. They were new and all for the awesome price of 50 cents, I bought a couple of pairs so I can do some DIY on them. It feels weird to have something on my ears, I haven't worn them out properly so I'm not too sure of their staying power, but fingers crossed I don't lose them. Also I apologize for not having a full body photo, I originally did have one but the quality wasn't so great. Eventually I will have better grasp of photoshop, so I enhance the photos for your viewing pleasure, but bear with me and these straight-from-camera shots for now.
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