Saturday, January 5, 2013

Everything's An Illusion

(yes I know the 3 is backwards...) 

HEY GUYS! I'm back, well sort of, still in the process of updating my blog. You may notice that there hasn't been many changes, but if only you guys could see how long I've spent on the template page changing things around, realizing I will never grasp html design. However thanks to the wonderful world of the internet, there were tutorials floating around. I've yet to find a template that I love, for some reason when I try to "take inspiration" from other blogs and apply them to mine, it just looks infinitely uglier. Okay I'm about five days late for a new years post but better late than never.

Firstly I want to say how fast 2012 went by, I remember at the start of the year starting uni, all the way up in the Gold Coast, and how angry I was that I started a week earlier (in hindsight, that was only the beginning of what is yet to come, I start about 5 weeks earlier this year). I was still in disbelief that I'm actually doing dentistry and as always, worried if my socially awkward self will make new friends. This time I literally had no one. Fast forward to this year, I've made friends, somewhat gotten a little better with social situations and overcoming awkward moments, which I think was my new years resolution last year. To be honest, it was a hard year, being so far from family and friends, there were many moments I would miss them terribly and I'm even tearing up thinking about it now. I still have a lot of doubts about myself, for some reason there's this overwhelming feeling that I don't deserve to be doing dentistry. It's a feeling I really want to shake but it's only grown and festered in my mind. When I'm not thinking about how that, I think about the future, and how  I'm scared of becoming an unskillful/unsuccessful dentist. Well, those worries are related to the feelings of being unworthy of doing dentistry. I could dwell on these feelings but I won't because this was meant to a happy post with uplifting thoughts about the new year. So final words about 2012, it was hot, I made friends, kept in contact with old friends, and overall it was a pretty decent year, generally more good than bad.

So 2013, a new year and while NYE it was a small 'party' with my friend, we had fun, and that's all that matters. We shared a picnic balcony, watched fireworks, played with sparklers and took many posed photos!

Also because it's the new year and I don't want to revert back but I just want to quickly mention the Mayday Parade concert in december and just how awesome it was. All I can say is that they are perfect and seeing them live again was such an enlightening and euphoric moment, despite being shoved and squeezed in the mosh pit and the crowd surfing, but what more do you expect from a concert. I like to think that all the pushing has made me skinnier (a very stupid notion, I know). They are one of my favorite bands and they even sang my favorite song, so yes it was perfect, no other words to describe it! Also there was another airport episode :)

As always I have some new years resolutions, mainly it's the typical ones like eating healthier, improving social skills etc, but there are some specific ones:
- Play more sport, I'm hoping that maybe my friends and I could get together and play sport once a week or so. I've come to terms about how bad and uncoordinated I am at sports but I admit it is fun to play, and have a laugh at yourself!
- Have more guys friends (this kinda impedes my goal of wanting to be the unknown one in my course by the end of our degree, but if I want at least a boyfriend by the time I'm 25, some sacrifices would have to made I guess)
And that's all, simple enough right?

There are also some goals I want for the blog:
-More frequent posts, and trying not to be so verbose
-More op-shops and clothes posts
-Start writing some craft posts/tutorials
-Document more of my life so I can share them on here :)
-I'm interested in doing more video posts, but no one wants to see my face that much right, well too bad =P

I hope your New Years was eventful and fun, and that 2013 will be an awesome year, my lame/cliched/unoriginal advice for the year, do at least one thing that makes you happy every day, and dwell on the positive :)

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