We got to acmi at around 10.30 and the line was very very long, but that didn't really matter when you're with a group of friends, they make the time pass so much quicker. we got our tickets at around 11.30, Sh and Nu got child tickets because let's face it, they do look 15 or even younger, but M and I were scared that we might get caught so we went with concession tickets. But they were pretty lenient, so we could passed off as children, i need to dress more childish in anticipation of days like this. Our session wasn't until 12, so we went to the television museum to past the time, it was pretty awesome and most of all it was free. There were sections devoted to the history and progression of television and it was fun looking at all the machines and gadgets. I really recommend it if you're in the city and have some spare time, and its free so that's just makes it even better.
So after, we got into the Tim Burton exhibition, we were a little sad that there was no photography which i guess is expected after all. The exhibition was amazing, Tim is an awesome man with such an eccentric mind. The walls were lined with a plethora of his drawings and sketches, and I must say, he has quite a collection. The drawings were so good and interesting, i loved his cynical and sarcastic comments accompanying some of the drawings. oh and the sketches for the movies were pretty wow too. there were so many pictures that i wanted to take home with me, which would have looked awesome in my room. The clay models of his characters were amazing, they were quite detailed and matched the drawings very precisely. I loved all the models for the movies and i couldn't comprehend the amount of work that needed to put into each movie, especially the stop motions movies. Also we watched some clips of his movies and I admit I haven't seen many Tim Burton movies, so i guess thats what the summer holidays are for. Tim's Hansel and Gretal movie was pretty good, and it was so so weird that Hansel and Gretal were asian. anywhoo the exhibition was so epic, and for those who haven't seen it, i say you have one day to move your bums to the exhibitions, it is quite worth it.
all images courtesy of google images.
We were pretty hungry after the exhibition because it was around 2.30 ish that we finished. Luckily I had internet on my phone so we were able to search for some cheap restaurants. Why is is that with us, when we find a cheap restaurant that we have agreed on, we always find it closed??? That's what happened with the first restaurant but luckily the second restaurant wasn't closed. The place is called iCanteen, and its your typical asian restaurant. i ordered calamari in black bean sauce with rice, it was pretty good, nothing very special but sort of cheap and filling. i wish i had ordered meat though, that always seems to fill me up better. but the food smelt really good when it arrived. So we ate and talked for a bit in the restaurant and then left.
Then we wanted dessert, and I have never been to Max Brenner, so we decided to get some of the chocolate licks, which were the cheapest things. then we came up with the idea to buy some strawberries from coles and sneak it in to eat with the chocolate melts. we thought it was the most awesome albeit doggy idea. so we went to coles and took a while picking out strawberries, i hate picking out fruit because i'm really slow and never really know what to look for, so we settled on a punnet and made out way to Max Brenner. So we ordered the chocolates, and i must say that they took quite while, considering all they had to do was melt chocolate and put it in a little bowl. when they arrived, we waited for the waiter to go away and then we took out the strawberries and assembled it on our plates as if they had been there all along. Then the waiter came back to the area where we sitting and hurriedly tried to cover the strawberries on our plates. we had a pretty fun time, just giggling at our idea and how smart we thought we were. the chocolate was so good, and it was even better with the strawberries. then we saw that strawberries was an extra $3 from Max Brenner, and there were quite a few strawberries as well, so it wasn't that much more expensive than bringing your own strawberries. but i guess our way was more fun and a little cheaper and it gave us some pretty priceless moments and so much laughter.
Then it was around 6.15 when we headed home. i had to catch a replacement bus because there weren't any trains runny, it wasn't too bad because i wasn't in a rush anywhere. it was kinda sad because it was most likely the last time that we would see each other until after exams which is about 6 weeks away, hmmm sad thought. now i've got to concentrate on acing my exams.
Love Squealer.
sounded like a lot of fun!! lol an asian hansel and gretel
Haha it was a pretty awesome day
I think our strawberry plan was brilliant =p
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