Friday, October 8, 2010

i can see clearly now.

yay i am slowly getting my studying habits back, partly because i have stopped having my laptop opened next to me when i am studying, makes concentrating so much easier. i have to cram a whole semester's work in a couple of weeks because due to my non studying habits during the semester and thus forgetting everything that i have learnt, it is going to be a rough couple of weeks, but luckily i will stay grounded by my use of tumblr. i've been neglecting it lately with an average a post every couple of days so i plan to post more during swotvac, ok so that's not the best idea around but i can't study all day can I? I will just go crazy, i am going crazy after only one hour of study.

Oh yeah, I did my first mouse dissection yesterday, turned out alright, not as freaked out as I imagined it in my head. My friends made me cut the skin which i so didn't want to do. V was like "it's just like cutting fabric" which actually helped but then i felt worse because i was objectifying an animal. We got a female one and first we had to do a pap smear which all i can say was awkward. I still get weird and blush when it comes to reproductive stuff or specifically when my lecturers say those certain types of words. actually i'm learning about the reproductive system now, and its not too bad because its very technical and scientific but when other lecturers mention those words outside of the reproductive system context, then i feel weird and cringe. I tend to reveal a lot of my emotions through my expressions, so hopefully when i become a pharmacist, i will grow out of that habit. there's nothing worse then making an awkward situation more awkward and embarrassing because I can't drown out my judgmental character, well drown out my obvious reactions. so anyways back to the dissection, it was nothing special, except the body organs were tiny as, and i exclaimed to the tutor "I can't see anything!" which might of made me sound like a spoilt and obnoxious teen which I kinda am, maybe not the spoilt part though because technically i did earn the money i use to buy the stuff that i want.

i'm really excited because the australian dollar is almost the same as the american one which has really made me want to buy some american stuff but i have no idea what i want. the shipping is usually quite expensive which always turns me off. although the exchange rate is a good reason to actually go to America instead which i cannot wait to do (but probably won't happen for at least a couple of years). i would be able to buy so many things especially band merchandise without having to pay for the $60 shipping fee.
Also spring is here and i am loving the warmer days, but i need to reorganize my summer wardrobe, actually i don't have many summer clothes, my summer last year consisted of just jeans and t-shirts, but now i want to change that a bit and go for things a bit more dressier and nicer in a sense.

sorry for the lack of pictures, you guys just have to read everything now :)

Love Squealer.

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