anyways, i'm sure i am going to hardcore study soon... maybe..
theres only a couple of weeks left until summer holidays, and i am meant to go my work and let my boss know when i can start working but i haven't been in there for a year and it will be awkward going in there, so i keep putting it off but i told myself to go on monday, otherwise i will punish myself by maybe banning myself from tumblr or something. well my life has been pretty boring lately, i think after exams i should start doing some more outfit posts and make use of my tripod and go on a photo taking day . my friends and i have list for the holidays and maybe i can add some sort of checklist on this blog so we can make sure that we set out to do everything that we had planned.
i have this craft itch lately, i want to do anything crafty but i cannot commit any time at the moment you know coz of exams. i keep seeing pretty invitations on tumblr and i have been inspired to make some. but the thing with making invitations is that you kinda need a purpose for them like an event. so i cannot wait to host something to make some invitations. my birthday party this year i just the oh-so-original facebook event, so i didn't quite get the chance, also i wasn't in the mood to make invites and also because my friends are kinda separated (as in i don't see them every day, not in the sense that they are divorced :]) so it was hard to make invites. maybe i can make a masquerade party, i've always wanted to go to one, its like in the shows and movies and the instant you put on a mask, you cannot tell who the person is. and i always thought that it is so so so so obvious who they are!!!!!
I was on the train on friday and a group of high school girls came on so naturally i was staring at them, no ok so it didn't come naturally, it was because they were talking pretty loudly and they were putting on makeup. i thought to myself, i feel so much younger than they are, and they were probably around year 11, and i don't want to sound judgmental and mean but lets just say look "mature". but then i was thinking to myself, do i look older than them? because they looked pretty old, according to me but then i am incredibly bias. i tried not to stare at them well looking at them without them noticing because they look like a bunch of girls who could beat me up. anywhoo that was pretty pointless paragraph.
sorry for the lamo post, but thats all i can offer you now, unless you would like a detailed account of my studying hours.
Love Squealer.
p.s all images from tumblr, let me know if i violated some crediting issues.
The ones in the bottles are my favourite :)
Ahhh those invitations make me want to have a have a halloween party so bad.
I think we should do something in the holidays that require invitations and YAY about ATL, It hasn't been fully confirmed but people are saying it will be around september/october so thats ages away but yay another concert.
I hope someone else comes earlier next year
can't agree more about masquerade masks... i mean really? it's a similar thing with superman and clark kent, glasses can disguise you... REALLY???
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