okay so this post is going to be about the pharm ball, and i thought i shall do the text first then the photos, because i don't have many photos. also another different thing that i will do is put it in dot point because the other times that i've done an event post, i doubt anyone would have read my word vomit.
-started with me waiting for Y to arrive, she came at around 5.15ish.
-we sat in my room and talked, and went on tumblr.
- i look at the clock and it said 6 o'clock, and i said "crap, we gotta get ready, oh no, i don't think we have enough time!!"
- so we hurried along and did our makeup. yeah i kept telling Y makeup advice after she has already put the makeup on, like
me: hey, put on concealer before you put on your foundation
Y: you could have told me that before i put my foundation on
me: whoops sorry, just wipe it with a tissue.
and yeah there were a couple more conversations like that. hehe
- yeah after makeup, basically rush doing my hair. it is so hard to curl the back part of your hair, yeah i don't think my curls were even but oh well, i got across the fact that they were curled.
- luckily Y kept her hair straight because i nearly ruined it with the hair straightener.
- then i pulled on my dress as quickly as possible and me and Y started running around trying to get everything and making sure that we didn't forget anything.
- Caught the 6.52 train that came at 7.07, scared that we were going to miss a big thing that was happening at 7.30.
- while on the train to caulfield, saw M,V, E, A and B, acutually i saw them standing at the station and started running down the train to catch up with them. Sorry Y for making you run, which i have done many times before. yes i know running in heels hurt.
- made our way to caufield about 15mins late, turns out the big surprise was a man playing with fire.
- waiting around for a bit and then took the elevator up to the promenade.
- it looked pretty cool.
- it took a while to take everything in, it was a "A night in Wonderland" theme
- there were people dressed up in characters, a photobooth, a toy machine, a massive chess set, and a lolly table. it was pretty good. Everything was so together and awesome.
- the table setting was pretty too, though i didn't take a photo of the centre piece, it was basically a huge vase with a rose in it and it illuminated blue. each person had a name tag which had a small key attached to it and there was a little gift, it was a turtle watch key ring, it was so cool. there were so many free stuff.
- started taking some photos with S and Y and other people, the three of us went exploring and trying to fit into a friendship group and feeling awkward a lot of the times.
- then food came, gnocchi, it was pretty nice but it kept stuck in my mouth. i kept asking Y if she could eat the food because i didn't want her to starve.
- throughout the night, S kept popping behind my chair and scaring the frick out of me.
- i was asking for fanta, and the waiter didn't understand me and i had to repeat it a number of times, turns out they didn't have fanta (how could you not have Fanta??) so eventually i asked for coke.
- yeah we lined up for a drink, i got a vodka raspberry. yeah tasted like fizzy raspberry, and Y kept telling me she wanted to get drunk (not at the ball). yeah i don't think i am ready to get drunk yet.
- walked around a bit more, i don't know how we passed the time??
- then the mains arrived, and I asked for Y for the veggie one, and then a waiter brought one for us and then later the guy that we asked for the veggie dish bought out another plate and saw that Y already had a plate, and i felt sorry for him.
- i had chicken, it was pretty good, though it wouldn't kill them to have small pieces.
- after we went dancing, dancing was really fun but i wished they played songs that i actually knew, it was mainly beaty music.
- yeah basically me S and Y were dancing spastically. then Y said lets crash another group and she went to my bro's group and i was awkward. so i pulled her away. yep group crashing fail.
- dancing was fun, and the group kept pulling people in the middle to dance and that was fun. yeah i can't dance so nah ah was i going in the middle.
- y kept doing her dancing move, which including moving her hips side to side, i think the intention of bumping someone, and she pushed me really hard that i tripped and bumped into B, thanks Y for that. yeah she kept doing that and i tried to rebound my i couldn't do it as hard as she did it, yeah i kept seeing S getting pushed and her trying to push Y back, ahh so funny.
- then it was dessert and it was cheesecake, which wasn't so nice, only had a small bite. B told me before i ate it "its like a bad cheesecake" and i was like "i don't want to eat it now" and then he said "No, but its good." so i ate it and yes it was like a bad cheesecake and it wasn't good.
- after went back for more dancing, more fun.
- yeah and then the music stopped meaning it was over.
- went outside to wait for the bus, really really cold outside.
- then finally the bus came, and it was a party bus. it started playing music, music that i actually knew. so people were dancing and i was bopping along while sitting.
- made it to the after party
- the club was really pretty, but i think it was aimed at older people and more of a chilling club, because the dancing was pretty mellow and not many people danced.
- watched S do a shot, well i wouldn't call it a shot, it was diluted with red bull, but still pretty shocked that she was doing a shot.
- we basically sat around on tumblr reading awkward penguins
- we were pretty tired. and i had to wait around with my brother, so thats why we came home late then expected.
- yeah left the after party and went to mcdonalds and i got small fries.
- waited at town hall to get picked up
- it was so cold and a creepy guy was sitting on the bench next to us and talking, so we just ignored him
- dad came and picked up bro along the way.
- got home and got ready for bed, and watched half of whip it before we all fell asleep
- Y left at 8 and S left at 10, and then i spent the rest of saturday sleeping.
overall awesome night, i know my descriptions sound really boring but you kinda just had to be there. =)
lol at S's attempted smile and i'm such an idiot, my bra line was showing, darn should of used another one. so embarrassing.
Love squealer.
You look so pretty!
Sounds like you guys had an awesome time =D
Seriously had to post the weird pictures of me didn't you?
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