Sunday, August 22, 2010

don't spend your whole life holding on.

I have a pretty hectic week lined up, oral presentation, drug delivery test and an essay dued, and boy am i going to have fun! well i'm meant to be working on my essay at the moment, but all that reading into the articles has turned my brain into mash, all those meaningless numbers and what not and not understanding what on earth they are rambling on about. but thats ok, I've got a couple of days before that's due and more than half way there so yays for me. my oral is practically finished, just gotta finish off my powerpoint which i don't like doing but that should be easy enough to do quickly. so basically monday would be a day of cramming for the oral, as my oral is on tuesday. tuesday night is a day of cramming for the DD test, which i should be able to wing it, as i have done with most things in my life. And doing bits and pieces of my essay in between.
oh yeah a good reward for the end of the week is the Pharm Ball, which i am very excited for, two of my friends are coming and i am so so happy that they are. i got a dress for the ball last friday but now i'm beginning to think that its not very formal-ly and i have no idea how to make it look more formal. i guess from the top up, it looks formal, so maybe make sure that all my photos are from my waist and upwards? hopefully i can spot someone else at the ball who is less formal than i am to make me feel better about myself.

hmm lets see, anything else i need to say? well i haven't been op shopping for a couple of days and i'm feeling the urge to go back, man i need to stop myself, at least this week i'm preoccupied with lots of things so i won't have time to go. But as a reward for my birthday which is coming up in a couple of weeks, I'm going to take a friday off and go visit my best friend in bendigo and we're going to go op shopping which i am so excited for. i love country op shopping, so much better than city op shops. and also as a reward for getting through this week, i'm going to go op shopping next week or maybe plan a weekend to spend with some friends.

well i don't have any outfit posts to show you but maybe you would like to see some photos i took. nothing great i was just bored and i need to fill up the picture void in this post.

i love candles but the only time that i'm allowed to use them is during a power blackout, my mum says i will burn the house down, actually that is highly possible, i'm not the most careful person out there. this particular candle a body shop one and i think its meant to smell when being burnt but it doesn't, maybe because its like 5 years old.
my friend gave this to me as a going away to macrob present and i really should use it to put a photo of her and me but i don't have any =(
i didn't know it back then, but i think she has been such an influential person on me, mainly on my music taste, if it weren't for her i wouldn't have gotten into this rock, punk, rock pop, alternative, etc stuff. she used to burn me heaps of cds and tell me about her concerts. i remember her telling me that she went to a gig every weekend and i used to be jealous. hehe she lost her concert virginity way way before i did. i wonder what she is doing now, i haven't talked to her in years, i shouldn't have cut my relations with my old high school friends so suddenly. 
anywhoo thank A.B for introducing to another realm of music besides Hilary Duff. 

this is a sneak peek of my ball dress, hope it doesn't give too much away, i just wanted to show you guys the colour. i had to decide between two dresses and i chose the orange to portray my crazy choices in my outfits. Y and I didn't like the dress when we saw it on the rack, but when i put it on, i thought it fit me really well and it really grew on us. Y said she liked this dress better than the other option. yeah it took me a couple of hours to decide to get the orange dress. except i think i need a slip to wear underneath, there is quite a lot of static electricity so it sticks to my body which isn't so flattering. 

these are the friends who i shall be sharing the night at the ball, so so excited.

Love Squealer.


scissorhands said...

Ooh I didn't know Susan was going. How exciting! Can't wait to see all of your dress =D

Anonymous said...

i like the susan's swinging picture haha