Thursday, August 5, 2010

Do you want to learn to fly?

day was a very long day, by today i mean yesterday it's past midnight. i haven't had a long day at uni for a while and it sucks because i try to spend as little time at uni as possible because it depresses me and is a constant reminder of how my life sucks because i'm not where i want to be. (yes i'm being a little melodramatic, but because i cannot show tone via words, i tend to dramatize events to compensate). well i had a lecture in the morning in which i have already forgotten everything that was taught, something about complex compound naming as such. then we had a few hours break where we did some isotonicity questions in preparation for an assessment and they are painful. I kinda understand it now, we all did the same questions about 3 times and when we came to the workshop, we realized we could of handed the answers that we already written out instead of redoing all the questions. oh yeah, also during the break we went 'exploring' the uni because we had time on our hands, and found out all the buildings are interconnected and there's another flight of stairs that we could use if we wanted to be random.
also by "we", i means my friends and I, because i'm usually in a group, i have to say 'we' rather than myself.
so we finished the workshop and then went home, pretty uneventful but boy i was tired by the end of the day.

umm yeah heres an outfit post.
jumper: op shop, tights: big w, socks: school brand, flats: kmart, bag: op shop, hat: op shop

i love this jumper, its really big and warm and the print is so cool. 

making use of my amazing High School Musical post it notes. =D

Love Squealer. 


M said...

Ooh that jumper is pretty awesome!

amber.rose said...

I like your bag :)

Y said...

i love that jumper! great find!