Tuesday, May 11, 2010

but i'll be on the floor dead

stupid stupid stupid

note to self: never volunteer for any sort of physical activity 
especially if that certain activity will kill you. 
yes yes tad overdramatic, 
but i volunteered to do the beep test 
which is very stupid because
a) i suck at running
b) my fitness level isn't that great
c) i tend to hyperventilate and sweat heaps by the end
thus combining to create a very embarrassing moment in my life 
man i don't want to look like homer simpson, 
getting tired after running 2 metres!
i didn't mind doing it in school sport in front of people i know 
but this is uni and i hardly know these people. 
enough rant, suck it up.

for some reason, i always think that people have this grudge against me 
i think it's in my head, as it usually is, but i can't help but to feel tension
hmmm, confrontations aren't my thing 
also it could be my imagination.

i really like demi lovato 
love love her voice 
except for the fact that she's dating joe jonas 
not because i wanted to be his potential girlfriend 
but i just don't like him, he annoys me 
well i'm just judging from my limited view of him 
but i'm sure if i got to know him, he is an alright person.

nawww. puppies!
i really want a Pomeranian, 
but mum says i would never look after it. 

Love Squealer 

1 comment:

M said...

I like the new layout
Sugar we're going down =D yay for FOB
Those puppies are so adorable!!
Most of my dads side owned pomeranians but now my parents wont let me get a puppy =[