Saturday, October 15, 2011

Whatever Happened To You

For the past couple of days, my top wisdom tooth has been making my bottom gums hurt because it has grown out and is digging into my gums. So it hurts every time i eat and i think i am talking with a lisp. Another bad thing is that it probably be for a while until i can get an appointment to get them removed because the hospital has a long waiting list. I don't want to get them removed at a normal dental clinic, because the dental hospital has more experience in removing teeth, and i had a relatively pleasant visit last time i got my bottom wisdom teeth removed. I mean as pleasant as you can get with people yanking teeth out of you, i got these sort of trainee dentists who weren't really trainees but they were there to refresh their skills. Anywho they seemed nervous and scared that they were hurting me, but under LA you just feel the pulling but no pain. But generally they were nice and i didn't feel as freaked as i thought i would be. Point is, i need to get my top wisdom teeth removed because i think they are screwing up the alignment of my teeth, and yeah the pain.

Hmm in other news, i got my new glasses, there are a different pair to the one i was considering. Thinking back i wish i gotten the 'hipster'one, but because it hasn't come out in stores i didn't know how it would look on me. I was going to wait till they came out in stores to see how it looked on my face, but then when i realized i had trouble reading the eye chart for my P's test, i needed to get glasses quickly. So i chose another new pair, but unfortunately they didn't arrived until after my P's test anyways. I ended up passing the eye test, obviously, only mistaking an "D" for an "O". So these are new glasses.

Another thing, i am glad this week is over, i had a prac interview for PFA which just involves the demonstrators asking you about pracs throughout the semester. I suck at explaining concepts orally, especially when i didn't practice saying them orally. Anywho it was okay, i could have done better. And i had a maths test yesterday, i seriously had no clue what i was doing half the time, i don't like stats very much.

I thought i should start up a camera lens fund, so i put my birthday into a money box and i am half way there to buying a new lens. The lens is a pretty standard one and relatively cheap, unless i decide to go for the more expensive one. I'm really excited because it will give something else to play around with during the summer holidays.

There is this new game that i have been playing for way too much of my time called DragonVale, i only started playing it because some of the band guys were tweeting about it. Yes i am easily persuadable. But but, the game is pretty addictive. You have your own island, where you breed and grow dragons, doesn't sound very exciting but oh it is. Except the dragons look cute when they are young and when they grow up, they turn out pretty ugly, i have no idea what happened.
Hehe, guess who i named my dragons after.

Love Squealer.

1 comment:

M said...

ooh the new glasses are awesome!
Did you name your dragon after kenny? haha