Sunday, August 29, 2010

Forget the Romance

okay so this post is going to be about the pharm ball, and i thought i shall do the text first then the photos, because i don't have many photos. also another different thing that i will do is put it in dot point because the other times that i've done an event post, i doubt anyone would have read my word vomit.
-started with me waiting for Y to arrive, she came at around 5.15ish.
-we sat in my room and talked, and went on tumblr.
- i look at the clock and it said 6 o'clock, and i said "crap, we gotta get ready, oh no, i don't think we have enough time!!"
- so we hurried along and did our makeup. yeah i kept telling Y makeup advice after she has already put the makeup on, like
me: hey, put on concealer before you put on your foundation
Y: you could have told me that before i put my foundation on
me: whoops sorry, just wipe it with a tissue.
and yeah there were a couple more conversations like that. hehe
- yeah after makeup, basically rush doing my hair. it is so hard to curl the back part of your hair, yeah i don't think my curls were even but oh well, i got across the fact that they were curled.
- luckily Y kept her hair straight because i nearly ruined it with the hair straightener.
- then i pulled on my dress as quickly as possible and me and Y started running around trying to get everything and making sure that we didn't forget anything.
- Caught the 6.52 train that came at 7.07, scared that we were going to miss a big thing that was happening at 7.30.
- while on the train to caulfield, saw M,V, E, A and B, acutually i saw them standing at the station and started running down the train to catch up with them. Sorry Y for making you run, which i have done many times before. yes i know running in heels hurt.
- made our way to caufield about 15mins late, turns out the big surprise was a man playing with fire.
- waiting around for a bit and then took the elevator up to the promenade.
- it looked pretty cool.
- it took a while to take everything in, it was a "A night in Wonderland" theme
- there were people dressed up in characters, a photobooth, a toy machine, a massive chess set, and a lolly table. it was pretty good. Everything was so together and awesome.
- the table setting was pretty too, though i didn't take a photo of the centre piece, it was basically a huge vase with a rose in it and it illuminated blue. each person had a name tag which had a small key attached to it and there was a little gift, it was a turtle watch key ring, it was so cool. there were so many free stuff.
- started taking some photos with S and Y and other people, the three of us went exploring and trying to fit into a friendship group and feeling awkward a lot of the times.
- then food came, gnocchi, it was pretty nice but it kept stuck in my mouth. i kept asking Y if she could eat the food because i didn't want her to starve.
- throughout the night, S kept popping behind my chair and scaring the frick out of me.
- i was asking for fanta, and the waiter didn't understand me and i had to repeat it a number of times, turns out they didn't have fanta (how could you not have Fanta??) so eventually i asked for coke.
- yeah we lined up for a drink, i got a vodka raspberry. yeah tasted like fizzy raspberry, and Y kept telling me she wanted to get drunk (not at the ball). yeah i don't think i am ready to get drunk yet.
- walked around a bit more, i don't know how we passed the time??
- then the mains arrived, and I asked for Y for the veggie one, and then a waiter brought one for us and then later the guy that we asked for the veggie dish bought out another plate and saw that Y already had a plate, and i felt sorry for him.
- i had chicken, it was pretty good, though it wouldn't kill them to have small pieces.
- after we went dancing, dancing was really fun but i wished they played songs that i actually knew, it was mainly beaty music.
- yeah basically me S and Y were dancing spastically. then Y said lets crash another group and she went to my bro's group and i was awkward. so i pulled her away. yep group crashing fail.
- dancing was fun, and the group kept pulling people in the middle to dance and that was fun. yeah i can't dance so nah ah was i going in the middle.
- y kept doing her dancing move, which including moving her hips side to side, i think the intention of bumping someone, and she pushed me really hard that i tripped and bumped into B, thanks Y for that. yeah she kept doing that and i tried to rebound my i couldn't do it as hard as she did it, yeah i kept seeing S getting pushed and her trying to push Y back, ahh so funny.
- then it was dessert and it was cheesecake, which wasn't so nice, only had a small bite. B told me before i ate it "its like a bad cheesecake" and i was like "i don't want to eat it now" and then he said "No, but its good." so i ate it and yes it was like a bad cheesecake and it wasn't good.
- after went back for more dancing, more fun.
- yeah and then the music stopped meaning it was over.
- went outside to wait for the bus, really really cold outside.
- then finally the bus came, and it was a party bus. it started playing music, music that i actually knew. so people were dancing and i was bopping along while sitting.
- made it to the after party
- the club was really pretty, but i think it was aimed at older people and more of a chilling club, because the dancing was pretty mellow and not many people danced.
- watched S do a shot, well i wouldn't call it a shot, it was diluted with red bull, but still pretty shocked that she was doing a shot.
- we basically sat around on tumblr reading awkward penguins
- we were pretty tired. and i had to wait around with my brother, so thats why we came home late then expected.
- yeah left the after party and went to mcdonalds and i got small fries.
- waited at town hall to get picked up
- it was so cold and a creepy guy was sitting on the bench next to us and talking, so we just ignored him
- dad came and picked up bro along the way.
- got home and got ready for bed, and watched half of whip it before we all fell asleep
- Y left at 8 and S left at 10, and then i spent the rest of saturday sleeping.

overall awesome night, i know my descriptions sound really boring but you kinda just had to be there. =)

lol at S's attempted smile and i'm such an idiot, my bra line was showing, darn should of used another one. so embarrassing.

Love squealer.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Quick Post because i am so tired, promise i will do an entire one tomorrow. 
Things happening: 
Oral presentation: really crap, pretty sure no one really understood what i was saying. 
DD test: lol no studying for this test didn't help 
Psych essay: managed to finish but not my best work
and finally pharm ball!! was waiting for the ball for ages. 
it was amazing and i had so much fun and whatnot. 
here's a photo to keep your eyes busy. will post up more photos in my actual post, 
i didn't take many photos on the night, they are just of me and a person
and i feel weird posting up too many photos of myself, 
wish i took more group photos, taking photos at formals are hard. 
anywho stay tuned. 
me and Y on our way there. 

Love Squealer.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

don't spend your whole life holding on.

I have a pretty hectic week lined up, oral presentation, drug delivery test and an essay dued, and boy am i going to have fun! well i'm meant to be working on my essay at the moment, but all that reading into the articles has turned my brain into mash, all those meaningless numbers and what not and not understanding what on earth they are rambling on about. but thats ok, I've got a couple of days before that's due and more than half way there so yays for me. my oral is practically finished, just gotta finish off my powerpoint which i don't like doing but that should be easy enough to do quickly. so basically monday would be a day of cramming for the oral, as my oral is on tuesday. tuesday night is a day of cramming for the DD test, which i should be able to wing it, as i have done with most things in my life. And doing bits and pieces of my essay in between.
oh yeah a good reward for the end of the week is the Pharm Ball, which i am very excited for, two of my friends are coming and i am so so happy that they are. i got a dress for the ball last friday but now i'm beginning to think that its not very formal-ly and i have no idea how to make it look more formal. i guess from the top up, it looks formal, so maybe make sure that all my photos are from my waist and upwards? hopefully i can spot someone else at the ball who is less formal than i am to make me feel better about myself.

hmm lets see, anything else i need to say? well i haven't been op shopping for a couple of days and i'm feeling the urge to go back, man i need to stop myself, at least this week i'm preoccupied with lots of things so i won't have time to go. But as a reward for my birthday which is coming up in a couple of weeks, I'm going to take a friday off and go visit my best friend in bendigo and we're going to go op shopping which i am so excited for. i love country op shopping, so much better than city op shops. and also as a reward for getting through this week, i'm going to go op shopping next week or maybe plan a weekend to spend with some friends.

well i don't have any outfit posts to show you but maybe you would like to see some photos i took. nothing great i was just bored and i need to fill up the picture void in this post.

i love candles but the only time that i'm allowed to use them is during a power blackout, my mum says i will burn the house down, actually that is highly possible, i'm not the most careful person out there. this particular candle a body shop one and i think its meant to smell when being burnt but it doesn't, maybe because its like 5 years old.
my friend gave this to me as a going away to macrob present and i really should use it to put a photo of her and me but i don't have any =(
i didn't know it back then, but i think she has been such an influential person on me, mainly on my music taste, if it weren't for her i wouldn't have gotten into this rock, punk, rock pop, alternative, etc stuff. she used to burn me heaps of cds and tell me about her concerts. i remember her telling me that she went to a gig every weekend and i used to be jealous. hehe she lost her concert virginity way way before i did. i wonder what she is doing now, i haven't talked to her in years, i shouldn't have cut my relations with my old high school friends so suddenly. 
anywhoo thank A.B for introducing to another realm of music besides Hilary Duff. 

this is a sneak peek of my ball dress, hope it doesn't give too much away, i just wanted to show you guys the colour. i had to decide between two dresses and i chose the orange to portray my crazy choices in my outfits. Y and I didn't like the dress when we saw it on the rack, but when i put it on, i thought it fit me really well and it really grew on us. Y said she liked this dress better than the other option. yeah it took me a couple of hours to decide to get the orange dress. except i think i need a slip to wear underneath, there is quite a lot of static electricity so it sticks to my body which isn't so flattering. 

these are the friends who i shall be sharing the night at the ball, so so excited.

Love Squealer.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

throw it away

Guess What????

I found this out while in the middle of the lecture, and i had to silently squeal in my head. darn why do i find good news in the middle of lectures these days, i hate not being able to vocalize my happiness mainly through squealing. so this put me in a really happy mood all day. now for the torturous months ahead before the festival. oh dear why does it have to be so so far away??

i was pretty awake today, i actually made it through it my Pharmacy, Health and Society lectures without being sleepy. then the email came =D also there was a free sausage sizzle today, yay, i have been waiting for one for a while. so worth it, yum i love sausages. 
yeah so i was really happy that during our breaks, i was singing 'love drunk' rather badly and off tune in front of my friends and i was really getting into it, and pretending that i was at the concert. sure i made myself look like an idiot but it felt good. 

Love Squealer. 

this is the life that you wanted, right?

yays *squeals* soundwave tickets are nearly released, and guess who will be online ready to grab herself a couple??? me of course. don't like that i'm spending a lot of money but soundwave is so so so worth it. its weird, i have never bought anything this much in advance as i always change my mind, but i guess buying tickets this early means no backing out, definitely going and something to look forward too, plus as a bonus i will be spending the day with my close and awesome (not best, i'm sorry guys, that position has been filled. did that come out wrong or sound mean?) friends. and and i'm convincing my friends that as it will finish late, and the venue is really close to my house, do you know what that means?? yes indeed a sleepover, where we will get no sleep and talk endlessly about the day and how awesome it was and looking through all our photos. too bad soundwave is all the way in march, nonetheless, my excitement has not been diminished. 

well i'm slowing digging through my assignments and i do have a plan so hopefully i stick to it, damn tumblr/internet, you are taking over my life and leaving me little time to study and actually pass my degree or at least pass my exams. a little exaggeration but just want to emphasize the impact of tumblr on my life. today at uni was a long long day, but a highlight was free surplees, they were yummy and now i'm craving for some more. slurpees remind me of the BLG/HCR concert because i had one before the concert, there's even a photo of me holding one in case anyone has forgotten. other than that, pretty boring day, pracs and tuts were ok, at least they finished early so thats mean getting home early. 

its so weird, i've only been getting around 3-5 hours sleep every night, and when i wake up i feel alright. i don't fall asleep in lectures. but when i get more hours of sleep, i tend to be more tired in the morning and fall asleep in lectures, i think my body has gotten too used to minimal sleep, so now i'm training it to adapt to more hours of sleep. i think the little sleep i get is taking a toll on my brain and thinking power. 

oh yeah, i went op shopping again on tuesday because i finished early. this op shop is really close to where i live, only a 5 min bus ride from my house, i usually walk if i am in the mood. and i bought another jumper, lace top and a black dress, but they were really cheap so its ok, now i have such a range of clothes to choose from. i don't like to be an outfit repeater, only if the certain clothes i love to wear or is comfortable are repeated, like i try to wear my BLG t-shirt once a week. here's the jumper that i bought, i actually like this one more because it isn't so big as my other jumpers. 

i had a nice surprise. i found an old poster book that i bought but never ripped apart. and look what i found, some more high school musical posters for my HSM wall. YAY! i got this at the start of 2007, and its weird because i wasn’t into HSM yet, i was into Hilary Duff and Mary Kate and Ashley. It feels like my obsession with HSM has been going on forever.

Love Squealer. 

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

maybe there's a way out

As you all know, i went to gippsland last thursday, where i had the opportunity to go for a bit of op shopping with my friend. and i also op shopping on saturday as well. and as promised, here are some of my latest buys.

this is a hounds tooth blazer found in gippsland and a bargain too! This blazer needs a little nip/tuck, its a little big for me which isn't quite flattering so i have squinch it in. oh i think i look quite manly in the above photo, note to self wear some feminine clothes with this blazer or risk looking like an old man. 
i love country op shops, so much better than city ones and so much more fun. if only we had more time to explore. 
i thought this dress looked quite pretty, not vintage but still nice, i really like the collar design. on the downside, even with two layers, it is still sheer. (from gippsland)
this one i got on saturday in moonee ponds. i've been waiting for this one to go on sale and hoped that no one had bought it in the meantime, luckily it was still there and now it's mine!
this is from the same op shop as above. i'm in love with this one, i think it looks really cute, i cannot wait to wear it. oh i'm a little sad because in a matter of a month, i won't be able to wear my extensive collection of warm winter cardigans anymore. so now i'm trying to put as much use in the cardigans as possible. 

also i got an additional thing at gippsland. i bought a 'Babysitters Club' book, it was the first one and a hardcover and i thought it was cheap at only 50cents. i used to love these series and i want to start a collection. ahhh it takes me back to the old days, where the books are so easy to read and digest and really have no deeper meaning. good books to indulge and relax your mind. 

I made the font size bigger to disguise the fact that i have little writing in this post, but the photos speak for themselves, i guess. 

Good night peeps!

Love Squealer. 

Sunday, August 15, 2010

this is what music was created for.

oh it has been a fun filled week, with so many things happening and its nice to know that my squealing is still in proper function after much time on hiatus. well you guys know about gippsland (see last post) and furthermore i got to see my high school friend/s a couple to times this week, yes i'm a happy camper.
ok so onto the reason for this post, as you all know it was M's birthday on thursday and she had her birthday on saturday (i would of written a post in saturday but i wasn't physically able to and you will see why in a second).
So I was really looking forward to the party, mainly because i get to see the group again after weeks of not seeing everyone together. I got up early to go grocery shopping with mum because we usually go in the afternoon but obviously i couldn't. and then i got home a bit late, gulfed down my lunch while watching an educational show, i was only watching it because it was related to sensory physiology in which i am so behind at uni. and got a lift to the station. i was scared i was going to miss the train because i left the house late and needed to buy some lollies for Y. so i ran out of the car, and ran (by ran i mean walk fast) to the lolly store and looked lost for a bit because i was trying to find the lollies (i didn't have my glasses on). Luckily i found them, paid for them and ran to make the train. oh yes i did make the train although i didn't have time to validate my metcard but no biggie. i got off at moonee ponds because there was a jumper i had my eye on at an op shop but it was a little out my price range, so i had to wait till it was going on sale, and saturday was the day. so happy i found the jumper and no one else had bought it. i will show you my op shops buys for the past week in the next post. 
so finally met up with Y in the city, dropped of our bags at state library and made our way to DFO, to see if we could find a formal dress. well we just went shopping in general and in addition also looked for formal dresses. Unfortunately we didn't find anything that we liked, and i just realized the formal is coming up very soon. i'm actually not really fussy about what kind of dress that i have, as long its is cheap. i don't like to spend a lot on a dress that i'm only going to wear once. i do have a spare dress if i'm desperate and do not have a dress to wear. i'm not sure if i want to wear it because i don't think it is formal enough. 
we kinda missed our planned train so we caught the next one but it wasn't that long of a wait so it was ok. The train was pretty packed, but we got seats alright. ladida, we got to dandy and waited for the bus. and what would you know? as we were walking to the bus stop, N and Su were running up behind us, apparently they have been waiting for quite a bit of time. So that was good and we caught the bus together. Su had this amazing long wrapping paper, which i thought it would be a fun to press the bus button with. on the bus ride, N was putting some finishing touches on M's present. yeah had a fun time coming up with the message. So the time came to press the button and i tried and it failed, bummer i was so sure that it would work. so Y pressed the button for me. 
And we walked to M's house, scared that we were going to fall in the lake, because the grass was sloshy and muddy. finally we got to M's house and said our hellos. everyone was upstairs, and Sh was straightening M's hair. it looked very pretty. And i whipped out my camera, as i do in these situations and started taking photos. after that we just hung out in the study area and talked waiting for the others to arrive. i love our conversations. we were talking about how Katy Perry crashed the MHS formal, and i was squealing and displaying my jealousy. Also we were frantically searching for some photo evidence on our trusty facebook, and after looking at the photos, it just made me feel more bitter. Why doesn't things happen to us?? 
When everyone came, we gathered and gave M her present, we bought a safe box with money inside to use for her Soundwave ticket, but i don't think we have given her the key yet. i'm not quite sure. (hope you like the present, M!) And by this i was really hungry, but luckily M announced to eat. there was so much food, and on the end of the table was a bowl of salad, which was the healthy thing that i requested. i was the only one who ate the salad. yeah there heaps of other stuff too: chips, spring rolls, balls thingys, potato rolls, pasties and some wrappy thing. it was all really yummy and are so much food and those things were only the entries because for the main we had butter chicken, which i am addicted to, it is the best thing ever. i think i love it so much because i'm so used to eating asian food. so i just kept eating and eating, which was weird because i've been cutting back on my portions in a futile attempt to slim down for the formal. i don't know where i got all the stomach space. V said we should eat quickly before our brain thinks we're full. 
After the eating we all migrated to the theatre room to digest our food and take a break. then we were all called in for cake and singing happy birthday to M. so we did that, and it was very cool and birthday-ish. and M's family were feeding her small pieces of cake, and i think her aunty (correct me if i'm wrong) smeared some on her face, so there were some funny photo opportunities. so while waiting for the cake to be cut, some of us took the opportunity to take some photos using my trusty self timer, boy what would i do without self timer??? and then some left and we took some stair photos, which was awesome but the lighting wasn't that great. and then we had some cake, it was black forest one and very yummy, the cream especially was delicious. and then we moved to theatre room, where we put on some music. so basically we just sat and talked and listening to music, and singing along (rather badly) when it came to a HCR song. Sn and Sh did M's hair in french braids looked pretty awesome. and then we tried to get everyone to dance and finally we did. so we made a little night club in the theatre room, but unfortunately i didn't have any photos because N had took away my cameras. but the dancing so fun, even if i cannot dance. everyone was getting into it, and we had a lot of laughs. also as a bonus, we worked off all the food that we had eaten. we were pretty tired after all the dancing so we took a break and talked some more. after that we went back into the theater room and listened to more music, and me Y and M went on tumblr via Y's iphone, hehe we couldn't not check our tumblrs, boy we are really addicted. yeah i took some photos and went photo whoring because i love photos. then we had ice cream to wake us up because we were planning to pull an all nighter. (also did i mention it was a sleepover as well). ice cream was good, but i think it made us a bit more tired, so we all got ready for bed. we were all in our sleeping positions by 3.40am, but we didn't sleep yet. half of the group were talking and the other half (me, Y and M) were talking about tumblr and stuff and eventually we all drifted to sleep, i think i must of sleep around 4.30-5 ish and M and Y slept at 5.30am i think. yeah so we only had around 3/4 hours because some of us had to wake up at 8 to leave. but surprisingly i didn't feel so tired and my friends said you don't look tired at all, yeah people keep telling me that i never look tired even if i don't have enough sleep and am feeling really tired inside. so reluctantly we had to leave M's house so we could make our long way home. oh yeah Sh and N had some cake for breaky and i looked at them disapprovingly. 
So that was basically my weekend, i studied a bit before, but it wasn't very productive, i shall try to do some later and actually be up to date.
And i forgot to add that i have quite a bit of photos of people wincing at my camera flash because it is unber bright. 

Thanks M for the party, i will take away such good memories, mainly ones of us laughing. i laughed a lot yesterday. 

Love Squealer. 

p.s because i'm a freak, i acutually wrote out a plan for this post.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

the great escape

happy snaps =)

Today for the first time, i wagged a whole day of uni, before you gasp at that statement, it was for a good reason. i visited my friend in gippsland because it was her birthday and S and I didn't want to leave her alone on her birthday. Friendship calls people. We had a glitch when we found out that M's prac times got moved meaning we had to change the times that we had to catch the train but all was well and we caught the earlier train. the trip to gippsland was a little slow and we had to wait around for a long time for the bus to come. but it was alright because we were able to have a mini exploration of the town, we went to a couple of op shops and S and I did buy something, so it was all good. so we caught the bus to monash uni, we were in awe of everything and commenting on the different things in the country from melbourne. i had this really good feeling being in the town but i couldn't exactly described it. so we got to M's residence hall and knock several times but no one answered. finally we knocked again and someone answered. S and I walked and surprised M, it was so cool, i think it was a cool surprise. so we are some food that me and S brought along and we were really full.
then M walked to her uni and we walked around being like tourists and taking photos. there were a couple of interesting shots and kudos to the self timer function. monash gippsland campus is quite modern and doesn't feel like a typical uni, nonetheless i like it better than my uni. we did some exploring around. we went to the amphitheater which was so cool, if you stood in the middle and talked, you feel like your voice is amplified, oh i love the coolness of physics and sound.
sadly this all had to come to an end when M had prac class, leaving S and me roaming around. we decided to  do one last thing for M, so we wrote a letter and left in a hiding space for M to find, it was a really random letter, me and S just found it really funny.
Then we made our way back to the station and we had just missed the train by a minute so we went more exploring. i bought a baby sitters club book, the first one.
Now the following was such a downer on our wonderful day, the train got to pakenam but then there was a signal fault at dandenong, so the train stopped at pakenam. and they said that would organise a coach, but they left us waiting outside in the cold for 40 mins until the coach came along. i felt so sorry for some people, there was this old man and lady in the wheelchair who wasn't able to get on the coach, hopefully they were able to get to their destination alright. yeah but then traffic after dandenong was so bad it took me about 2 hours to get from dandy to caulfield, where i got off the coach to catch a train to flinders. when i got to flinders, my train was also running late. it took me 5 and a half hours to get home when it should have taken me 3 hours, not very happy v-line/metro. way to dampen my happy spirits for the day. so i got home pretty late and hungry. oh wells at least i didn't have any where to be, some other people had trains to catch and concerts to attend.

Thanks M for such a fun day and showing us around and tolerating my touristy tendencies.

Love Squealer.