Saturday, July 31, 2010

recent purchases

Just thought i post some things that i bought recently from my op shop visit, i wasn't going to go to an op shop this week but i finished early and thought i had some time to spare. i think i really am addicted to buying stuff from op shops, i was calculating how much I've spent this year on op shops clothes and it doesn't look so pretty. i mean, the total amount, which i do not want to disclose, is alright considering how much i did buy. but a lot of the clothes i bought i don't wear partly because i don't like it any more or i do not have the time to wear it. but in saying that there are couple of pieces that are on high rotation in my wardrobe choices so that kinda balances out. Now i don't know what to do with the clothes that i don't wear, i was thinking of reselling them but i don't think any one would buy it. maybe i'll try at camberwell market. 
floral top: $2

brown vest:$2

purple lace bolero (i think i already posted this but i haven't modeled it yet): $2

i am in love with my next purchase. get ready...its a Yale t-shirt, ok maybe not so exciting to you guys, but i love Harvard and Yale (after being a hardcore fan of gilmore girls). so when i spotted this t-shirt on the racks, i knew i had to get it even if it was a bit more than what i usually buy for an op shop buy. i think it was worth it  because you cannot put a price on happiness and buying it at the actual store would be way more expensive anyways. i don't know if it's real or not but it looks pretty authentic. i don't why someone would give this away, but luckily for me they did. now i can be more like Rory Gilmore. 

yale t-shirt: $6

excuse my bad posing and face and hair in the photos, i took these after i went for a run so i was a little sweaty and feeling gross, but at least i felt warm enough to wear short shorts and a t-shirt in the freezing melbourne weather.

now i put myself on an op shop spending ban for the next couple of weeks, i would still probably go and have a look but no buying. i know its torture to see and cannot buy it but half the fun of op shops is the looking.

Love Squealer


Summer said...

Tell me tell me!

M said...