Saturday, July 31, 2010

recent purchases

Just thought i post some things that i bought recently from my op shop visit, i wasn't going to go to an op shop this week but i finished early and thought i had some time to spare. i think i really am addicted to buying stuff from op shops, i was calculating how much I've spent this year on op shops clothes and it doesn't look so pretty. i mean, the total amount, which i do not want to disclose, is alright considering how much i did buy. but a lot of the clothes i bought i don't wear partly because i don't like it any more or i do not have the time to wear it. but in saying that there are couple of pieces that are on high rotation in my wardrobe choices so that kinda balances out. Now i don't know what to do with the clothes that i don't wear, i was thinking of reselling them but i don't think any one would buy it. maybe i'll try at camberwell market. 
floral top: $2

brown vest:$2

purple lace bolero (i think i already posted this but i haven't modeled it yet): $2

i am in love with my next purchase. get ready...its a Yale t-shirt, ok maybe not so exciting to you guys, but i love Harvard and Yale (after being a hardcore fan of gilmore girls). so when i spotted this t-shirt on the racks, i knew i had to get it even if it was a bit more than what i usually buy for an op shop buy. i think it was worth it  because you cannot put a price on happiness and buying it at the actual store would be way more expensive anyways. i don't know if it's real or not but it looks pretty authentic. i don't why someone would give this away, but luckily for me they did. now i can be more like Rory Gilmore. 

yale t-shirt: $6

excuse my bad posing and face and hair in the photos, i took these after i went for a run so i was a little sweaty and feeling gross, but at least i felt warm enough to wear short shorts and a t-shirt in the freezing melbourne weather.

now i put myself on an op shop spending ban for the next couple of weeks, i would still probably go and have a look but no buying. i know its torture to see and cannot buy it but half the fun of op shops is the looking.

Love Squealer

Friday, July 30, 2010


well sorry for the elongated letter in the title if that doesn't float your boat, i thought naming it just umat was boring and had to decide on a letter to emphasize so i chose the first, and you can actually elongate the 'u' sound if you wanted to. well as you guessed from the title, this post will about my adventures of the UMAT exam that i had yesterday. and why do i make things sound more fun than they usually are?

so first off is my wardrobe choices...
i originally just had the red nails, but while i was studying for UMAT, and by studying i mean doing 5 questions and then getting bored. so i got bored and decided to jazz up my nails and decided to do some spots because they are relatively easy to do and dry pretty quickly. excuse my dry hands, the photo isn't quite flattering for my hands. 

now to my t-shirt, i was meant to take a photo of this the first time i've worn but i never got the chance, as you might of guessed but this was the t-shirt i bought at the concert and have constantly thought about wearing it everyday and hoping that no one will notice. so i thought i would wear this t-shirt for luck. the thing about me is that i like to always have some lucky thing on me whenever i am doing an exam or something like that. this boys like girls is a perfect addition to list of lucky things. i should stop having so many lucky things because then it wouldn't be so special. anywho point is, i love this t-shirt and it makes me really happy to wear. 

next is my favorite orange cardigan, i call it my SAC and exam cardigan because last year whenever i had a SAC i would wear this cardigan, i think its pretty lucky because my SACs marks were pretty good. and funnily enough i wore this cardigan to my physicochemical exam and that was my highest mark, but i think it also had something to with that subject being my strongest subject. well i love this cardigan and i think it is my number one lucky item, too bad i don't wear as often because it is quite bright and i feel heaps of people stare at me when i'm wearing it or i feel like i'm noticeable. 

and this is my outfit out together which leads to the end of my wardrobe choice ramblings. 

i had the afternoon session so that means i was able to sleep in which was good because i think i would of been really tired if i had the early session. so i woke up and took my time to get ready. and thanks S and Y for the good lucks messages, it boosted up my confidence. and Y called me as well, so that also cheered me up and put me in a good mood. so i left the house and made my way to caulfield. i have been to caulfield way too many times, it was pretty crowded when i arrived and i was on the look out for the one person that i knew who was also doing the exam but unfortunately i couldn't find her. so i stood in line by myself but i didn't mind because i was able to listen to music because i love my music, it was just HCR and BLG but boy their music puts me in such a good mood. i was also playing spot the macrob but i didn't really know them, just of them. so i got in the venue and i sat down, it took forever for the exam to start, i also got told off for listening to my ipod, and the last song i listened to was 'Go' by BLG because i thought it would put me in a happy and motivating mood. and it did, and then i was reminiscing about the concert and it made me feel all giddly inside. and finally the exam started, i thought it was alright, it was so much more easier than last year's exam. i think i have an advantage over the year 12's because i have already done it before and funnily enough Pharmacy Health and Society (the boring subject that i dread going to) actually helped in Section 2 so that was good. section 3 was bleh, i dunno what happened to me, it used to be my best section. i think i did alright considering i did basically nothing for studying. but i still think i done bad anyways, UMAT is just not my thing. 
so that's the end of UMAT day recap, and for those who didn't want to read the above, and i don't blame you, i will talk about something else. 
hmmm i'm actually stuck on what to talk about, man my life is boring. so anyways i have been watching all these BLG videos and it makes me love them even more, they are seriously the coolest bunch of guys ever, no offence to my guys friends not that i have that many anyways, me and guys do not mix. i never know what to say to them and so there's always these awkward silences until i decide to leave because the awkwardness is unbearable. although sometimes i would use the awkward silence to start off a conversation, for example "this is awkward, eh?" and hopefully a conversation can spark off from that. so hopefully i will learn to communicate better with people especially guys. i've always been really quiet and i don't usually have anything to say so that makes it really hard when i'm talking to new people. 

Love Squealer. 

Sunday, July 25, 2010

are you dreaming?

yesterday was a quite a fun filled day. some of my friends and I went to see Inception. it was quite a good movie, i wrote more about it on my tumblr account, so clicky there for a more indepth discussion of the thoughts.
i was a bit unorganised because i suggested we meet up at late time, so i was scared that we would miss it. luckily everything went alright and we made it just in time for the movie with a few minutes to spare. it took a little while to choose a seat and there was an asian girl who was annoyed because where we standing we were blocking her view of the screen, jeez calm down, its only the ads. so yeah so finally sat down and watched the movie. the actors/actresses were really exceptional and the sets were amazing and so detailed.
after the movie we made our way back into the city to meet up with our other friends (we watched the movie at crown). we had don dons for dinner and i haven't had that in ages. it was quite filling but the service was not as fast as it used to be, which was sad because the service used to like you got the food before you even got your wallet out to pay. then we had ice cream from coles for dessert which was yummy but i was pretty fulled by then. so after ice cream we went to cho gao for pre-drinks for Sn's party. i didn't really drink, the place was so different from the last time that i've been. cho gao has quite some pleasant memories for me, well i think only some of friends will understand why. but i had to leave early because i wasn't going clubbing so i had to catch a train home and i didn't want to catch a train very late because i'm quite paranoid. it was fun catching up and seeing my friends. the bad thing about my timetable this semester is that it doesn't allow me breaks that are simultaneously breaks with friends from melbourne uni, so i cannot visit them so i will miss them heaps. i cannot describe how much they mean to me, even if i am the very quiet one and hardly participate in the conversation, just being with my friends and listening to them is so fun and it is one of the few places where i seem less awkward and feel so comfortable. i hope that one day i will be able to be like that with my uni friends, but for now i'm trying. (i think i have repeated that so many times)
here's is the only photo that i took at cho gao, even though i brought along two cameras. i love the expression on M's face, i think i'll leave it up to you to describe her facial expression because i cannot think of anything witty to comment on about it.

on to my outfit post because i said so.

jacket: thrifted, shirt: thrifted, skirt: thrifted, black tights: big w, shoes: thrifted, necklace: diva

this outfit is mostly all thrifted/op-shopped, i've been a bit reluctant about second-hand shoes because i'm scared of diseases, but i finally just bought these shoes. i have cleaned them throughly and i won't have any skin contact with them because i will always will wearing socks/leggings and it was really cheap, it only cost me 67cents, and because its second hand, it has been broken into and so comfortable to wear. i think my necklace is the most expensive part of the outfit and i bought that on sale. the skirt is a bit long and makes me look really short so i have to cut it, darn i wish i could pull off maxi-dresses, why am i so short? oh and i love this jacket, it goes well with everything and i've worn it so many times since i bought it on the holidays, its fast becoming my favorite op shop buy. also i've worned this jacket to some important outings as well, the HCR/BLG concert, 12H reunion, friends get-together, so everytime i wear this jacket, it will provoke all theses happy thoughts and memories, so what more could you ask for in a jacket? oh and excuse my hair, i didn't brush my hair after i got out of the shower, i like not to touch my hair on the weekends, because on the weekdays i blow-dry my hair so i don't want to destroy it anymore than i am. my hair is quite fragile and falls out easily, i have a feeling i'm going to be bold soon.
i see you have noticed the change in scenery, you see i don't have a tripod which made the places for outfits photos quite limited and no one in family knows that i take outfit photos because they will think i'm a loser/weird. then i realised i have a little ledge on my balcony, in my family no one goes out the balcony even me, we just have no purpose for it, although sometimes i go out because i want to watch fireworks from the city or melbourne show grounds. well back to the balcony, i was so scared that the ledge might be big enough to hold my camera steadily so i went outside to check and it's pretty big, if my camera fell off i would die. so i'm also coming with a way to save the camera if it did fall but i have no ideas as of yet. so maybe you guys could invent something.

Do something that makes you happy.

Love Squealer.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

i'll bleed my heart out just for you

sorry for the lack of updates, but i wanted to let the previous post sink in and stick in your minds because that night was very important for me and one of my best experiences.

just also wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY R!

so basically the past couple of days i have been in a post-concert sadness mood, i cannot describe how much happiness i have from the concert and i miss it terribly. starting uni a week earlier than most of my friends didn't help my mood either. uni is alright, just the same as semester one, but i am still not motivated to learn or study or pay attention. you see, when i got my results, i did pretty well considering my lack of studying so that wasn't really a push to try harder this semester. i thought i did really really bad so i didn't study the UMAT all holidays because i thought it would be pointless but now i'm kinda wishing that i did. ahh why do i make such bad decisions?? yeah so back to post-concert sadness, i've been listening to the songs non-stop and even during lectures to try to bring back the memories. two of my favorite songs by Hot Chelle Rae is Bleed and Distance. bleed is quite sad and i was in a store and the song came up and i was on the verge of crying. partly because i miss the Hot Chelle Rae guys and partly because i questioned why i can't find someone that i love that much. most of the music is about love and for some reason i can relate to the songs even if i haven't experience of those emotions. i do have a crush but that is not really as close to having an actual relationship.

on monday, the start of semester 2, i convinced my best friend to come visit my uni. she only stayed for a couple of hours but it was still fun and i was really grateful that she was there, even if she was bored out of her brains. so that was a nice start to the week. tuesday and wednesday nothing special happened only had a couple of lectures that i didn't really pay attention in but then what else is new?

i put a photo wall because i wanted my room to be more personalized with things that were important to me. so now i have all these photos stuck up on the wall in front of where i'm studying, so i will be staring at Martin Johnson a lot, and reminiscing about the fun times.

i will do an outfit post soon, i've been too lazy to actual take photos of what i'm wearing, it hasn't been that special. i wanted to wear my boys like girls t-shirt everyday but i think people will notice and think "gross".

also i would like to add because me and my friends' resentment for not making the street team for Hot Chelle Rae, we decided to make our own fansite for them, so i would working on that as well, so go to my tumblr for more updates on my bland life. also visit the fansite here and become a follower, i would be very happy.

this is guitar pick that i got from the concert, hehe it actually says "where's paul?" (he is the guitarist and is really cute). now only if i could actually play the guitar and excuse my chip nail polish, i've been telling myself to redo for the past week.

PS. I'm in love with Martin Johnson, meeting him has totally changed my expectations of my ideal boyfriend.

Love Squealer.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

are you ready for a heart heart heartbreak?

despite the graininess, my favorite and probably most value photo.

last night was the most amazing experience ever. twas the day of the Boys Like Girls concert and to be honest i was only feeling so-so about the concert but was still anticipating it. by the way, this is going to be an uber long post about my night, boy it was fantastic, so just skim over it or look at the pretty photos.
this was my first ever concert and along with T, we were the concert virgins. =D
so i got the melbourne central at around 5 and met up with my friends B, T, M and S. we went to coles to buy some glow sticks, no it wasn't my idea and though its not the coolest thing, it did come in handy which i will get to later. so after that we walked to the hi fi venue which was so hidden because given the amount of times that i have walked past it and never noticed it there. there weren't that many people in line so it was alright, the waiting time went by pretty quickly and as it got closer i was getting more excited. and then finally they opened the doors and we hurriedly made our ways to the entrance although there was a little delay when a guy in front of us had a dodgy ID and looked suss. and then we were in the venue, we decided to get t-shirts first. and you guys know me and my indecisiveness, it took me forever to decide on a t-shirt because there weren't any designs that suited but finally i got a highway image one and that turned out alright because the girls' t-shirt had a pink colour to it,  making it more suitable for me. so with that out of the way, we checked our bags in the cloakroom and made our way to the stage. we were only able to stand in the third row-ish, it would have been alright if only there weren't so many tall people in front of us. to make it worse, there was a platform as well, which is so stupid and inconsiderate for the people at the back. so there were waiting a bit more. so S went to the toilet and told us to go ahead and get a spot and we were scared that we would lose her. but no we didn't because we had the glowsticks, the only people in the venue who had we were waving our hands in the air and looking like retards because there were no-one playing but alas there S comes walking through the crowd.
so back to waiting again and the first band playing was Heroes for Hire, they were doing soundcheck and the drummer hit a couple of notes and it was so so loud. i asked my friend if it was going to be this loud for the concert and she was like "nah its only loud for the soundcheck" and then they start playing and yes she was wrong. it was ten times louder. i felt really bad because i had to block one ear because it was so loud. i hope they didn't notice that. i felt sorry for the band because they knew they were the band to fill time and no one was there to see them. i did like their music if only it wasn't so loud and i actually knew the songs. so after a while i tried to get immuned to the loudness, yeah it was ok and i tried to look like i was into without being in pain. the lead singer was funny although a tad rude. so they stopped playing and i was relieved not that they were bad but they were too loud. i'm sorry ears, i might have killed you yesterday.
then we waited again until RK came out and i squealed/screamed and nudged M to check that if it was him, and it was so she started squealing too. it was weird because no one else was doing anything so i think they just greasied us, but who cares i was really excited. there is something about the aspect of seeing them in person totally changes how you act and how you feel towards them. i did like their music and all but i wasn't thaaat into it but when i saw him, i suddenly got excited, yes strange. and the rest of the band members came out and we started squealing and fussing again and i profusely was trying to take a billion photos. they did their sound check and all, and i was so excited. Just before they started to play, i heard all this screaming and there were Boys Like Girls walking down the stairs and across the pit of the stage and everyone went ballistic and the pushing began. so Hot Chelle Rae played their songs and it was so good and i could actually sing along to it, the guys look amazing in real life, much more cuter i'd have to admit. M and I got really into their songs but it was a bit sad that not a lot of other people were getting into it. there were these two asians girls in front of us who did not get into the music at all even when BLG came on and me and my friend were annoyed because they were also tall and blocked our view. HCR played their songs and it was so good, songs sound just so much live, and the band members just had crazy energy on stage. my favorite song was bleed, yes it was a ballad and slowish song but i like it. RK was so mesmerizing. i was sad when they played their last song and had to leave. the wait for BLG was so long, the soundcheck for them went on forever and the crowd was slowly pushing everyone forward but i didn't really get any further because of the aforementioned asian girls. And the moment when Martin went on stage, it was crazy and i was going crazy, you see there is something about meeting them in person that changes you. i love BLG but i wasn't those crazy obsessed fans, like i am with High School Musical. The wait for BLG was so worth it, they were insane, their songs live were just mind blowing. On CD they are more mellow pop rock, but on stage it was a different story, you could feel the song and the songs sounded way more rock and energetic. oh martin was so good and when he reached out to the audience to hold someone's hand and sang into their eyes, i died of jealously and so wanted to be in the front row. they had such a presence on stage, Paul the bassist was so cute, he was really into the songs and was smiling and having a blast on stage. The crowd was crazy and as it was my first concert i didn't think it was that much pushing but i didn't mind, as long as i could see the band. Martin was so funny on stage though he kept swearing quite a bit (the difference between under 18 concert and an over 18 concert =D), he is very random and now i have a new found respect for him. i was having a such a blast and the time of my life, singing along, quite badly though. at one time Martin jumped into the centre of the crowd, and once that happened i was suddenly pushed to the side but i tried to push so i could touch him but i never made it. it was so crazy when he was in the audience. i was so happy when BLG sang more songs than their set list, i didn't want it to end. another cool thing happened when Paul threw his pick into the crowd and i heard it fall on the ground, i don't know how i heard that, but i knew that someone hasn't caught it yet. so i swiftly bent down and tried to look for it and there it was, on the floor in front, i was so happy when i found it, i felt sorry for M because she really wanted one too. The crowd went crazy when Paul threw his towel into the crowd and unluckily me, i got caught inbetween the fight for it and my glasses knocked off. i was on the floor, feeling my hands on the floor just hoping that no one would step on my hands or my glasses, but it was alright because i found but it was so dirty. people were crazy over the towel, they wouldn't let go, like they were crazy vultures. but other than other those incidents, moshing was quite fun but the annoying asian girl in front wouldn't let me lean my arm on her, there was no other space to put my arms and she kept pushing me off, jeez i'm sorry its not my fault the everyone kept pushing forward. i felt sorry for the drummers because they rarely got any face recognition from me because they were so far back, but i got plentiful view of Martin and he was so into the songs he was singing and brought so much energy and enthusiasm to the crowd. i have a billion photos of him, i just wished that i had taken videos but i have crappy battery life.
after BLG were done i was sad that the concert was over. we went over to the cloak room to collect my stuff but due to the crappy reception, it took me a while to call my parents. during that time i missed M giving HCR an Australia box, oh sad. but my camera was running out of batteries and i was really sad because i was wanted to take so many more photos but thats ok, i think i've got enough and you should always be grateful for what you have. so we took a couple of photos with HCR. we were the last ones to leave, the securities kept trying to push us out. S kept wanting to take some photos but she was shy so i had to tap them on the shoulders and ask them to sign her shoe, i didn't mind because it meant that i could touch them. so as we were the last ones left, Ian started talking to us and we were all so nervous and i couldn't think of anything to say. they are such mellow guys and he was talking so easily to us, except we were just tongue tied. so when they had to leave i wished them a safe trip, the only words that i would utter, i was so surprised that they talked to us. so we went outside and then S had to leave. after this, the amazing topper for the already fantastic night happened. we were standing outside melbourne town hall and a group of people walked past, M said that guy looked like Martin and i was a bit doubtful so we decided to check anyways. we walked up to the traffic lights and i pressed the button so i could be ahead of him, after i pressed the button i turned to stare at him to make sure it was him. and when he turned at us and gave us a little wave, i knew it was him, and again i was nervous and so happy at the same time. the look he gave us was kinda like saying 'please don't make a big deal and let me blend in'. but we were good and didn't scream at all. then he said to us "we loved you guys" and M was speechless and i said if we could take a photo. the lady in the group with him offered to take it for us. and it was heaven when he wrapped his arms around us and he jacket was so so soft. i was on a high i think. then another guy said that he had to go, and i accidently walked in front of him and tripped over him but luckily he got me and he said "i'm sorry, are you alright" and i got to touch his arm again. he was different to his personality on stage. although the photo was grainy, it is still photographic evidence that we saw him. and straight after he left, M and I started going in a squealing fit and i was shaking, we called up S and told her what just happened, we basically just screamed into the phone, sorry S. and from that moment, M and I were just high on a buzz that we just touched Martin, i think we were really shocked because we weren't expecting that to happen. that moment will forever be indented into my mind. and now i am in love with Martin, you see i don't have celebrity crushes because they are pointless but i got to touch Martin. M stayed over at my house and we stayed up to 4.30am searching Martin Johnson on the internet and reading his blog which is random and so funny. that was such a perfect ending to the night. i am now addicted to concerts and am itching to go to another.
THANK YOU HOT CHELLE RAE AND BOYS LIKE GIRLS FOR THE EXPERIENCE, and for making my first concert one of the best ones i've been to, now i will have high expectations for the future ones.
i love you guys.

ok so it took me 5 hours to write this post, totally worth it.

Love squealer.