Wednesday, June 16, 2010

fun fun fun and then study

i had quite a bit of fun studying today 
well there's wasn't so much studying was done
i spent two hours making models for a multiple choice question
yeah but i should of moved on, but the question was really bugging
it got me and my friend going at it for quite a bit
my friend said i make doing the practice exam sound fun, 
the thing is if i don't then i get bored easily 
and i cannot concentrate 
because let's face it chem and studying is pretty boring.
i think everything is more fun with your friends around 
and it helps if your friend is really smart and helps you out. 
my other friend is doing law and she was with her law friends
and they sounded so smart because they were going through some case studies
and while they were discussing the cases, they sounded so complicated
though they were talking heaps about weapons and stuff
so people might get the wrong idea...

i had a pretty good lunch with S
she had a voucher for the lord of the fries
so i decided it was a good idea because i've never tried them 
i got the parisian sauce because it sounded sophisticated
we got lucky because they accidentally gave us the box 
instead of the cone
so yay, more value for money! 
but it was too much and i was so full afterwards
the sauce was alright but i think it tasted like big mac sauce. 
then we went to the reject shop 
because i wanted to get a makeshift molecular bonding kit
which is basically matchsticks and blu-tack.
so after lunch i went back to studying, 
but i spent a bit of time colouring them in because
they only had the wooden coloured ones. 

so i'm partially sick at the moment, 
i always get like this, it's just half a blocked nose
but it's so uncomfortable and taking meds up the wazoo
and its not helping.

so for those who cannot be bothered reading the entire post,
here's a picture log of my day.

studied at...

(organic chem)

for lunch...


so long for now

Love squealer.

1 comment:

M said...

I just realised your last post was called problematique like the HCR song =]
Haha you actually coloured them in