Wednesday, April 28, 2010

we're all in this together

i've been really happy lately, 
and no it's not because of uni
i'm still waiting for that day
well technically, a part of it does make me happy
i get to see my friends and it gives me routine, 
so so so i'm getting there but still need a big big push. 
and and i saw my friend today and i haven't seen her in ages
and and i'm going to bendigo this weekend to visit my best friend
oh yay and chorals this friday
ohh i might just burst of excitement!
a big ball of happy

and if that wasn't enough, 
i took the plunge and bought a dslr camera
i made the decision and had to act fast 
otherwise i will talk myself out again. 
i love love love it, 
if only i could use it properly 
but i haven't time to take some good photos because lighting hasn't been good 
and i've been coming home late so really crap lighting
but i've got to stop thinking about that 
coz it drowning my happy spirit.
my new baby...

it came in so many different colours
which unfortunately wasn't available in australia
it's like my laptop all over again.
but i have taken heaps of photos
though they're pretty bad and useless. 
i got the camera for $680, 
and i feel kinda guilty for getting it at that price. 
i should of done better research, 
i just assume jb hi fi would have the same prices
but turns out the city was the cheapest 
and i found that out after i put a deposit on my camera
well i bought my camera in a package 
and tried to haggle down the camera price, 
then i went to refund the additional items the next day 
so that's how i got that price, 
but should i feel guilty? 
jb hi fi in the city was selling for $680 with no haggling 
so maybe jb hi fi east keilor should feel bad.
here are some of the better photos 
nothing mind shatterring but i'm still learning!!

ahaha, that's right, 
the famous fluro orange cardigan
oh how i love you so. 
it's even brighter in real life 
i would get a better photo 
but as i said there wasn't much good lighting 
so i just took it with a flash, which in dlsr cameras
don't look so great. 
or maybe that's just me. 
hoepfully i can get better 
otherwise i would be wasting money. 

this may seem old news buttttt
i finally got glee off my friend (thanks VAN!)
it's really good, but personally i like high school musical better 
but this comes a close second
i love how off-centred it is and all the remake of the songs
problem is i should be studying......

Love Squealer.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Why do I just lie awake And think of you. I need some sleep Tomorrow I have things to do
Everytime I close my eyes I see your face So I try to read But all I do is lose my place
Am I obsessed with you? I do my best not to want you But I do all the time, I do all the time
Obsessed By Miley Cyrus

this is exactly i feel about a certain someone these days.
actually i think this is the first that i've told someone,
yes to you guys, don't you feel lucky?
i'm not the sort of person to divulge in the personal details of my life
yes yes, let's fester our problems and thoughts into a tumor.
i don't really have anyone that i can talk to about these things
well there's my best friend
but i hardly see her and we haven't been hanging out
just us two lately.
i think i come off as really needy in my messages to her
but i miss her so much and i don't have that many friends
and certainly not many friends that i can totally relate to.
well yeah but that someone, i think it started as a little crush
but it's grown everytime we meet,
(granted we haven't met for that much)
i feel so happy whenever i'm with that someone
i dunno, i'll probably never initiate anything
because i'm really scared of rejection
and i guess not having anything
is better than risking everything for a maybe good outcome
but there's the rejection which i don't want.
yes i'm chicken. yes you can cue the chicken noise.
but that's all i'll say on that subject.
because sharing this makes me feel really weird.

i'm so glad this week is over,
i had two assignments and a test to do
ok i think i failed the test because i didn't really study
properly, ok shoot me but i don't like physiology!
that's why i didn't do biology
and i don't like learning a chunk of information
and regurgitating it out. i hope i passed
but there's a huge chance that will not
so that means i have to really ace the exams
so that means i have study,
which is not really working at the moment
because i'm not that dedicated
and nothing sinks in when i read my notes
and do questions so i don't know what to do.
ekkkk, help me please!
and its 3 day weekend which means i shall try to study
wish me luck and hope that i won't be sleeping that whole time
or blanking staring at my notes and then getting angry
and resulting in me ripping up my notes.
poor notes it's not their fault
that their owner is crazy.

ohh i am soo excited for chorals,
which my high school's musical/dance/acting thing
it is so cool and always so funny
and the singing is so amazing
yes i do have a soft spot for really good singers
they give me chills because they're sooo good
but then it reminds that my voice sucks
and makes me depressed that i can't sing.
anywhoo it's on in one week
and i can't wait!

here some outfit posts,
just some outfits that i wore to uni.
sorry for bad photo quality,
i really want a slr camera
but they're sooo pricey.
nothing fantastic but i thought you guys might appreciate it
or not, up to you.

t-shirt: op shop 
jeans: cotton on 

hat: op shop 

knit jumper: vintage from op shop 
jeans: sportsgirl

Love Squealer.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

we've got magic to do

hey guys
sorry for the lack of posts, i've been pretty busy lately
studying it up (not really) for uni
because i have been slacking off for the first couple weeks.

anywhoo not much has happened during the past couple of weeks
i haven't seen my old school friends in ages and i'm really missing them
i keep saying my life sucks
because nothing is going the way i planned
and the only thing i guess is keeping me going is that
hopefully next that i will be in bendigo next year
with my best friend.

right now i'm in a lecture
and it's really boring,
i'm finding it so hard to pay attention in lectures
i have a really short attention span. hehe
although i know i should listen
because exams are coming up sooon.

on another note, i've been planning my 19th birthday
i still have no idea what to do
because i can't decide what to do
there's too many choices
and i can't decide whether to have a small intimate party
or a big one
not that i can ever have a massive one anyways
because i don't know that many people
darn me being antisocial
i love being antisocial it's fun,
though it does't help with the awkward silences
when i'm with someone
most of the time i have nothing to say
it's only to a few people that i can talk to
but it's like i'm not trying,
i swear i try, granted not very hard.

i've been going op-shopping a lot
because it's one of the few things that make me happy
and i want to start up a clothing line
so i can sell some of the clothes that i make
but i never have time
i hate being so lazy and plus i've got to concentrate on my studies
otherwise i will fail in which i will fling myself off the building.
i don't think i have accomplished any of my resolutions for the year

here's hoping that i find happiness with my life soon.

Love Squealer.

Friday, April 9, 2010

i love you, idiot

hehe sorry about the lack of posts lately

i've been too tired from uni and whatnot

well my mid semester break has gone by really really really fast

and i have assignments and tests to study for,

oh i am soooo behind

but i do have a plan and a deadline

hopefully i stick to it.

i hate my course, ie pharmacy

well i guess hate is a strong word

but it's so boring and i don't like my campus

it's so small and so high-school like

which means uni life is so boring

so i end up just hanging out at melbourne uni anyways

(it's so pretty btw)

my friend and i were talking (via text messages)

and she made me realise that i'm going to have wait to another five years

before i get a boyfriend,

which is scary and sad seeing that i do want to get married by 25.

hmmmm not a lot of time.

well the thing is that there are not a lot of choices at my campus

and plus i'm socially retarded, not the best quality.

i went to sydney for a couple of days to visit my family

whom i haven't seen for ages.

my little cousin is so cute and smart

i try to talk to her in english

and she kinda understands

but then i tend to speak more complicated words

because i'm not used to baby talk.

and i saw my close cousin who is about 4 years older than i am

she has such an amazing wardrobe, and makes me want to buy more clothes

with my non-existent money.

ohh i want a leather (/like) jacket but they're all so pricey,

i can't justify spending hundreds on a jacket

especially i have no income coming in

and no jobs anytime in the future.

but i'm learning not to be as stingy in money

as when i used to be,

i'm more lenient and relaxed,

but it's kinda making me spend more

oh life, such a vicious circle.

back to Sydney,

my cousin took me to Newcastle with her friends for the day

and yes i was awkward and very quiet

but i'm used to those kinds of situations.

it was pretty and they were fishing

not my thing, i just sat on a rock and held onto the rod

i half caught a fish but it was one of those poisonous ones

and i got scared because i don't like seeing gross things

and moved away and gave the rod to my cousin.

then i visited my aunt and other cousin

which was nice because i haven't seen them in ages

and i found out that my cousin is also doing pharmacy

so i found something to talk about

thus there wasn't so much awkwardness

as usual when i'm in social situations.

then my cousin took me op shopping

and it's so weird seeing such a big vinnies store

kinda like savers in melbourne.

but i was feeing tired so i cbf looking

thats the bad thing about big op shops

the size and amount of stuff really puts you off.

but we went to another vinnies and it was a bit smaller

and there was a sale so of course i had to buy something

also i wanted to achieve something out the trip

the shop had amazing jumpers and cardigans

i bought some winter stuff and so cheap

i shall post up photos when i get a chance

but i think i'm really satisfied with my purchases.

and i finally found a red jacket,

i love it, the cut is a bit long

maybe because i'm just too short.

and yeah that's basically my sydney trip.

i would like to go again with friend

and go to the markets in the city.

oh and quick outfit post

because i haven't done one in ages

but i accidentally deleted a photo in my orange cardigan

but promise that i will take another.
blazer: thrifted (from salvos)

blouse/shirt: thrifted (from cheltenham op shop)

jeans: sportsgirl

Bye guys!

Love Squealer