Sunday, January 17, 2010

if that's me, then i'm here

an old photo involving my spesh buddies. Note my bad camera aim.
hopefully no negative consequences results from this photo.

I know i should be feeling more nervous than i am.
my uni courses are being released tomorrow,
and i feel a bit indifferent to them,
kinda what i felt like when i got my enter.
should i feel more?
usually i'm an emotional person,
but nowadays i feel like i don't really care anymore (that much anyways)
I really want to do dentistry, but i'm feeling like i'm not going to get in.
a lot of things haven't gone exactly the way i planned last year
hence why i'm feeling like i won't get in.
hopefully i do, because i really don't have a back up career,
it sucks not really having a passion for anything.
i just always wanted to be a dentist.

I had my first tutoring thing today.
i was really flustered and all over the place
because i wasn't sure of what to teach and i didn't have many notes with me.
but oh no! i got rejected, i mean fair enough,
i wouldn't want me to teach me either but on the bright side...
also my friends and i 'planned' to start a tutoring company.
so fingers crossed that will happen, because my friends are uber smart
and plus we went to macrob so that will reel in customers. =P
i didn't tell my friend this but i want to call it Hilashry Tutoring,
Because i've always wanted to start a tutoring company,
along with a medical clinic, a camping site, a bar/club, university
and basically take over the whole world.
I'm not getting that much pay, but i don't really mind,
it's more for the experience and once i get introduced to others,
i'm sure i will get more money.
it's just that i finished my christmas job so i don't have an income yet,
but i'm spending a lot money nowadays.

I'm getting a bit ansty because i haven't seen a bunch of my friends for ages
so i really miss them and having their presence.
hopefully i get to see them soon,
and our friendships won't fade away.

Well nothing much has happened so i should depart.

Love Squealer.

1 comment:

zerloozer said...

Too bad for the tutoring thing, now your dreams of tutoring are crushed.

Did you try to teach Methods or what?

Anyway, how's the sleepover idea going?