Thursday, January 21, 2010

Holy Moley! Guacamole!

We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine...

last week, my friend had a going away/18th party.
the theme was 'Under the Sea" costume party.

I came as seaweed due my lack of imagination.

The party was so cool, there was sand on the floor and everything.

there were caterers and waitresses which i loved
because it made me feel rich.

that prompted me and my friends to host a party with caterers.

it was sooo cool!

I got my uni offers on monday and i got into pharmacy/commerce.
which i kinda expected but hoping was not going to happen.
Now i'm waiting for second round offers.

i haven't received an enrolment package yet so i'm a tad worried
but hopefully it will come soon.

Oh and i also got a moleskine diary.

i've been looking for one in the city
but i couldn't find any
and most of the 2010 diaries weren't even on sale,
so i went to highpoint and in borders,
i found one,
it was the last one and opened
but i really wanted it
so i bought it anyways
curse me for no bringing my voucher!!

it was 75% off so it came to $7.50,
pretty good compared to what i paid for my teacher's one.
i shall take photos of me using it.

it makes me feel smart and knowing.

So now i'm set for my uni diary.

Yesterday i ventured into the other side

of town that it.
I went to my friend's house in keysborough

which is about 2hours of public trasport-ing.

when i got off at cheltenham station,

as i printed off a map from google maps,

it had informed that there was an op shop there,

so i decided to visit as i'm addicted

so i got off the train and made my way there.
it was pretty good but i only roughly looked at the racks

as i had to get to my friend's house.

i found a flowy top and a vintage shirt

(i 'm quite new at this vintage thing, so it might not actually be vintage,

but it looks it to me).

so after i bought those items, and walked out,
and what do i see?
another op shop across the road
as i was probs never go to the suburb again in the near future,

i decided to pop in.
The clothes were pretty cool from my rough browse.

i found i really nice 'vintage' dress but it was too big
and didn't sit right on my body,
shame coz i really like it.
i ended up with another shirt.
Will take photos one day.
So after all that,
i finally got on a bus,
and when i got off,
there just had to be a salvos right there
so i justified to myself again that i wasn't to visit this place again someday soon

i went in for a bit,
there wasn't anything that i liked so i left pretty quickly.
And then finally i arrived at my friend's house.

it's so pretty and new!

We spend the whole day making a cake for our friend,

i guess it turned out ok so that's a plus!

Chocolate Cake Sprinkled With Blueberries
Created by Me, M, and S

After we went in the Royal Botanics gardens for the picnic,
it was really fun and the food was great,
i was really full!
After we cut the cake and everyone consumed it (tasted quite nice)
everyone went really high after that making us question what we had put in the cake.....

That's all for now.

Love Squealer

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