Thursday, January 21, 2010

Holy Moley! Guacamole!

We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine...

last week, my friend had a going away/18th party.
the theme was 'Under the Sea" costume party.

I came as seaweed due my lack of imagination.

The party was so cool, there was sand on the floor and everything.

there were caterers and waitresses which i loved
because it made me feel rich.

that prompted me and my friends to host a party with caterers.

it was sooo cool!

I got my uni offers on monday and i got into pharmacy/commerce.
which i kinda expected but hoping was not going to happen.
Now i'm waiting for second round offers.

i haven't received an enrolment package yet so i'm a tad worried
but hopefully it will come soon.

Oh and i also got a moleskine diary.

i've been looking for one in the city
but i couldn't find any
and most of the 2010 diaries weren't even on sale,
so i went to highpoint and in borders,
i found one,
it was the last one and opened
but i really wanted it
so i bought it anyways
curse me for no bringing my voucher!!

it was 75% off so it came to $7.50,
pretty good compared to what i paid for my teacher's one.
i shall take photos of me using it.

it makes me feel smart and knowing.

So now i'm set for my uni diary.

Yesterday i ventured into the other side

of town that it.
I went to my friend's house in keysborough

which is about 2hours of public trasport-ing.

when i got off at cheltenham station,

as i printed off a map from google maps,

it had informed that there was an op shop there,

so i decided to visit as i'm addicted

so i got off the train and made my way there.
it was pretty good but i only roughly looked at the racks

as i had to get to my friend's house.

i found a flowy top and a vintage shirt

(i 'm quite new at this vintage thing, so it might not actually be vintage,

but it looks it to me).

so after i bought those items, and walked out,
and what do i see?
another op shop across the road
as i was probs never go to the suburb again in the near future,

i decided to pop in.
The clothes were pretty cool from my rough browse.

i found i really nice 'vintage' dress but it was too big
and didn't sit right on my body,
shame coz i really like it.
i ended up with another shirt.
Will take photos one day.
So after all that,
i finally got on a bus,
and when i got off,
there just had to be a salvos right there
so i justified to myself again that i wasn't to visit this place again someday soon

i went in for a bit,
there wasn't anything that i liked so i left pretty quickly.
And then finally i arrived at my friend's house.

it's so pretty and new!

We spend the whole day making a cake for our friend,

i guess it turned out ok so that's a plus!

Chocolate Cake Sprinkled With Blueberries
Created by Me, M, and S

After we went in the Royal Botanics gardens for the picnic,
it was really fun and the food was great,
i was really full!
After we cut the cake and everyone consumed it (tasted quite nice)
everyone went really high after that making us question what we had put in the cake.....

That's all for now.

Love Squealer

Sunday, January 17, 2010

if that's me, then i'm here

an old photo involving my spesh buddies. Note my bad camera aim.
hopefully no negative consequences results from this photo.

I know i should be feeling more nervous than i am.
my uni courses are being released tomorrow,
and i feel a bit indifferent to them,
kinda what i felt like when i got my enter.
should i feel more?
usually i'm an emotional person,
but nowadays i feel like i don't really care anymore (that much anyways)
I really want to do dentistry, but i'm feeling like i'm not going to get in.
a lot of things haven't gone exactly the way i planned last year
hence why i'm feeling like i won't get in.
hopefully i do, because i really don't have a back up career,
it sucks not really having a passion for anything.
i just always wanted to be a dentist.

I had my first tutoring thing today.
i was really flustered and all over the place
because i wasn't sure of what to teach and i didn't have many notes with me.
but oh no! i got rejected, i mean fair enough,
i wouldn't want me to teach me either but on the bright side...
also my friends and i 'planned' to start a tutoring company.
so fingers crossed that will happen, because my friends are uber smart
and plus we went to macrob so that will reel in customers. =P
i didn't tell my friend this but i want to call it Hilashry Tutoring,
Because i've always wanted to start a tutoring company,
along with a medical clinic, a camping site, a bar/club, university
and basically take over the whole world.
I'm not getting that much pay, but i don't really mind,
it's more for the experience and once i get introduced to others,
i'm sure i will get more money.
it's just that i finished my christmas job so i don't have an income yet,
but i'm spending a lot money nowadays.

I'm getting a bit ansty because i haven't seen a bunch of my friends for ages
so i really miss them and having their presence.
hopefully i get to see them soon,
and our friendships won't fade away.

Well nothing much has happened so i should depart.

Love Squealer.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Alter the ending 2

Me and the grampians,
it looks so much better in real life,
the photo just doesn't translate the sheer size and space of the mountains and the view

I don't really have much to add to the last post.
geez, when did my life become so boring?
when i was at school at least i had a purpose,
somewhere to be. now that i've had over a month of holidays
i don't like the drifting but then again uni starts in about 6 weeks,
and by then i guess i would miss the holidays.
i just miss seeing everyone everyday,
i should really catch up with my friends soonish
because i haven't seen them in forever
i want to go a beach house with them as my aunty owns a house in lakes entrance,
so it might be fun but a lot of them may already have plans and stuff
and i wanted to plan an intimate sleepover at my house
but i highly doubt my mum would let me
not that i had asked or anything.

Did i mention that i finally found matte grey nail polish?
i can't remember if i did,
but i'l say it again because i was really excited when i did.

I'm also addicted to op shopping now,
i love spending hours in the stores
i actually having spent hours in an actual op shop
because i usually go when my mum/brother is visiting a place near an op shop
so i go while i wait for them,
but i have bought a lot of clothes.
i'm trying to break into vintage stuff
and i'm not that great but i do try.
i just like vintage patterns and wearing oversized things.
i just can't seem to put together vintage outfits seamessly
i guess a lot of people have a clashing style
i don't think it really works on me.
other than 'vintage' stuff, i also bought a few functional pieces
such as cardigans and tops.
i found another colourful and bright cardigan
(although not as cool as my orange one)
so i can't wait till winter to wear it,
i have so much winter stuff, that i'm desparately waiting for winter to come.
i'll upload pictures as soon as i can,
or when i actually come up with outfits for them.
i would like to turn my blog into a partial fashion blog
because i've been reading a lot of other fashion blogs
and they look so pretty.
darn, why does my fashion sense suck (or is really childish)??

And and i bought a heap of shoes because they were relatively cheap.
i got some booties thing, scandels, formal shoes(i didn't really need them but they are my just in case shoes, and they were really really cheap and very pretty)
It's really weird because only 2 years ago i only had probably 3 pairs of shoes
but now i have too many and there's not enough space in the cupboard to fit them all.
i'm trying to wear more heels, but there're really uncomfortable
and i'm not very stable.
(pictures to come)

My best friend and i bought matching t-shirts a couple of weeks back
now we're waiting for an opportunity to wear it.
the t-shirt is pretty cool and it was cheap.
i bought a size that was double my normal size
but the bigness of it makes it really comfy to wear
although it does make me look a tad shorter
coz it's longer than most t-shirts.
hopefully we can wear it on tuesday
when i'm watching the 'princess and the frog' with my friends.
definetely upload photos of us wearing it.
( i should really stop saying i'll upload photos)

I rented some movies to watch as well,
Princess Protection Program, My sister's keeper and bandslam.
PPP is a typical disney movie, it's just a fun movie to watch if you're into that sort of stuff.
Bandslam was ok, wasn't really funny. i only watched it because it had vanessa hudgens in it.
My sister's keeper was the better out of the latter.
I cried a lot in the movie even though i didn't think it was that emotional.
it wasn't how i imagined the book to translate into film
but overall it was pretty good. Personally i liked the novel better.
i thought it was weird that cameron diaz played the mum.

That's all for now.

Love Squealer.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Alter the Ending 1

Hello guys!
It's been ages, hasn't it? Well partly because i'm so tired after work
And i'm too lazy to do anything, so i just eat and sleep.
And partly my life isn't really that interesting so nothing much has happened,
unless you want to hear about my boring tales at work,
it's better left unsaid.

Reflections on 2009:
Well the year went really fast and i'm really sad that it's over,
because 2010 means a lot of changes for me that i'm not ready for.
i've have grown to love school and love my routine and seeing all my friends everyday.
Year 12 has been so much fun while at times it was a tad stressful,
i never thought i have so much enjoyment and evolve as a person,
i have tried not to be as socially awkward and unsociable such as avoiding people,
well i guess that part has improved and i have built closer relationships with certain people
and expanded my social network. I'm going to miss everyone so much.
It's hard to find a group of friends that accept that way that i am
because an 18 year old squealing and whinging is annoying,
and where can i dress like a child and not be judged?
I don't think i can wear my fluro orange cardigan in uni.
Well things didn't turn out the way i wanted (results and stuff like that),
I've learnt to realise that i always have options
and while my future is still undecided and i dunno if i'm going to get into dentistry,
i'm not that fussed and i'm not that worried.
As a bonus this setback reminds of Rory Gilmore,
who has a setback in season 7, where she didn't receive the internship that she wanted,
therefore i am becoming more like her which is great because she is my idol.
Anywhoo, i'm going to miss my classes,
where we basically sat around talking and mucking around,
you're not allowed to talk in lectures, well at least people will hate you if you do.
well i don't specifically remember much,
but i feel happy when i look back and i do have heaps of photos,
granted not much of me though but oh wells.

Resolutions for 2010:
1. Be more social and not so quiet.
i guess the reason why i'm so quiet is that i'm not witty or anything so i don't have much to say, plus i talk really quietly around unfamiliar people so it kinda gets un-noticed anyways. But i did make more friends in 2009 allowing to be more open and comfortable.
2. Learn to be witty.
I love gilmore girls. if i only i was well-read and smart.
3. Exercise.
I've stopped going for runs because i'm so exhausted from work
but now that work has finished and i just bought new proper runners, i should put them to good use.
4. Re-learn the guitar.
i never really practiced much when i had lessons, so i'm really bad. i hate short stubby fingers.
5. Get ears pierced.
i always sigh when i go past really pretty earrings.
6. Accept change more openly.
i love my routine and if i do go to bendigo, that's going to be a huge change for me. Living in a small town is kinda not that appealing but it will peaceful.
7. Try to be in the top10 in my course.
i dunno how i will do in uni, seeing that it's so different to highschool but hopefully i keep my work ethics and study hard.
8. Get a fashion sense.
I need more pretty clothes.
9. Make more clothes and actually finish the project.
I always start making things but i never finish. short really increase my concentration span.

I can't think of anymore but i will keep adding when something pops up.

Working a lot has made me appreciate perfumes,
that doesn't really make sense, what i mean is that i pay more attention to them
and i getting the hang of perfumes and knowing them and recommending them.
i used to use marykate and ashley perfume and hilary duff perfume
but those seem so immature compared to better perfumes,
so i bought the ralph hot because it was pretty cheap.
another bonus is that i made heaps of money
but that is tempting me to spend more though,
so hopefully i can save at least a bit of it.

Grampians Weekend:
The grampians is amazing and really makes you appreciate nature.
it is massive and i really want to go again with my friends
but the thing is that none of us can drive so that's a big setback.
i went with my cousin and her friends,
because i'm really socially retarded, i was basically a mute the whole time
but i did have heaps of fun.
Another thing is that i had my first drink: soho with lemonade.
it was nice but i usually only like melon/watermelon favoured things,
and i thought my first drink would be those vodka cruisers/alcopops,
but i guess this is more 'sophisticated'. we all stayed up really late but it was ok.
i was thinking how much fun it would be if i was with my friends.
the accommodation was a townhouse and it was so pretty and modern.
we saw waterfalls and that was so pretty and spectacular
although the walk there made me realise how unfit i am. there were a lot of stairs.
plus i had volleys which aren't the best shoes to walk/hike in.
i did hike a really hard trail, it was steep and lots of rocks, no flat ground.
it was meant to be for an experienced hiker but i made it.
it was so worth it. the views were breathtaking and it was high.
it's so weird hanging out with older people (no offence)
they were about 10 years older so there wasn't much connection, but i managed.
they tried to include me in so i'm grateful for that..
otherwise i could imagine how awkward it would be.

Another thing is that i went to a club filled with Asians,
my friends kinda know me for my 'racist' comments
but i try to explain that it wasn't racist but they kinda over ride me,
so i better refrain from saying anything that will incriminate me.
i've never been to a club before but it's all the same.
it's just like social and formals.
i don't like people touching me and i can't dance so i was really self-conscious.
the music is too late and the space is really small,
i also learnt that alcohol is very expensive, for something that make you more stupid.
i could think of heaps of things that i could use the money with.
i also realised that if i opened a bar/club i would be rich.
that could be another thing for Hilashry. (only my friends would get that but you could try)

yes it was a lot of firsts for me.
it was kinda sad, because i wanted to do those things with my friends.

I'm tired of typing so i'll add a part 2 one day.
Stay safe guys.

will add photos later, they take ages to upload.

Love Squealer.