Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Today our school held a regeneration/refocus/rejuvenate day for year 12s.
it was basically a bunch of speakers
preaching to us to gain motivation
and revive our previous studying habits,
as because after mid-years,we all died, mentally.
the speakers were actually pretty good,
overall entertaining and managed to get their message across.

the first speaker was Mark Dobson,
who is a coach to heaps of athletes and whatnot,
and does other things as well.
i think he was pretty good,
quite motivational and seemed to get his message across
while also connecting with the audience.
he advised us to have constant goals,
do things because you 'should' and take breaks.
(he said it more in detail, but that's the jist of it)
so now i have to find goals to write down,
but really i have no clue other than to
ace all my SACs, tests, exams and get a high enter.
also i want to socialise more and be more approachable and friendly.
right now i am i'm
trying to succeed,
not going anywhere fast,
but i am getting there nonetheless.

the second speaker was a policeman talking about safe partying.
really this didn't apply to me
because i have no desire to drink or do anything for that matter.
i think it didn't really need to be said,
as our yr 12 cohort knows what they shouldn't be doing.
(at least i like to think that and they don't do those things)

third speaker was a past student, who took a GAP year at godstowe.
i would love to take a gap year,
but my mum will freak
because she thinks that i would never go back to studying.
fourth speaker, i was looking forward to was also a past student,
and was the sch
ool captain.
always admired her because
she was so easy-going and approachable
and very fun person and she was an engaging speaker,
and she's uber smart. (kinda like Rory Gilmore)
I actually like anyone who has really good public speaking skills.
, she talked about her year and her uni experience.
i was kinda shocked because she didn't really know what she wanted to do.
she was seemed so focused and confident and goal-driven.
but her speech made the idea of a gap year more and more enticing.

then our careers counsellor talked to us about financial issues in uni.

then we had the comedian Laurence Leung come.
it was the second time he has come to speak to our school.
he was pretty funny.
and we watched an episode of 'choose your own adventures'
it was hilariou
basically the main motto of his speech
was to be what you want to be
and don't let anyone influence you.
which is too late for me.
because my parents are really pushing for dentistry.

I dunno what if that's the career path i want to take.
but then i really have no idea of what else i want to do.
actually considering law
because i think
it would be challenging
but i like the prospect of learning new things,
and i do like talking as well.
everyone else talks of doing things that challenge themselves,
that are out of the norm.
i think that's what i want to do.
i want to do all does cliche things like travel the world to 'discover myself'.
but i have no idea how my life is going to turn out
but right now i really want to make the most of my time in high school,
only a couple o
f months
and i will be out in the 'real world'.

oh i'm thinking of making a dress for the formal.
or i need a dress for the formal,

only a month away.

i found this cute picture on we heart it.

Love, Squealer

1 comment:

serialprocrastinator said...

i'm curious, what does flugenshorts mean anyway?
cool blog, heaps of detail. i'll strive to do that.
well firstly to reply to your previous comment
there's gonna b 2 other parties in that same week and its ACTUALLY their bday in that week *guilty look* so i'm not sure whether we should hold the party in that week. waddayou think?
secondly, where will we hold it, dear party planner?
thirdly, when i told everyone you were plannign it, they were like NOOOO!!! WHY!!!!!! DON'T!!!! hahhaha so please no hsm. too cheery for my taste
fourthly, happy jenny week?? is it jenny week?? oh man i just remembered that you shouldn't really be celebrating in the first place coz you're much more of a gwendoline than a jenny ;P
fifthly, i'm so glad i moved up your ladder! you'd be up there if i had a ladder too, except you can't really have a ladder with only 2 rungs. hehehe
hexally, thanks for the gifts!! they are awesome i'll enjoy looking at merlin's scarf twice as much now through the pretty case while munching rascals and stroking my new wallet. hmm better thank susan as well
heptally, this comment is way too long. toodles