Friday, June 19, 2009


i caught the train by myself today.
everyone else had their own thing to do,
which i totally respect.
i was overcome by this immense feeling of lethargy.
and all i wanted to do was crawl in my bed and sleep.

i've been looking for our careers counseller for the past week,
and she's never in her office.
so i tried during my free period,
and of all times, she is teaching the one class
that she actually teaches.
i don't want to email her
because i sound so incompetent in writing.

we had a enviro fashion parade at school.
where every form had to make a costume
out of recycable/rubbish stuff, like newspapers.
everyone put so much effort in and looked so cool.
our form won the yr12 prize which was pretty cool,
our form never does anything,
and we have a very strong 'meh' attitude to everything.
no form spirit, which is kinda hard for me as form captain
or any of the other representives to get the class involved.
but anyone C and M put in a really great effort and
the costume was really amazing.
M made this fasincator which looked really cool.
and A did a beautiful job modelling the outfit.

i really had problems with the tone of my voice.
everything came out in the wrong tone.
it was either sarcastic or degrading.
which i don't mean to be.
hmm, should work on that.

nothing else much happened.
it's just one of those really bland days
that makes you wonder why you bother.
but on the bright side,
the careers newletter is out today.
yes i know, that's really sad.


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