Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Chicken of Beef?

'Do something to make me hate you.'
'Um, Go Hitler.'

oh i love gilmore girls.

oh man, tuition has been rescheduled to a weekday,

on friday which means i'll miss the YAA reunion/gathering.
darn,we always have fun at YAA parties.
i guess that's all we really ever did.

i have to subtlly tell my tutor to
give us a week off next week,

it's not it matters anyways,

we'll still be ahead of school.
but it feels weird to ask for a day off,
i feel like i'm sending off the wrong impression.
but it's my problem
and i shall find a way to solve it.

holidays have been going alright.
i got a winter jacket yesterday.
it's ok, not fantastic
but i needed another winter jacket,
the front's pretty cute
but the back is not that flattering.
oh wells it should keep me warm.

and i went to spotlight today,
for the 20% off sale,
but there wasn't much i wanted so
i didn't buy anything.
i guess that means i wouldn't be making a formal dress.
it just makes more sense to wear the back-up dress
because it would be so much cheaper than buying material
to construct another dress.
i don't mind the back-up dress,
it's a bit long and my chest can't hold it up
and it's like the one in forever new,
so that means i have to alter it a bit
in case someone else bought the same dress.

still need to watch Hannah Montana...


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

the american dream

my friends and i are planning to go to
america after yr12. hopefully the plans follow through.
i've been dreaming of going to america since always.
i really want to go with my friends rather than family, because with family i'm obligated to stay with them
and do activities with them.

i can't wait to see all the
highschool musical merchandise,
i think
i'm going to buy a bucketload of things.
hope the exchange rate isn't too bad
and our economy picks up.

my friends suggests that i should just bring an empty suitcase, but i have a feeling that might lead me to trouble with security...
with terrorism and whatnot fears and suspicions so prevalent in society.

had the spesh SAC today,
it wasn't so bad
as the teachers were alluding to,
although it was short so easy to stuff up.
but don't really want to go into the specifics.

i have decided to make some money,
i'm going to start a tutoring business,

a big reason why i'm so reluctant to start one is
i want to leave yr12 in the past
and not revisit the pains of sacs and exams.
but it's a really good way to make money
and providing i get a good enter,
i should be ok.
but i am steering clear of anyone under 15,
i don't have the patience.

my friends and i were walking in the one alleyways in the city,
and she said "i feel more cultured" or something along those lines.
i thought that was funny because they were so interested in the
appearance of degraves and flinders lane and other stuff about the city.

Anywhoo, I'm off.

Love, Squealer

Monday, June 22, 2009

diamond in the rough

i used to love this show,
it's so random and hilarious.

i did go to my chemist today,
but it turns out the high musical stuff was just decorations.
although i did get to smell the HSM and hannah montana perfume.
it actually smells really nice.
i would say i want it for my birthday,
but i already have too much perfume...
but then again it can be used for decorations?

yeah methods SAC was meh,
boring as usual, at least we didn't get to finish that late.
had a craving for raspberry licorice,
so i went to lolly store and bought some,
they are unbelievably soft, too soft,
i would have preferred it if it was a bit chewier and hardier.
i think my friend told me it was soft
but seriously i don't remember anything that anyone says,
or i temporarily forget.
don't take it personal, it's my fault.

now must buckle down and study for spesh,
years of procrastinating is really catching up,
when i realized i cannot do anything.

i past my old high school,
and i never realized how young yr 7 and 8's look,
maybe going to a school beginning at yr9 really changes your perspective.
i don't think i look that young in yr7?
i think i actually haven't grown or aged that much,
which is a bad thing because i'm short and look old anyways.

only a couple of days till holidays
and still desparately searching for
someone to watch Hannah Montana with me.


Sunday, June 21, 2009

these four wall, they whisper to me

ice cream lamp from fredflare.
how ironic, it's an ice-cream lamp.
i mean i would be hugging a gignormous lamp
when it's on and heating up.

looks like a theme in my titles,
all miley cyrus/hannah montana songs.
i don't know about this,
but i think those are the most played on my mp3,
well mainly 'the climb'
i adore that song. it's so inspirational and happy.
and the i love the video clip
because it shows such a childish and innocent side of miley
totally opposite to all those photo scandals
(how many photo scandals can you have anyways??)

anyways was on thanhs blog
(read her blog, a billion times better than mine,
and it doesn't have HSM)

and it introduced me to polyvore.com
(why thank you)
the clothes and stuff are really pretty,
but there's no high school musical section which blows.
there is a miley cyrus one
but i didn't really like the stuff there

so i went onto alexis bledal's one
and OMG the clothes are "to die for".
if you watch gilmore girls, the quote is from that,
even though that is a cliche.
the themes have this light airy fairy feel to them,
and it gave me a heap of ideas for my formal dress.
though my replicating abilities are next to nothing.

should be studying, should be studying...
methods is so darn boring,
why can't it be more like spesh,
challenging, invigorating and fresh.
Very nerdy but so true,
and as a bonus it rhymes.

the funny thing, the asian in me
always looks for the cheapest method
in almost everything that i do
including cooking and sewing.
in cooking i'm in love with flourless and eggless cakes,
they save so much money.

eggs are so pricey these days.
and in sewing i always want puffy skirts
but i never have enough material.

must start looking for (cheap) materials for my dress.
hopefully i do follow through on my plans.
i would like to see myself complete a worthy project
and see myself wearing the project.
wow, that sounded conceited and arrogant.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

keep your faith, dearies

i have been listening to 'the climb'
by miley cyrus non -stop.
and the title is a line from the song,
minus the dearies.

for those who noticed,
i revamped my blog,
because i got bored of the other one.
feel free to comment on it
and give constructive criticism.

i get bored of things so easily.

and my attention span is horrendous.

i go through so many phases,

like beados, hama beads, knitting (this phase is erratic)
children's jewellery (will explain), watermelon stuff.
i'm sure there's more
but nothing else comes to mind now.

yes, about the children's jewellery.
basically i went through a phase
where i was in love with it.
you know those plastic pink, purple and various other girly colours necklaces and bracelets.
it was really weird in hindsight,
and the jewellery never really matched anything i wore.

i've been on the computer too much this week.
must study for methods SAC.
which by the way has to be after school,
on the day where we get to finish early.

so unfair.

am looking forward to the HANNAH MONTANA movie,

but i still gotta get people to come with me,
there's nothing sadder than sitting in a cinema alone, surrounded by a bunch of pre-adolescent teens,
squealing and whatnot.
(Very hypercritical but still)

Love, Squealer

Friday, June 19, 2009


i caught the train by myself today.
everyone else had their own thing to do,
which i totally respect.
i was overcome by this immense feeling of lethargy.
and all i wanted to do was crawl in my bed and sleep.

i've been looking for our careers counseller for the past week,
and she's never in her office.
so i tried during my free period,
and of all times, she is teaching the one class
that she actually teaches.
i don't want to email her
because i sound so incompetent in writing.

we had a enviro fashion parade at school.
where every form had to make a costume
out of recycable/rubbish stuff, like newspapers.
everyone put so much effort in and looked so cool.
our form won the yr12 prize which was pretty cool,
our form never does anything,
and we have a very strong 'meh' attitude to everything.
no form spirit, which is kinda hard for me as form captain
or any of the other representives to get the class involved.
but anyone C and M put in a really great effort and
the costume was really amazing.
M made this fasincator which looked really cool.
and A did a beautiful job modelling the outfit.

i really had problems with the tone of my voice.
everything came out in the wrong tone.
it was either sarcastic or degrading.
which i don't mean to be.
hmm, should work on that.

nothing else much happened.
it's just one of those really bland days
that makes you wonder why you bother.
but on the bright side,
the careers newletter is out today.
yes i know, that's really sad.


Thursday, June 18, 2009


originally i was going to go to my chemist and officeworks,
but instead wounded up with my other friends.
we went to melbourne central to eat some wedges.
we were watching a tv show on the screen.
it was seriously one of the worst 'reality tv' show there is.
it was called 'the x effect' where they team ex's together
while the current girl/boyfriends watch them.
it is seriously trashy.
but i think that was what made it addictive.
the people were so annoying, and it was so staged
we decided that we should make this a weekly outing,
yes i know, it may seem sad to go to mc and watch a tv show.
but none of us have pay tv and it's kinda relaxing to watch brainless tv
after all the mind-boggling stuff we do at school.
(it's not really mind-boggling, that word just sounds funny.)

anywho, every one's telling me to make a formal dress.
but they have no idea how i suck at sewing,
and plus it will take ages
and i have a short attention span.
but i am still considering it.
it would be nice to achieve something.
and i was thinking of making my clutch again this year.
i like making my own stuff
because that would mean that no-one else would have it.

this is the dress that i had wanted for last year's formal,
i just like the simplicity and flowyness of the dress.
and another i shall not mention.
maybe i can replicate it?
(highly unlikely)

nearly end of term 2, finallyyyyy
i can't wait for holidays,
i have a lot planned,
but i don't think i'm going to end up completing
what i set out to do, i never do.
as much as i laborio
usly plan,
i never really stick to a schedule.
but i am really looking forward to these holidays.
it would be a nice break from school.

but my mum is bugging me to study for UMAT,
which i don't particular
y like
because it takes me ages to do the problem solving questions.
they're just so hard and so
much wording!

well everyone watch the
out 25th June.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009


After knowing that i needed biology as a prequisite for dentistry.
i've been having second thoughts about
whether i really wanted to do dentistry or not.
right now i'm sure unsure of
what i really really want to do with my life.
and i hate that feeling,
because i've always wanted to be a dentist ever since high school.
it's just i hate my future being so undecided and unclear.
i've always known what i wanted (in life),
and there was always something for me to follow,
primary high school, high school but now i have to decide universities.
i don't want to go into a course that i would drop.
i really want to work as soon as possible.

but right now i have no idea what i want from my future.
i never really was interested in medicine,
but right now im actually considering it
and i'm also considering law/biomed at monash.
i know a lot of people haven't considered what they want,
but that's not me, usually for major life decisions,
i'm quite focussed.
but i'm feeling as if i'm
working so hard
and i don't think it's rewarding enough.

i should maybe start taking some work experience,
in the respective fields to see what it's like.
i think i'm going to do that.
i can do it with some relatives
so that might helpful.
because i don't think ppl would want to hire a random girl to hover over them.
but it might do some good.

on a another note,
only a week and a half til holidays
and there are a couple of parties that i'm looking forward to.
i should be allowed to go, or whatever i'll sneak out.
i've done my exams, and i've studied
there no reason why i shouldn't be allowed.

from we heart it.
there's so many cool pictures from that site


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Today our school held a regeneration/refocus/rejuvenate day for year 12s.
it was basically a bunch of speakers
preaching to us to gain motivation
and revive our previous studying habits,
as because after mid-years,we all died, mentally.
the speakers were actually pretty good,
overall entertaining and managed to get their message across.

the first speaker was Mark Dobson,
who is a coach to heaps of athletes and whatnot,
and does other things as well.
i think he was pretty good,
quite motivational and seemed to get his message across
while also connecting with the audience.
he advised us to have constant goals,
do things because you 'should' and take breaks.
(he said it more in detail, but that's the jist of it)
so now i have to find goals to write down,
but really i have no clue other than to
ace all my SACs, tests, exams and get a high enter.
also i want to socialise more and be more approachable and friendly.
right now i am i'm
trying to succeed,
not going anywhere fast,
but i am getting there nonetheless.

the second speaker was a policeman talking about safe partying.
really this didn't apply to me
because i have no desire to drink or do anything for that matter.
i think it didn't really need to be said,
as our yr 12 cohort knows what they shouldn't be doing.
(at least i like to think that and they don't do those things)

third speaker was a past student, who took a GAP year at godstowe.
i would love to take a gap year,
but my mum will freak
because she thinks that i would never go back to studying.
fourth speaker, i was looking forward to was also a past student,
and was the sch
ool captain.
always admired her because
she was so easy-going and approachable
and very fun person and she was an engaging speaker,
and she's uber smart. (kinda like Rory Gilmore)
I actually like anyone who has really good public speaking skills.
, she talked about her year and her uni experience.
i was kinda shocked because she didn't really know what she wanted to do.
she was seemed so focused and confident and goal-driven.
but her speech made the idea of a gap year more and more enticing.

then our careers counsellor talked to us about financial issues in uni.

then we had the comedian Laurence Leung come.
it was the second time he has come to speak to our school.
he was pretty funny.
and we watched an episode of 'choose your own adventures'
it was hilariou
basically the main motto of his speech
was to be what you want to be
and don't let anyone influence you.
which is too late for me.
because my parents are really pushing for dentistry.

I dunno what if that's the career path i want to take.
but then i really have no idea of what else i want to do.
actually considering law
because i think
it would be challenging
but i like the prospect of learning new things,
and i do like talking as well.
everyone else talks of doing things that challenge themselves,
that are out of the norm.
i think that's what i want to do.
i want to do all does cliche things like travel the world to 'discover myself'.
but i have no idea how my life is going to turn out
but right now i really want to make the most of my time in high school,
only a couple o
f months
and i will be out in the 'real world'.

oh i'm thinking of making a dress for the formal.
or i need a dress for the formal,

only a month away.

i found this cute picture on we heart it.

Love, Squealer

Monday, June 15, 2009

Stupid Smart Bus.

I really detest the new smart bus route 903.
At first, it thought it would be pretty cool to have another bus route
other than my normal one.
But this one is so unreliable.
it was so late today,
considering no-one even catches this bus anyways.
And because it's stop is on the other side of the station,
it has to wait for traffic and the trains to pass.
i could been home so much earlier if i caught my usual.
well i know i should have caught the usual,
but i was too lazy to walk to the other side
(well that just makes me sound bad)
because i thought the smart bus should come soon anyways.
but oh no, it didn't. that bus is useless,
i mean sure there's finally transport to DFO essendon,
but i don't really go there so what's the point?
i've just never realised how much i liked the keilor park bus.

nd and another thing,
what's up with our timetables.
i lost my double free p5 & 6. man i hate this.
i won't be able to go to spotlight anymore.
stupid school.
now i can't study,
because i never study during my frees,
let alone do any work in class.
grrrrrr, i hate the new timetable.

well that's all the ranting for now.
i know i'm whiny,
well i would be if you heard my fustrations this morning.

on a another note,
i planning yen's party. YAY!
so now i have 2 parties to plan.
(well one and a half)
this is going to be so fun.
my parties are so
(well i don't have a good record for parties,
maybe it's just the ones for me,
that are bad?)
I think i was a party planner in my
other life.

Credits to
on deviant art

Love, Squealer.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Zoom Zoom

On the count of nothing happening today.
and i have nothing to write.
i'm gonna post up a survey.

I jus
t stole a survey from a random blog.
(sorry, but thanks!)

1.What is your current obsession?

High School Musical and Hannah Montana
2. What is your weirdest obsession?
Squealing (is that an obsession?)
3. What are you wearing today?
old clothes
4. What's your favorite comfort food?
lollies, especailly Allen's Racing Cars and Pineapples.
They have to be Allen's.
5. What would make today special?
if i got tickets to the hannah montana special screening
6. What would you like to learn to do?
Talk intelligently and stop squealing so much.
but we all know that the latter would never happen.
7. What’s the last thing you bought?
a dress
8. What is your most challenging goal right now?
year 12
9. What do you think about the person who tagged you?
yeah, as i mentioned i stole the quiz.
but i'm sure she/
he is a very nice person
(i would erase this question, but then i would have to change the numbering)
10. What would you like to have in your hands right now?
awesome flowery vintage fabric
11. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
America (new york).
12. Which language do you want to learn?
French (my first attempt was a failure)
13. What do you look for in a friend?
Someone funny and honest
(and smart so i can copy answers, nah kidding =P)
14. What is your dream job?
executive child dentist for


I've always loved how balloons looked in pictures.
too bad i really
despise them in real life,
for fear that it would pop in front of me.

so really i have a fear of loud sounds.

Love Always,

A white snowstorm

That's what it feels like my life is post-exams.
I have done nothing and my mind like a void,
like if you looked inside and
there's that ball weedy thing rolling across like in a desert.
here's a visual.

i have completely lost all order and schedules
and especially sense to do my homework
which has been unmercily piling up
while i studied for mid-years.

man now i have to force myself onto a routine again.
ahh, the drone of year 12 and homework.
speaking of which, i have more SACs coming up.

on a side note,
i have appointed myself party planner
for my friend's birthday party.
well she doesn't know it yet.
but i'm secretly coming up ideas in my head.
(well i don't really have that many ideas)
it's a joint party with two other people.
and i designing the invitations. (in my head)

well i have tendency to self-appoint roles for myself.
like i'm the class treasurer. ;)


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Disney does 2D

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dearest friend,
she is going to be eight teen tomorrow, aka Friday.
and i finally can 'celebrate' it with her.

and and a
nother thing,
exams are over.
well until October,
but right now it's back to procrastination
and doing absolutely nothing.
i'm so relieved but i so don't want to know my results.

OMG, now latrobe is screwing with my career.
apparently biology is a prerequisite for dentistry.
they said it was a printing error and
they choose to inform us NOW!!


WFT is up with that.
that is so dodgy,
i'm thinking of doing law for the sake of it.
i have no career fallback.

anywho, apparently disney is making another 2d movie.
it's going to the princess and the frog(thanks yen), and the princess
will be african-american (my friend's words, not mine)


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Immense Hatred

OMG, i hate the people who wrote the mid-year exams this year.
Seriously, physics? it was basically yr11 standard.
It means its gonna be so hard to get an a+
and Chem? WFT???
Why the hell was chem so hard!
Ok i know i'm overexaggerating because i know a lot of people had bearly enough time to finish it and i finished with 30mins to spare.
But the stupid saturated hydrocarbon question, i could not do.
I was seriously staring at it forever trying to get something to pop in my head.
and what do you know? it does, when the person goes "Pens Down"
I hate it when i cannot do a question. i seriously had no idea to how to do it.
i swear it's gonna haunt me for the rest of my life.
Hopefully i get pity marks, and it wouldn't be marked so hard.
i have to get a+ for both of the exams,
or i don't know what i'm going to do.
oh that's right, i said i was going to fling myself off the building.

and and there's GAT tomorrow, and i actually have to try hard
so it boost up my english mark.

am going to silently lament about the exams now.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Nerves Away

Today i did my English SAC.
And to my surprise, i wasn't feeling nervous or anything.
but it still doesn't mean i didnt do bad.
i don't think i answered the question properly.
but anywhoo, hopefully i don't do too bad.
it was actually pretty calming writing the SAC.
i always get thay sweaty, hot worried look plastered over my face during sacs,
it was nice not to go out of the room,
soaked up in sweat,
gross, i know, but it happens.

Hopefully this image will forever be erased from my memory
in the timespan of five months.

To those around, every year from 3rd-10th June is a week
i like to call Jenny's Week.
a concept invented by me as a very very bored year 9.
well i haven't had time this year due to sacs and EXAM(Oh no!)
so i think i would have to postpone it.
well until another 2 weeks.
well Jenny Week is basically me giving lollies to everyone.
and telling everyone to be nice to a jenny.
great concept, isn't it?

oh farewell, for i shall be gone
to do some studying (ahem internet)
