Monday, August 12, 2013

Stomach Tied In Knots

My friend had a housewarming a week ago, and there was so much food! The house was so nice and modern, wish I could live there! Each person brought a plate of food to share. Of course I have the mindset that I have to do more, because sushi isn't enough, I wanted to make pretzels as well. The preparation and cooking time took a lot longer than I had anticipated. This happens all the time, I underestimate the time my cooking time, because I'm have this false belief that I work quickly and efficiently in the kitchen. Honestly, I like to think that it's because I have to clean up as I go along because I don't like the mess.
It was lovely seeing everyone together, being surrounded by good food was an awesome perk. There was Hainan Chicken (which my friend kept insisting was dry, but I thought it was yummy and moist), korean-style fried fried, chicken and potato sitr fry, quiche, chickpea curry, dumpings and what I had brought along. For those who have had my previous pretzels, which were pretty good but still quite bread-like, these ones were so much better, rivaling or maybe even better than the ones they make in store. The texture wasn't bread but very soft and slightly chewy instead, as a soft pretzel should be. The secret was to add some gluten flour for the extra protein, which makes the dough more elastic and have a better texture. I'm not sure if it's exactly the gluten flour, but that was the main addition I made to the recipe. So a little tip on those wanting to bake bread, use flour with high protein content. I had to stop myself from eating a lot of the pretzels! There were savory and dessert ones: cinnamon sugar and plain salted ones. Well that's enough bragging about my pretzels, but seriously they were so good! For dessert, we had some cake and icecream, and I decided to mash up some cookies into the ice cream, but I so needed the extra carbs, fat and sugar.
We spent the rest of the night looking up random things on the internet, showing every one our final hip hop performance. Oh gosh, I have absolutely no swag at all, I looked quite mechanical during the few I was doing the moves right, and it looked so much worse when I did the wrong moves. Luckily I was at the back, and the girls at the front who are amazing stole the performance anyways. 

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