Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Happy Australia Day! Did you guys do anything remotely australian?
My day was spent at work, where i was in a bad mood so i may have come off being a bitch to the customers. It was pretty busy, and i was going back and forth getting testers and trying to keep the store tidy, i was getting pissed off when people were opening the makeup and trying them when they weren't even testers. Working has made me realized how annoying customers can be, dumping their rubbish, leaving things in random places, opening things when they shouldn't be opened, I myself am guilty to the last two things on the list. So nowadays i try to avoid doing such things that will annoy the staff. I'm really hoping that this is my last week of work. I don't think i will enjoy being in the workforce, i hate having to be at a certain at a specific especially when you don't really enjoy what you are doing. Not to be offensive, i feel degraded being at this job, and i know i'm going to sound egocentric but i feel i am worth a lot more. I want to feel like I am actually helping someone or making a difference. 

On a lighter note, on sunday i went to southland for the first time with S. I had an awesome time. I'll explain the reason why i needed to go to Southland. I've been reading about this perfume that was continually mentioned on a forum so it got me interested. I went to David Jones in the city to try and give it a smell, but unfortunately they were sold out. This perfume was only exclusive to David Jones so i proceeded to call up every DJ's in melbourne, there'e weren't that many anyways. And turns out the only place that some in stock was the one in Southland, hence my little adventure. I was really looking forward to this because i love visiting shopping centres that i have never been to, well i like visiting any place that i have never been to. So i met up with S near her house and we walked to the bus stop. S works at Baker's Delight, so she got some free bread to share with me which was exciting because free things are the best. She got some sweet chilli twist, cheese and bacon roll, custard roll and a coffee scroll, because i'm always raving about the coffee scrolls. So we were eating while walking around the centre. I was taking everything in, everything seemed so new, compared to the shops in highpoint. For some reasons, the stores just seemed better. we got to DJ's and tried the perfume i was going to buy which was Marc Jacobs Apple, i really liked it, especially the apple bit, seriously i like anything relating to apple, Then we went around smelling all the perfumes because they were just there. I was showing S some of the other perfumes that i liked but cannot really afford any at the moment but would like to buy in the future. I found another perfume that was on sale and i really liked but i found a limited edition perfume that was also on sale so i wanted to get it for my brother. But i didn't have enough money, i only put a certain amount in bank account as to stop me spending a lot. So being selfish person i am, i bought the two perfumes for myself and saying i can the other perfume at another time. Then we walked around some more, we went to teds to have a look at some cameras that i was interested in. the guy was really nice and honest, and let me play around with the cameras, i love the panorama setting on the sony cameras. I'm hoping some cameras would drop about $200 in their price in the next month but yeah i don't think that will happen. Otherwise I do have my eyes on a camera, i know the photo quality isn't that great which defeats the purpose of having the camera but i normally don't blow up my photos anyway. And i'm trying to use my dslr more often. Then we went looking for S's skateboard. Turns out it is really hard to find to an adult size skateboard, for some reason i always pictured seeing heaps of skateboards. We called up ToyRUs to see if they had any big sized Toy Story skateboards, but they didn't stock any adult skateboards anyways. The only place we found was Kmart. So S bought the skateboard, i think it had a picture of a hand holding a brain. When S was holding the skateboard i couldn't help but laugh, it was such a weird and clashing image. Hope it goes well for her and that she doesn't have any falls. That was my outing to Southland and I hope i go again soon, it was fun!
the two perfumes i bought, slowly my collection is growing. 

Love Squealer. 

1 comment:

M said...

Glad you liked southland haha I can't believe S got the skateboard haha I want to see her using it