Sunday, December 5, 2010

Still Breathing

today was the christmas family picnic thingy that we have every year. i like going to these things because i get to see my second cousins who i only see a couple times a year. they are so cute that i want to squeeze them to death. oh yeah the reason why we have these gatherings is because we have KK thing in our family. there are a lot of kids in the family so this way it saves us money and everyone can get presents. But when i grow up and have my own family, i want to do the whole christmas thing and buying presents for everyone, because i like buying presents for everyone even though it can get frustrated when i don't know what to buy but its usually fun. the gathering was at a park in kew, and for some reason it's fun going through rich suburbs and lusting at the houses. anywho i have these two cousins, lets call them A and B who can get attached to people and this time it was me. no offence i like them and all, but they were annoying me. they kept wanting me to push on the swings and they were so demanding, like saying "higher, higher" and i'm like "you gotta be patience" but ignored me as well. also they were perfectly capable of swinging by themselves so that annoyed me even more. also i wanted to hang out with my other cousins who i haven't seen for ages and i see A/B quite often. i know they're still young and all so i felt a little bad about the way i treated them, i wasn't being mean or anything, i just ignored them a bit, which made them more angry.
i should have brought my dslr but then i decided against it, but now i'm kicking myself for not bringing it. it would be nice to have some photos of my cousins and plus i haven't use my camera for a while now.
it was a really nice day and the weather was so good, maybe a little too hot because i was in my jeans. and i got sand in my flats, i didn't like that feeling.

Love Squealer.


scissorhands said...

Your family gatherings sound fun. I wish I could see my cousins but most of them live overseas, and the KK thing is cool we never do anything for christmas

Anonymous said...

No comment... you know why. :( :P that's two years in a row!