Thursday, December 30, 2010


so i am currently sick, and because i haven't been resting, i have just been moping around work, doing things at a  colossally slow rate and complaining with my friend about how much we want to be at home. yeah i have the weekend off so hopefully i can get better by then. i have paw paw ointment all over my nose and mouth, because they become sore when i'm sick, i don't know why my mouth gets sore but i use crappy scratchy tissues on my nose and it goes pretty red, like in those kleenex commercials. i really just want to stay home, i don't really care about the money anymore, i want to get better and make my nose unblocked.
i wish my life was more eventful, but i'm a pretty boring person who spends way too much time on her laptop and in bed. i can't wait till i get more time off work, so i can start doing the things my friends and i had planned for the holidays. there are a lot of things that we wrote down, mostly random and most likely end in giggles and plenty of laughter, or maybe some humiliation as well.
Love Squealer.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Tis the Season

Merry Christmas! Keep safe and have fun with whatever you have planned.
Christmas isn't much of a big deal in my family, its really another day, i mean we celebrate Christmas but not exactly on Christmas day. that kinda makes me feel sad inside, the feeling that it should be something special but isn't validated. it makes me think about my future and how i am going to celebrate the crazy out of every holiday/birthday. i love gatherings and celebrations but i am also socially awkward, so maybe it depends on the gathering. i love being with my friends, its an indescribable feeling to be around them, its just makes me so happy. i wonder where i would be if i didn't have any friends and i know i wouldn't be able to get through a lot, especially this year.

on monday i went to my friend's house for some hanging/bumming around time. hehe because i have work in the evening, i spent more time on public transport than i did at her house, usually i leave pretty late so it was so weird to leave so early. anywhoo we spent half the time transferring our videos files and then watched Get Him to the Greek, which i must say was a major waste of our time. It's one of those dirty humor comedies which personally i don't really enjoy, about halfway into the movie, none of us really understood what was going on or the point of the movie. Then we watched 10mins of Dorian Grey, which seemed intriguing. we should have watched that movie instead of get him to the greek. then Y and i had to leave which was sad because we probably won't get together until news years.

then i had work pretty much everyday this week, its been pretty intense and there were so many people doing some last minute shopping. however i have been in the shop lately rather than outside so its not too bad but i am starting to miss the outside because it does seem more fun and i'm closer to the promo people. But its so crazy, the customers always block the walkways and you get some pretty annoyed people. when it get busy, you basically shout to get testers and i think that scares some of the customers, yeah it does look a little unprofessional but at least the system works. whenever i work with testers, i always spray them in the wrong direction either in my hands or face, and sometimes its gets in my eyes even if i am wearing my glasses. also i have a rash on my hand and it stings when i get perfume on it.

on thursday, was the pharm people christmas party organised by Y, who did an amazing job by the way. there were heaps of food and stuff. i felt a little bad that i made basically no contributions. i was able to use the barbeques and i made myself being in charge of turning it on. Also i appointed myself foil and oil person, but i couldn't spray the oil properly so the oil mist didn't quite reach the foil and would blow in the direction of certain people. apparently some people got sunburnt because of the reflection of the foil and and oil, but i swear it wasn't my fault. it took a while to cook the food, it kept sticking to the foil so i went crazy with the oil spray. then it started spitting at one stage so we had some umbrella holders. i had a sausage but i was full after that, i think i have lost my appetite because of work, i don't feel like eating much anymore, or when i am hungry i usually just ignore even if my stomach is grumbling like crazy. there was a playground and that was pretty fun, i love the swings and i was able to take some photos, although the sun was a little too bright. it was sad that i had to leave early because i had a 12 hour shift afterward 4pm-4am, which means i shouldn't have been out in the morning but i should be getting some sleep. but i really wanted to go to the party and i am so glad i did. it was sad that i missed out on hanging with V and R but hopefully we can have another thing soonish so i can see everyone again.

my long shift at work wasn't too bad, it got really busy right up to 2am, and i was like why are there still people going shopping, and some of them were families with kids, and i felt sorry for them. by then i was pretty tired and i was working at a really slow pace. but luckily there weren't that many people. there was this one couple who were being annoying and i didn't really have the energy to deal with them. they were frustrated  because they left the christmas shopping to the last minute and didn't like most of the perfumes that i had shown them. but in the end they finally got everything, and i made a pretty big sale. i knew i shouldn't really be tired because thats the time i stayed up everyday for swotvac (not because i was studying though). yeah so i'm just taking it easy before boxing day, where i have another 12 hour shift, which i am actually looking forward to because its triple pay. although i don't get to go shopping its really ok because i don't need much. except for a few certain products that i have my eye on that i would like to buy but i don't mind if i don't get it. i usually like going op shopping more anyways, so i cannot wait till i can go op shopping again and get some summer clothes.

on a random note, there has been a lot of spiders in my house lately and it is scaring the creeps out me.

Love Squealer.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

end of a decade

on thursday, i went on an adventure and it meant waking up early. i thought we were going to sleep on the train but i think we were too excited to see each other, i know i was because its been a while since we have caught up. although i was pretty tired and sleepy, i didn't feel like sleeping. it was nice to have my friends come along, it would have sucked if i had to go by myself. one thing i would like to mention, there were so many locusts flying around, one of them flew and banged into my face and it make me feel so disgusted. i'm not really a fan of insects, i wish i wasn't so disgusted/scared by them. anywho, i would like to apologize to my friends, the process took way longer than i thought compared to how i had done it before. it made me pretty annoyed and that may of shown. i hate it when i'm in a bad mood. afterwards, we went to have lunch and make nachos and go exploring. overall, it was a pretty fun day although i didn't take many photos, and my backpack was pretty heavy. hehe all of us brought our backpacks along. i would like to say more about that day but i really can't.

so basically, thursday was the only non-work related thing that i have done this month.
i was working yesterday, and it was extremely busy, and it's so hard to keep track of everyone and everything, hope nothing was stolen. i've forgotten how busy it can get, and it's going to get crazy in the next couple of days and especially boxing day. everyone is rostered on for boxing day and apparently you get triple pay, so i'm excited to get paid. also i can't wait to do my tax return this year because i have quite a bit of tax deducted from my pay this year. and i have to do my tax return from last year which i am pretty sure you can still claim right? i think my other friends were able to do that, because i have quite a bit of money from tax deductions last year, and i can put it towards my new camera.

i've been thinking a lot about my life lately at work, because there's alot of down time, so i kinda just stand there and think/daydream which i think looks bad to customers because it takes a while to capture my attention. customers always catch me at the wrong moment, when i'm yawning or fixing my hair, gives the wrong impression. anywho, i am thinking about the direction i want my life to take and i was thinking of what my life would be like in the near future and it has made me a little sad. i'm just really grateful for the life i have now and i don't want it to change because i don't adjust well to change, or its take me ages to adjust to change.

Love Squealer.

Monday, December 6, 2010


So at the moment, i am juggling reading three books: Elixir by Hilary duff, 7th Harry Potter and The Unbearable Lightness of being. I am most further in the Hilary duff book, it is pretty good so far, and the writing isn't to bad but i don't quite like the pace of the novel, it seems to have a slow development and the novel isn't that long. I take ages to read nowadays because when i get home from work, i'm too tired to do anything using my mind. Anywhoo i can give a better review when i am finished with the novels.
One of the things about working in mychemist, is that there a lot of nice giftsets especially this time of year and it makes you really want to buy them. i don't need it myself but i always wanted to get it as a present for someone else and then i realise that i have no one to give it to, also i can't keep it myself because i have a lot of perfumes but then again.... There's this mens giftset which is a Ralph Lauren one, and it has miniature bottles of the pony perfume range and it is so cute, quite useless for me because i am a girl but i really just want to buy just to have but its also $70, i would get it for one of my guy friends but i think thats a bit much to spend. Also in addition to the giftsets, there are also cheap perfumes that i don't need but also want to buy, like the burberry london and versace bright crystal, but if i were to buy them, it would be for someone else. when i used to work at spotlight, i used to love looking at the fabrics and wanting to buy a lot of them as well. i should work in a place that takes temptation of buying stuff. My friend was telling me about the staff discounts at other mychemists and chemist warehouse, and usually the staff discount only applies to non sale items, but apparently at chemist warehouse in footscray, they're dodgy and do the discount on sale items as well. i really want to try this out. so if you guys are with me and need to grab anything from the two stores, i can get you guys a discount because sharing is caring and i like the feeling of using the staff discount, makes you feel like you're part of a club. yes i know that sounded lame. i like to avoid buying things from the actual mychemist that i work at though, for some reason i find that awkward, its the same reason why i don't go to the spotlight i use to work at anymore. oh yeah another observation this year, less Vietnamese customers have  been asking if i speak viet this year, last year i kept getting asked that. anywho i like to pretend that i don't speak Viet because its pretty bad and i don't like anyone else hearing it. or maybe its just that i don't look Viet?

haha, just used my voicemail for the first time, i sound quite scared in my message. anywho i just listened to one of the messages and it felt quite weird. i wonder if any of you guys ever leave messages, because i know in america they use it a lot, but that is my generalization from watching gilmore girls. i never leave a message when i get prompted to a machine, because i sound awkward and i don't know if anyone actually checks them.

Love Squealer.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Still Breathing

today was the christmas family picnic thingy that we have every year. i like going to these things because i get to see my second cousins who i only see a couple times a year. they are so cute that i want to squeeze them to death. oh yeah the reason why we have these gatherings is because we have KK thing in our family. there are a lot of kids in the family so this way it saves us money and everyone can get presents. But when i grow up and have my own family, i want to do the whole christmas thing and buying presents for everyone, because i like buying presents for everyone even though it can get frustrated when i don't know what to buy but its usually fun. the gathering was at a park in kew, and for some reason it's fun going through rich suburbs and lusting at the houses. anywho i have these two cousins, lets call them A and B who can get attached to people and this time it was me. no offence i like them and all, but they were annoying me. they kept wanting me to push on the swings and they were so demanding, like saying "higher, higher" and i'm like "you gotta be patience" but ignored me as well. also they were perfectly capable of swinging by themselves so that annoyed me even more. also i wanted to hang out with my other cousins who i haven't seen for ages and i see A/B quite often. i know they're still young and all so i felt a little bad about the way i treated them, i wasn't being mean or anything, i just ignored them a bit, which made them more angry.
i should have brought my dslr but then i decided against it, but now i'm kicking myself for not bringing it. it would be nice to have some photos of my cousins and plus i haven't use my camera for a while now.
it was a really nice day and the weather was so good, maybe a little too hot because i was in my jeans. and i got sand in my flats, i didn't like that feeling.

Love Squealer.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Rooftops and Invitations

i want to run away to america and start my life again, but with no disposable income and being quite immature, that plan would most likely fail. most of the decisions in my life have been relatively easy despite me being indecisive and usually i've always had the path carved out for me and just really taking life as it comes. so referring to the decision i have to make in the previous post, i still don't know what to do and i think i might choose the wrong choice for the wrong reasons because i tend to do that. anywho it would be nice to run away to america, or at least go to america sometime soon. there's an exchange program in pharmacy where you can go to work in america which i am really hoping i get into when the time comes. i think my friend and i made a pact that if we don't get in to the program, we're going to go to america anyways for holidays that end of the year. but then i realized that is still 2 years away which is really a long time to wait for something that i've always wanted to do since i could remember. i wish i could live with my cousins in america for a bit during holidays, but i'm not really close with them so it would be a bit awkward, and i think they're second extended family if that makes sense, so not really intermediate family (wait, is your intermediate family just your own family, ok that didn't make sense, so hopefully you guy understand the jist of what i am trying to say). yeah that would be nice, but i don't think i would be allowed to do that.
also if i do go to america, i want to try to be an extra or random in as many tv shows as possible, especially glee, and i would like to be in gilmore girls but you know thats not possible.
i feel a bit guilty since holidays started, i've been pretty much working, and doing basically nothing else. just work, eating, sleeping and copious amount of lounging around in bed and watching videos. i think i'm going to gain quite a bit of weight which is bad because i was hoping to do the opposite.
oh yeah i'll let you in on some work drama, but too bad i missed it. a new girl got fired a couple of days of ago, apparently she didn't show up for her shift and didn't call in or anything. so my manager called her up and the new girl asked if she could come in later, and my manager said "don't bother coming in at all." so yeah, my manager is getting more stressed out than usual because she has to do the timetable again and she needs more staff. anywho there are two new girls working and they're so young, still in highschool and all. i haven't actually worked with them yet but apparently coz they're new and all, they're very shy and still unsure of working with customers, which was like me when i started. but i think the staff are really nice and really helped me learn a lot. so hopefully i can be that helpful to the new girls, also i may kinda like that position of power and all-knowing-ness. i think i am really fitting in with work, much less awkward than last year, i'm able to talk more comfortably with the other girls. there's also another new girl, who i really enjoy working with, but she i am kinda jealous of her because she's really good sales person and gets along with others so easily even if she only just started. but i am always jealous of really sociable people, not fully jealous because i've dealt with the fact that i am always going to be socially awkward and uncomfortable. anywho, this new girl is pretty helpful sometimes i pawn some customers so her so i don't have to deal with them. thats sounds really bad but i think  the customers are better off with her. it sometimes really good because you can get some annoying customers who get mad at you even when you have no control over the situation. so you guys know that i work with the fragrances, and for some of the perfume, we don't have any testers and that really makes some people annoyed and mad but its something that i can't control. i always suggest for them to go to the perfumer store which is like only 30 seconds away to try the perfume there, but they're still pretty angry. seriously if you want the perfume to be that cheap, don't you think it's worth it? But those type of customers are minor, most of the time they are really nice.
I shouldn't really use this blog as a ranting outlet.

Love Squealer.