Tuesday, May 19, 2009

study study study

ekk! Less than 3 weeks till mid-years.
oh this year is happening so fast.
and i still can't believe I'm in year 12,
although the ginormous work and SACs may have been a clue.
I hope I do.

It's just that this is the one chance I have
and i better not screw up because
a) my parents will kill me,
b) my friends will kill me,
c) i will kill myself
and d) my life is over.
yes yes i am being dramatic
but thats what i do
but yes...
suicide is never ok, seek help.
remember there's always someone out who cares for you.

well back to bizarre murder-murder-suicide,
i think i really need to get high as in score.
i know a lot of people say that ENTER isn't everything,
but right now it is.
it is the one thing i need to get the career i want.
and it's not like i'm crazy with studying
in fact right now i should be doing english.

i went to our joint school musical Beauty and the Beast.
and it was AMAZING times a thousands times.
it was that good.
everything was just so well done,
makeup, costumes, set, orchestra and the actors/singers.
I loved it. ahh i just can't say enough how good it was.
i wish you guys could of seen it.
it would blow your minds out.
(looks like there a running theme in this post,eh?)

oh and we also got our yr12 hoodies today.
they are incredible.
so warm and so cool.
i love the fact that none of the other
year levels really understand why there's a fork on it.
yesh, inside jokes are cool.
only if you're on the inside though.
i want to wear the hoodie everyday
but i dont think that's hygienic.
but yes i do love it.

i think this post makes me sound like
an overhyper person who obsess about everything
and i guess in some ways that is true.

well woopie-ti-dooo


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