Monday, May 25, 2009

big massive pain

i realised i have said:
"I hate my life"
so many times this week.
i mean, i know my life isn't that bad,
in fact I know I'm lucky.
but there are some moments
when i feel like... well
"I hate my life"
i'm sure you guys have had your moments.
i guess mine just usually after a SAC
or when i cannot do something,
or i can do something but i did it wrong.

yepp. pretty much summed up how i felt after the spesh SAC today.
well i thinked i did pretty bad
according to my standards.

But the only good thing about totally flunking something
is that it gives me motivation to try harder.
granted the motoivation is short-lived.

man i still have a headache.

i was just thinking what disney is going to churn out next.
i mean high school musical is nearly over a
i assume hannah montana is going to be too.
and i was also thinking that maybe i need another phase.
i mean i'm not into guy celebrities because what's the point?
i dunno. i go through heaps of phases, like children jewllery, beados, hama beads..
yet i think i'm running out of things.
i'm really interested in fashion construction
but i'm really bad with sewing and i have a low attention span.
all my projects have to be within an hour otherwise i'll lose interest.
but my friend and i are planning
to take a fashion sewing course after yr12 for fun.
but we want to take one that doesn't force you to
make a something by a due d
ate. Because after yr 12
i am done with due dates and exams, SACS and grades
well until uni.

oh dear, exams in two weeks.
oh bother.

oh and HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY for RAMYAA. for tomorrow
i don't think she will see this but anywhoo.



zerloozer said...

well, after year 12
of course you're done with SACs
because uni doesn't have sacs.

Anonymous said...

disney's gonna churn out the awesome 2-D princess and the frog! black princess ftw!