Saturday, April 12, 2014

Flicker Fade

Hello, it's been a while. A lot has happened and sadly I have neglected this blog. Currently uni is taking over my life, so I have no time to do much else and unfortunately keeping up a blog isn't my priority. Also, my dent life isn't very interesting, a lot happens but don't want to bore you guys with the details.

So what's been happening in the past 6 months, I've went on a month long trip to America, and started 3rd year. Just two events but very big ones. My dream to visit America finally came true and it was amazing and beyond my expectations. I will try to get a post up about the trip because a documentation would bring some nostalgia, but I can't promise it will be up soon, as I'm only making my European Adventure of 2012 scrapbook at the moment. And starting third year dent was another milestone, one I'm still having trouble believe is actually happening.

Uni has been absolutely hectic with the long days and bombardment of new skills and information, and most importantly seeing our first patients. I barely have time to myself, and I'm very tired after uni, so I just try to relax with Tumblr and tv shows, and of course, sleep. I'm still falling asleep in lectures, I think that's a habit I cannot kick. I love seeing patients, I get nervous every time but it's the good kind. And it feels right, I was scared that once I actually start doing clinical stuff, I wouldn't like it, but I'm so glad I don't feel that, a big relief! I love being to apply all the theoretical stuff and seeing them in patients, and fortunately all the patients have been so nice and understanding, which makes the experience much better. I'm still building my confidence and communication skills, but I like to believe I'm improving.

However, I have been having bad days, and when things get bad, it snowballs into something really big, I'm stuck with my mind and sometimes it's not very forgiving. Those times, I don't feel like talking or smiling or being friendly, so it's hard having to go to uni when it's the last place you want to be. I'm scared that my friends will stop hanging with me because I'm such a boring person especially if I'm in a bad mood. Anywho, I just have to keep finding ways to make myself feel better, venting usually helps, but I don't like to vent to others, because we all have our own problems.

But that's basically what's happening, I'll try to touch base more often, the Easter Break is coming up and I'll back in Melbourne, yay!

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