Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Four Corners and Two Sides

Hmm, the plan to update more frequently failed, although it was not unexpected.
At the end of January, my parents bought me a car, and they drove it up from Melbourne. I love my new car, it's 2012 Toyota Corolla Hatchback in Black, I slightly wish I had waited a little longer so I could buy the 2013 model because it looks so different and more sleek. Anywho, it would have been more expensive so I'm happy and grateful that I have a car. It makes life so much easier, especially with the crappy weather GC has been experiencing, the unusual uni hours, and the very bad and unreliable state of the buses. I don't feel so limited anymore and I can buy as many groceries as I want without killing my back and hands carrying it home. My parents stayed for a few days before they left, my mum had made me heaps of food to freeze for future meals, which I love. My mum also cleaned the house for me and there was always food prepared, boy do I miss living at home! I didn't get to do much with my parents because I had uni as well; it was sad when they went back to Melbourne.
This is not my photo but this is what my car looks like, just like any old corolla, I have been meaning to take a photo since I've gotten the car but haven't done so yet.
The downside of having a car is finding parking, it's almost impossible where my uni campus is located, but it's not too bad if you don't mind a bit of a walk. The petrol is crazy expensive in GC, I really don't understand why it is so high. It reached $1.60 and I was dying inside.
The black colour really likes to attract dust, and I have to clean it more frequently.

For the past couple of weeks, my friends and I have joined a hip hop class, needless to say, I am pretty bad. Usually I stand in the back so no one could see me, I really don't the 'swag' to do a lot of the movements and my body just doesn't move that! However it's been fun, learning something out of my comfort zone, and hopefully by the end of the classes I will have somewhat perfected a dance. The instructor records us doing the dance routines for educational purpose, and when you can see me, you'll see how out of sync and awkward I look. Actually I think I've accepted I will be awkward in almost every situation.

Every Wednesday, I've been hosting a movie night at my place, and it's been quite fun so far, we each bring a dish to share so that takes the hassle of deciding what to eat. I'm not sure if movie night can continue because our full uni schedule started this week, meaning no more days off. One of the nights, I hosted a surprise birthday for three friends, and that was so fun! We tried to make a kid theme, and the crockery set we got had elephants on them. I was hoping it was a surprise, they had arrived quite early so we made them stand in the doorway until we were ready! We didn't get any presents but made some cards, one was messages in a jar; we wrote messages on an umbrella and for the last person we clipped messages to a frog animal hanger. I thought they were awesome ways to give birthday cards. We spent a lot of time chucking balloons at each; I found out I can blow up balloons at very fast speeds. Then of course, we played with good old sparklers.

In the next post I will talk about Soundwave and my pleasant surprise :)

1 comment:

zerloozer said...

It's great that you got a car. It sounds like it really makes things easier! And I've been thinking of joining a dancing class but.......... idk. I've never really been a proficient dancer but I don't really care if I'm not gr8 (idk what dancing class to choose).
Anyway, it sounds like you're enjoying yourself so that's good :)