Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Weight

I think I have taken Google Chrome for granted, for some reason it stopped working over the weekend along with my other internet browsers. As a person who spends her whole on the internet, this was a very frustrating problem. I tried a solution and now I can use firefox and IE but i still can't use Chrome. I'm not sure if it's just my laptop and there could be a virus on it, but the other browsers are so laggy!! I really get irritated when using it, but I really have no other choice. I don't think I have a virus because I've ran a number of scans on the computer. Oh I wish I was at home, so my brother can fix it. I was even contemplating getting a cheapish replacement laptop just so I can use Chrome. I guess it's about time I got a replacement laptop, but I have grown accustomed to it, despite it's spontaneous freezes and dead battery (those problems may have been my fault, all that mishandling...). So if any of you are computer whizzes out there, please help!

Well, uni has been so-so this week, I still ask myself why I turn up to these lectures. Its the last week of uni, so I 'm trying to hold it out until then. Timetabling came out yesterday for semester 2, and unfortunately I can't get Friday off, they really like to spread their classes, don't they? However, I can do the next best thing and organize lectures on Thursday and Friday so there's the option of lectopia-ing. I hope I would be able to lock in those classes when enrollment starts. For me, its gets a point when I sort of know more and more people, but it's in that awkward stage when I don't know whether I should acknowledge them or not, I always choose the latter. I think it was better when people didn't know who I was, except for the few people I hang out with.
Oh I also have a moral dilemma, so last week i did a prac exam for anatomy and coming out of it, I was unsure of whether I had past or not. I was mentally calculating my wrong answers and there were a lot. But when I checked my result, I had gotten way more than I thought i would, I was sure it was a mistake! I swear I am not underestimating how bad I thought I did. So I really want to have a look at my prac exam and tell them they must of marked it wrong, but then i really don't want to fail. I think I will most likely leave it, but now I just feel like I didn't deserve the mark. I don't know, the chances of them making a mistake while correcting or inputing the marks online are rare, right? But still, I'm very skeptical about my mark.
Oh and I now know how frustrating it is when people persist in asking your marks, I mean it's okay when it's just around your close friends, but with people you don't know very well, it's hard. It's worse when they don't take social cues that I'm obviously uncomfortable sharing my marks. I am so sorry if I have done that to anyone because I know how annoying it is and a violation of privacy. Although I'm sure, my research group are nice in general, but I don't get along with them very well, could it be the age or their gender (they're guys). I hope none of them stumble onto to this, I'm a pretty passive-aggressive person, and them finding out wouldn't be so great.

Lately I've been into making my own printed tape, it gets very addicting. These are my favourite ones that I made, however I don't much of a use for them.

So yeah, I keep reminiscing about the fun times with friends, and I cannot wait to be back home so I can have those positive and happy feelings again. I feel like the longer I am away from home, the more introverted and frustrated I am becoming, and the more people are getting on my nerves. Still three weeks before I get to go home, feels like ages away.

And what??? The Maine just announced another UK/Europe tour in September, they were just there! I wish they could come here more often, I mean I know it's expensive and everything, but seriously, it's best feeling knowing they're in the same country.

Love Squealer.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

You Got Me Good

I opened up the new post page with the intention of writing a post. Well thinking back, I have nothing to blog about, seriously nothing has happened in my life that was remotely exciting. The most exciting thing is pretty much the tv show finales that I've watched, and for the most part, they were awesome, I think the Glee one was my favourite. And the worst would have to be Gossip Girl, actually i think it's one of the worse episodes ever. I thought having Gabe (from Cobra Starship) as a cameo would be awesome, but his five second role at the end made me want to retract that statement desperately, actually i think it would be better if he wasn't in it all. Such a disappointment. The Bachelorette has started again, and its one of my guilty pleasures, and for once Yen and I are rooting for the same guy. His name is Jef, and he seems pretty cool also he dresses like a band guy and skateboards. I'm looking forward to this season. What do you guys think of him?

So yeah, that's my life, a little sad isn't it? But I don't mind, I like being by myself and not having to explain  or justify where I'm going. Although there are moments when I wished I had some friends to hang out with but I haven't really clicked with anyone, could it be the age difference? Also I'm always too tired, and don't have the energy to socialize, dammit June 20th come sooner please! (I'm flying back to Melbourne on June 20th btw).

Love Squealer.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Baby blue jeans

So I was meant to have a psych lecture now but its been cancelled and it wasnt announced by email. And now I'm just sitting in the lecture theatre because I'm too lazy to move and its air con-ed in here. There no point going home because I have another lecture in 2 hours so I thought I'd take the time to write a blog post. Well not much has happened since the last time that I posted. I've been putting off writing my psych essay because its reflective writing which I'm not very familiar with, I still have some time before it's dued so there's time to procrastinate.
Over the weekend, Frances' parents came up to visit and it was awesome because her mum made us hone cooked meals. It made me miss my mum/dad's cooking, it always be my favourite. Whenever I try to emulate their cooking it just doesn't have the same taste, and sometimes you just don't want to cook. I find food tastes better when you don't have to cook for yourself. Frances' mum made pretty good food and it was filling and wholesome food, rather than the junk that I've been eating. We were pretty well fed, a very awesome feeling. She made us noodles for dinner and meat balls for lunch, it was yummy. On Saturday night, I had burritos with the P's and their cousin which they had made, and it was pretty good, also I didn't have to make it either. Then I made some crepes for dessert. After having all this food that was made for me, I wasn't in the mood for making food to eat so I just had yogurt and muesli. However on Sunday, the p's invited me to max brenners and the avengers, so I thought that I would make them butter chicken for dinner. Originally I was going to make it from a jar but then I decided I wanted to make it from scratch so if it tastes bad then I don't have to finish it all on my own. I thought I had most of the spices at home but there are a lot of spices involved! I tried to follow the recipe but then I kinda strayed, the stupid pot burnt my spices when I put them in and it wasn't even on high heat, so I transferred pots and added more of the spices without really measuring them, just went by taste. I still wasn't satisfied with it every time I taste tested but I thought stop adding more spices. Anyhow it turned out pretty good, a decent first effort obviously not as good as Mon's though, but good enough to satisfy those cravings!
Max Brenners was good and apparently theres a national strawberry shortage , who knew? I just had a waffle and a chocolate lick, because I knew that I shouldn't over order as I always do. It was yummy but I wanted some fruit but was stingy to pay the extra money. Then finally it was time  for the avengers, I was so excited even though I haven't watched any of the other movies besides captain America. It was such a awesome movie, I really enjoyed it, I loved the little "quirky" interactions between the characters and the little funny moments. The cinemas was pretty full even though it was the night session on Sunday. I can't wait to watch it again and when the cinemas are empty. It was weird because I thought I was late to watching it but my band guys also had recently seen it too because it came out later in the US.
Originally I have given up on crochet or just gotten over my phase but I found some simple tutorials on youtube to make a beret/beanie and I really wanted to try them out. It was pretty straight forward to make and I have since made a number of beanies but only about one that I can wear. The girl in the tutorial has a really small head!
Over the week I made some other little craft things, including a necklace with a little jar and some paper tissue flowers, very simple things but fun to make :)
oh yeah, I also made spring rolls from stratch and my own made up recipe. It turned out not too bad, my housemates liked them. However they had a little different flavour and the meat wasn't as moist as how my mum makes them. I really gotta ask my mum for her recipes, but I do like the feeling of being independent and trying to make foods for the first time, it's fun!!
Sorry in advance if I made some spelling/ grammar or things just don't make sense in general, I'm worse writing on my phone.

Love Squealer