Thursday, April 26, 2012

On Paper

There hasn't been much happening since I've last posted, same old with uni. I had a prac on Monday, and I saw my friend whom I haven't seen for ages, I think the only time that i see her is every fortnight in pracs. It was funny (not really the right word, but i will keep it there for the lack of a better word), we planned a day to watch The Hunger Games, but then I had to attend my grandma's funeral. We were going to reschedule for the week after, but it turned out that her grandma has also died. That was pretty spooky.
Pracs are so much better when you have someone to hang out with, we bond over our ignorance when it comes to conducting the pracs, and just making silly mistakes. Like for example, we had to examine the effects of osmosis using hard boiled eggs and syrup, to do that we had to put one egg in a water filled beaker, and one in a syrup filled beaker. So they had given us the eggs, still in it's shells, and no where in our prac manuals, did it say to peel the egg beforehand, and we just dumped the unpeeled eggs into the beakers. I wasn't sure, I kept thinking how would there be osmosis happening if there the shell on it, I'm pretty sure that egg shells are impermeable membranes. After a while, we decided that we had to peel the eggs first, luckily no one had seen our beakers! Another incident happened in the same prac class, when i thought a measuring cylinder was the waste basket, but alas it turned out to be someone's experiment! We always come running to one of the prac demonstrators, so I think he just thinks we're a little slow. On a side note, and I'm hoping that he will not somehow stumble across this blog or that someone from uni reads this but that is pretty unlikely, anywhoo one of my prac demonstrators is pretty good looking and a med student, I still gotta find out how old he is though, considering I'm older than the standard first year coming from year 12. Although it probably doesn't matter anyways, I don't want to turn into a crazy stalker, I already do that with my band guys and was close to stalking my chem tutor back then, because I thought she was really cool, and I aspired to be like her. So yeah, not a bad thing to look forward to in prac class, except for the fear that I'm going to screw up, but screwing up feels so much better when you have some one to do it with you.

Oh yeah I also had CPR and first aid training on Sunday, and a word of advice, try to get decent sleep the night before otherwise you'll be falling asleep when you should be listening. It wasn't too bad, but there wasn't that much practical stuff I had thought there would be. I did learn some things, but I knew other things, and I could easily search up info. Personally I do not think it was worth paying the $95 just so we can get our certificates. But yeah, it was pretty fun to learn to do CPR though, it was my first time, and it also made me realize i would probably fail if the person is a lot bigger than me. There is a lot of effort and strength involved in CPR. Also I found out that a girl named Rosa I had met back at orientation lived not too far from me, but I think of the different schedules, we never saw each other walking to Uni. She's pretty nice and a lot more forward than I am. We were talking about tv shows and how much I watch, and because she doesn't have internet, she's very deprived. She sort of invited herself to my house which I was fine with, I wished I had the courage to do that, I have trouble doing that with my own friends, well except maybe Mon. I was so excited, I got home and cleaned my room to make it look presentable. She didn't come over until late to grab some tv shows off me. Her housemate drove her along too, and I said it was okay for him to come in as well. They were high school friends, so I was pretty jealous. Anywho it was nice talking to them and having company, I gave some of the cake I made, because i was trying to finish it off. she said I should totally invite her over when I'm making food. Yeah I felt pretty happy, that i wasn't so awkward, but she made it easier because she's so friendly and comfortable. She was just casually going through my room and asking about my photos and band posters, hehe she said they all look kinda similar. Then she went through the scrapbook that my friends had made for me. It was pretty funny because she said Mon reminded her of her own friend. The guy friend didn't agree much, but when she showed some photos on facebook, and I said they have similar eyes and at certain angles, they look similar. She even took some photos of my photos just so she can show her friends. I thought that was pretty funny, and I just really admire how at ease she was being herself, especially if beforehand I probably had known her for a cumulative time of less than 2 hours. Also I had found out the guy was less than 18, and boy did that make me feel old! Previously, Rosa had thought i was straight from year 12, which I'm so happy when people think so, age is a sensitive topic for me. And we managed to convince the guy that I was also their age too, I'm still not sure if he knew we were lying or not. Then when we finished transferring the files, i told her to come over anytime, and I'm looking forward to it. I would really like to have a dinner party for the new friends I've made, just because I want to cook and bake dessert, and actually have people to eat it. Actually thinking of it now, maybe I might consider bringing up the idea of having a weekly housemate dinner.
Also this was the cake I mentioned previously, it was meant to say The Maine on it, but it is very hard to accurately sprinkle hundred 'n' thousands onto a limited working space. Because it was so hot, the icing was a lot softer than normal, and this type of frosting is meant to become harder if you don't use it straight away.

Oh yeah, this was a tweet I posted on the Sunday I went to see The Maine, after meeting them at the airport.
Yeah, it was only till later that night, that we realized what it could have insinuated.

Love Squealer.

1 comment:

scissorhands said...

I like the look of that cake.
Yay for making friends! although I'm a little weirded out with the photos of me and stuff haha
That tweet hahaha