Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rest Your Eyes

Warning: I'm going to be ranting about my uni scores so feel free skip or enjoy this photo of another beanie i knitted.

So my results came at around 9.30pm yesterday, earlier than what i had expected, they were meant to come out today. However feeling so freaked out, i couldn't bring myself to check them. But i finally checked them at around 12.30 this morning, expecting the worse.  They sent them in an email which interesting. At the start of the email, they have an intro message, and then there's a big huge space where you scroll down to reveal your results. normally i would find that comical, if i wasn't feeling so nervous. I saw my first result and it was okay and then the next two was also okay but the last one, i was a bit annoyed, i knew it wasn't my best subject but i was so close. So for Chem, i thought i would have done better, this might be wishful-thinking, but i thought i would have gotten over 90. I guess my scores are enough, and there's always semester 2 which i think i will thoroughly enjoy because the coursework will be more similar to Monash Sem 1. Even though i got what i needed, i always want more, i always wonder why i couldn't have gotten better. Actually its mainly for psych and chem that i'm annoyed about. I'm okay with biology and Intro to Pharm Prac, considering i thought i didn't do well in the exams. I don't know why i can't be happy with my results, it could have been a lot worse. I don't think there was ever a time that i'm happy with my results, they are generally lower than my expectations. I think it's because i peaked too early, so its all downhill from here. sorry for being so dramatic. Being scared sucks, not knowing what's going to happens sucks. While a lot of my friends are finishing their degrees, i haven't even started mine. What's going to happen when we are all at different stages in life, i'm scared that we're going to diverge further and further, and i'm trying so hard to hold on but i feel like they're trying to let go. Yeah sure i have made new friends, but my current group of friends that i connect most with, who usually take precedence over a lot of things. Will i ever feel that way with other people? Sometimes i think i've progressed but most of the time, i don't want to make new friends, i like what i have.
Sorry I think i accidentally ended on the subjects of friends again, it always ends up there.
-end rant-

Anywhoo last couple of days of holidays!!! Luckily i actually have plans for the next three days, so no wastage of holidays :)
Also i tried pop tarts for the first time, i had an immense craving for them (although i never even eaten them) so i bought a frosted strawberry flavour. Well my verdict: Its nice as a guilty snack, a little bit too sweet. I was expecting the base to be more cake like but it was more like a biscuit. I think i would be able to make pop tarts quite easily but i'm lazy. But i do like it, and i can't wait to try the other flavours, it can get addicting. Cheers to food with no nutritional value.

Love Squealer.


Anonymous said...

"Cheers to food with no nutritional value."

This line.

scissorhands said...

Wow I thought you would have tried pop tarts ages ago since you're all American obsessed. I've only tried the chocolate ones