Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thanks For Nothing

I haven't been posting for a while, sorry about that. I have been doing things but i'm just too lazy to actually write about it.
So the last week of holidays included a buffet birthday lunch, random walks around the city, and my usual venture out into the other side (of melbourne). While walking around the city, we went to asian groceries to find some melon lollies, and basically anything melon related. I ended finding some and i also got honeydew syrup so i can try to make bubble tea at home. So i tried making bubble tea at home and i have to say, my one is pretty good, as good as the ones they make in store cept my one has less sugar, thus more healthy =P Except i drank too much so i probably had more sugar anyways, but at least i don't have to pay a lot for a cup. It's so cheap and easy to make it yourself.

The first week of uni has been uneventful, very boring with all the introduction lectures. I cannot wait to get further into the material, that would so much more interesting and fun. I also had the umat on wednesday which i did at bendigo, there were only about 100 people or so, very different atmosphere to caulfield. I'm not really sure how i did, although i think went much slower than previous years because i was rushing badly towards the end. Although in previous years, i guessed a lot more and wasn't sure about a lot of the questions. I dunno how i did or how i found it, i didn't feel as if it was a big deal, the day i felt very normal, like it was something that often. ( well 3 times is plenty). I guess i just have to wait. Anywhoo, first week of uni is very boring, i don't think i can ever be into introduction lectures, why can't they tell us the important bits and move onto the actual material.

Probably the highlight of the week, besides the end of the week when i get to go home, is buying some band merch online. The $AUS is very good at the moment, so i thought i would take advantage of it. Anywho so i was on a website and made up a mock order to see how much they would charge me for shipping. I got to the paypal account and pressed continue so i can see the prices but instead they confirmed my order which meant i accidentally bought the stuff. I actually don't really mind, it saved me a lot of time mulling over whether to buy it or not. At least it didn't cost too much, so i'm pretty happy about that. However as i'm in bendigo now, i don't get to receive the packages, also my mum will know how much stuff i am buying as well. Also on the weekend i pre-ordered the every avenue package, I'm really excited for that to come too, i am very eager to listen to their new cd, the songs i've heard so far are awesome.

i chose the white background/black one (i think, the option had just white but there are two white options??), obviously i didn't know that i was actually going to buy it, i do like the teal colour. 

Love Squealer. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rest Your Eyes

Warning: I'm going to be ranting about my uni scores so feel free skip or enjoy this photo of another beanie i knitted.

So my results came at around 9.30pm yesterday, earlier than what i had expected, they were meant to come out today. However feeling so freaked out, i couldn't bring myself to check them. But i finally checked them at around 12.30 this morning, expecting the worse.  They sent them in an email which interesting. At the start of the email, they have an intro message, and then there's a big huge space where you scroll down to reveal your results. normally i would find that comical, if i wasn't feeling so nervous. I saw my first result and it was okay and then the next two was also okay but the last one, i was a bit annoyed, i knew it wasn't my best subject but i was so close. So for Chem, i thought i would have done better, this might be wishful-thinking, but i thought i would have gotten over 90. I guess my scores are enough, and there's always semester 2 which i think i will thoroughly enjoy because the coursework will be more similar to Monash Sem 1. Even though i got what i needed, i always want more, i always wonder why i couldn't have gotten better. Actually its mainly for psych and chem that i'm annoyed about. I'm okay with biology and Intro to Pharm Prac, considering i thought i didn't do well in the exams. I don't know why i can't be happy with my results, it could have been a lot worse. I don't think there was ever a time that i'm happy with my results, they are generally lower than my expectations. I think it's because i peaked too early, so its all downhill from here. sorry for being so dramatic. Being scared sucks, not knowing what's going to happens sucks. While a lot of my friends are finishing their degrees, i haven't even started mine. What's going to happen when we are all at different stages in life, i'm scared that we're going to diverge further and further, and i'm trying so hard to hold on but i feel like they're trying to let go. Yeah sure i have made new friends, but my current group of friends that i connect most with, who usually take precedence over a lot of things. Will i ever feel that way with other people? Sometimes i think i've progressed but most of the time, i don't want to make new friends, i like what i have.
Sorry I think i accidentally ended on the subjects of friends again, it always ends up there.
-end rant-

Anywhoo last couple of days of holidays!!! Luckily i actually have plans for the next three days, so no wastage of holidays :)
Also i tried pop tarts for the first time, i had an immense craving for them (although i never even eaten them) so i bought a frosted strawberry flavour. Well my verdict: Its nice as a guilty snack, a little bit too sweet. I was expecting the base to be more cake like but it was more like a biscuit. I think i would be able to make pop tarts quite easily but i'm lazy. But i do like it, and i can't wait to try the other flavours, it can get addicting. Cheers to food with no nutritional value.

Love Squealer.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I went to M's house again to hang out, and this time T was there too, not much of a turn out, but nonetheless still fun. We watched Penelope, which was a thoroughly enjoyable movie. There is this line that a child says at the end of the movie, which i have to say was the highlight of the movie, his delivery and acting was just awesome. There was another part that i had liked, it was the title of one of the newspaper article that we found hysterical. I loved playing with scooby, i wished i had a dog. Then we had a 'jam sesion' which consisted of M on recorder, T on keyboard and me on guitar. We didn't sound so good, well M and T didn't sound so bad but i was going willy-nilly with the guitar. Then M walked T and I to the bus stop, where there was a horrible smell, like sewerage. We couldn't figure out where the smell was coming from.

Yay Harry Potter day. I spent the morning doing not much. I was waiting for M and Y to arrive. When they got here, we went to safeway because i wanted to make waffles for dessert. M and Y kept telling me that rainbow flavoured icecream is just vanilla flavoured with coloured food dye. I chose not to believe that even though a couple of people have told me the same thing. I remember when i had rainbow icecream when i was young, i swore it had different flavours for the colours. For dinner, i made spaghetti and we watched The Bachelorette. I was disappointed with the episode because the guy that i liked was weird, childish and insanely jealous in this episode, some things that i haven't seen previously. Then we got to making the waffles, and we wanted to make different colours which was fun. I had vanilla and cinnamon flavour, even though i added a ton of flavouring, it still was very subtle. It was better with chocolate and jam on it, to add more flavour. So after waffles, we got ready for the movie. We dressed up like last time, but unfortunately no photos. We got to Highpoint at around 10.30 ish, when we walked in M spotted Anberlin posters and I got a WTK posters. However, i still needed to get an Anberlin poster but it was at the top of the pillar, so we decided to get the poster after the movie when we could move the chairs to reach it. So we got the movies and it was uber crowded!! We were scared that we weren't going to get seat. There was 2d and 3d this time and both lines were so long. When we finally got in, the cinema was that packed and we ended up with pretty good seats. I think this time, they had more showing this time, instead of the one or two like last time. So we were pretty satisfied. Everyone got so exited the lights got dark. I won't say my opinions of the movie, but i sad that it over, i feel very empty. I liked the movie experience, there wasn't any one annoying, and i cried in a couple of scenes in the second half of the movie.
So after the movie, we were loitering around, waiting for the people to leave. Unfortunately, there were people sitting at the couches near the poles that had the Anberlin poster. We were going to wait for them to leave, but i think they were waiting to be picked up. So M was like You're never going to see them again, it doesn't matter what we do. Turns out i did know the guy but i don't think he remembers me, not really sure about that. So i made M grab a chair from the seating area, and then i stood up on it, i could barely reach the poster but i managed to grab the ends and pulled down. I was so happy that i got a poster. My dad picked us up, but we were trying to walk around the outside of the centre because of renovations, so the easy entrance to the movies was blocked.
We got home and had some more waffles, and of course went on a little bit of tumblr. We got settled into bed at around 4.30ish, and youtubeing till 5.30. And we were going to sleep but we played would you rather and FMK until 7.30. That resulted in heaps of laughter and giggles. When we finally got to sleep, we slept until 2 in the afternoon. We had 'breakfast' and then M and Y left. So that pretty much screwed up our sleeping patterns a little. It was really fun and i hope we get to do that again, if there was another midnight screening of a movie that we all like.

Love Squealer.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Last Night's Dream

I was out in footscray today, trying to find a pair of ray ban glasses because that's what band guys wear. i hate the fact that my nose is too flat to hold up the wayfarers style. But i was leaning towards this style:
I was close to buying them, but then i thought that they were too similiar to my current ones.

I saw these in opsm, but they didn't have this particular colour, and yes its sort of wayfarer style, but its a little smaller. I decided not to get black ones because when i tried them on, they made me look immensely asian. 
Also i'm confused, is the nose bridge not meant to be sitting on the actual nose? Well it's not for me anyways, it kinda sits mid air at the top of nose. Let me know which ones you think, i'm a little torn.

Anywhoo i was walking down the street and this folded poster caught my eye, the colours and dates looked familiar, and when i picked it up, much to my mum's confusion, it turned out to be the We the Kings and You Me At Six concert poster!! I was so happy and started squealing. It had blue tack at the back, and i have no idea what the heck it was doing in footscray. Sure it might be a little iffy considering the location. Anywhoo, i took it as a sign that i need to go their concert.
So i decided when i get my timetable, and find out whether i can leave my pracs early by sneaking out, I'm going to both the underage and overage concert. But i will only go to one of the concerts if i am able to make it to the Anberlin concert. I really want to go to Anberlin because i haven't seen them in their own little concert thingy.

Love Squealer.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Amber Lynn

A really quick post because i'm very sleepy.
Just wanted to mention that i finished knitting my practice beanie with ear flaps, it turned out better than i had expected but i'm not sure if it is wearable outside of the house, imo not really, but it does keep me warm indoors when i'm slumming it.
I'm just proud of myself for finishing a project. I have about five unfinished scarves in my drawer which i will probably unravel because i will most likely not ever finish them.

Went to badminton yesterday for the first time in ages with V and T, it was good, physical exercise and all. I had another bagel for lunch although they over toasted my one. Then i went to spotlight again to buy some new knitting needles, and some new wool because it was on sale. I should consider making a gryffindor scarf, after all, the movie is coming out in less than a week!!

Night all.

Love Squealer.