Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Long Live

hello, haven't posted in a while. my life has been boring.
on sunday night i had food poisoning which didn't really feel good, only had around 2 hours sleep and had to get up the next morning for a study session. The whole day i was feeling really down because i wasn't really feeling like myself but it was alright because i was spending half the day with my friends. when i got home, i didn't really have any energy so i just slept for ages. I tried studying at night but then i was still really tired so for the first time in years i went to bed at 10.45 and slept for around 12-13 hours, woke up, showered and here i am.
i was a bit annoyed because i missed out on a half a day of studying which is going to put me behind, and i feel like i am not going to remember anything by the time the exam swing around. but its only a week until exams are over and then i can look forward to Harry Potter, which reminds me, i haven't gotten around to reading the books yet and i don't think i am going to have time, hopefully i can squeeze it in somewhere.
so yeah that was probably the most exciting thing that has happened to me since the last time i have posted.
oh yeah i start work straight after exams, which money flow, which is very much needed for the summer holidays.
i am in the mood for some really nice expensive decadent cake, maybe a chocolate one.

Love Squealer.

1 comment:

M said...

Oh no how did you get food poisoning?
Hop you're better now.
you can read harry potter after your exams but that doesnt leave you much time