Friday, October 30, 2009

Indifference with a tinge of bright orange

Hey guys
Now that the English exam is over, I don't feel relieved as I thought I would
Now the thing that is bugging is my result and how I went
Personally I don't think I did to well but I don't want to jinx It
Right now I'm trying to convince myself that getting below my wanted enter is okay.
Why does one subject generate so much fear?
I know this seems so redundant compared to other things in the world
But being in the type of environment that I was brought up on
It's partially not my fault.
I just gotta look forward now what's done is done and there's nothing I can do.
At least spesh wasn't that hard like last years.

Just lookin forward to methods
Something that I can so relatively comfortably
I like having defitie answers and working with numbers
It just clicks.
I was sitting inbetween two smart people so hopefully their smartness aurea helped me =]
Well gotta get back to miserable studying
And work my butt for next couple of exams
To make up for my English.

Sorry about such a school related post
Right now that's all that matters to me.
I know it shouldn't be but I can't help.
Maybe I'll grow in the future as a perso. Not height wise
Well I wouldn't mind being taller.

Love squealer

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