Monday, January 2, 2012

Waiting For My Sun To Shine

As I'm writing this, I am sweating like crazy. We've been having a heat wave for past and next couple of days. I thought I'd sit down and write the obligatory reflective 2011 post. Hmmm, when I look back at last year, I feel like I would like to just forget the whole year, I had some emotionally difficult times. The decision to move to Bendigo was a very hard one and even now I still have doubts. It was a decision I knew I had to take because if  I didn't, then I would have given up the better chance of getting into dentistry. I think that would have been a harder decision to live with, better to try than chicken out.
The week of uni was pretty exciting, not because of uni but it was Soundwave week. Soundwave and the sidewaves was amazing! I've already blogged about the festival so find it in my archives if you want a more detailed account.
It was a little hard adjusting to life in Bendigo, most of the time i didn't want to be at uni and was a little miserable . I missed all my friends in Melbourne and having my parents cook for me. Luckily I made some friends at Latrobe, so that was really good.
I guess 2011 wasn't that much of an eventful year, except for the concerts and meeting some band guys at the airport. I think that was the highlight of the year, getting to meet ATL, This Providence and PATD at the airport. It was majorly exciting and an experience which I hold very dearly.
Friends wise, I've made some new ones, gotten closer with old ones and grown apart with some. I have this incredibly idealistic view of friendship, that everything will work out in due time. But I think slowly I am breaking that notion and learning that everything can't be perfect, and people sometimes will disappoint you. Growing apart with some friends was very hard on me, and even harder to admit. Despite that, I love my friends dearly because they are the ones who help me through the hard times.
There were some good times at LaTrobe, our weekly wednesday eating out, we didn't have many options in Bendigo so we just end up eating at Maccas; spending way too much time on our ipods while we should be playing attention; getting overly excited when we don't have to go to class. There was one subject that I liked partly because the lecturer was good, and he gave challenging exams, which admittedly I liked much better than easy exams. For chemistry, I actually understood everything much better, not because of the lecturer but I think i studied properly this time.

Well spending the last hours of 2011 with close friends was perfect. I learnt that i don't like vodka and it burns my throat. Friends are the best! I hope that 2012 will be a better year for me.

Also I'm leaving in about 2 days for my first overseas adventure, so uber excited for that.

Love Squealer.