Monday, March 22, 2010

That will pig, that will do.

oh crap.
i've eaten so much today.
it wasn't my fault,but i'm feeling the consequences now.
i had sushi for lunch today
but there was also a bbq going on
so that made me crave sausages
hence i decided to get one after i ate the sushi
(there was heaps of sushi btw)
so after that, i feel like vomiting,
on the bright this has stopped my constant snacking throughout the day.
yeah all that starch and carbohydratesat least it kept me awake for the following lectures.

for some reason i find it hilarious when someone drifts off during a lecture
i start giggling uncontrollably (partly because someone started laughing first)
i mean i'm not laughing at them, just the fact that they are sleeping.

we had some new lecturers today,
one had a boring voice
and the other was like a salesperson,
kinda those people who advertise things like"make a million in a week" or something
and he dressed like that sort of person too.

camp's this weekend,
and i'm hoping it's going to be alright
not too out there for a lack of a better word.
i probably won't be drinking unless they have some melon/watermelon drink
because i'm addicted to anything watermelon/melon-y.
i'm just hoping that i will make more friends,
and won't be so shy and anti-social.i dunno what to dress up as though,
i'm reusing my costumes
so either Hermione Granger or Hannah Montana,
leaning towards hermione....
but i wonder if people will know who i am?
i want to be hannah so i can wear my wig again
because it was the most expensive costume piece
and i want to make the most of it
when else do i have a need for a blonde wig?
school is becoming alright
i've kinda gotten into routine
and even though i haven't really made any new friends
i've got my school friends.

i need a job too.
will anyone hire me telepathically
so i don't have to hand in my resume,
oh boy i am lazy after year 12
excercise more dammit and stop eating so many lollies.
oh boy, i hate this over-full cool do these pancakes look?
i want to try and make them,
but i would need a bucketload of food dye.
also almost makes me forget that i'm already full
and should stop eating for the next 10 years,
or until tomorrow morning. =)

off now to groan in discomfort,
Love Squealer.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

and my heart loves the view

i don't think i'll ever get sick of high school musical 3
i keep watching the movie over and over
and everytime, i just love it more,
it's such a good movie and the music is amazing.
it makes me happy and giddy inside.

i think its so weird that i've done a complete 180.
back in the old days, when i was in year 6 to about year 8,
i was really into hilary duff and mary kate and ashley
(i even made up a company combining their names 'Hilashry',
then i changed it to 'Super Hilashry Enterprises'
so it can be shortened to S.H.E)
but i liked them for their movies and music,
but now that they have matured
(and so have i, even if it's only a little bit, still counts)
i've grown to like them once more,
but this time, i'm inspired by their fashion sense.
i really want a piece of MKA's fashion line,
but its way way expensive, even the 'cheaper' line.
and hilary duff's amazing, even though some people don't like her,
i still think so and her movies are surprising good,
(i know i know, i'm biased but trust me)
and the good news....
she has heaps of movies coming out,
yay me!
oh and i sooo didn't know she was engaged,
a bit young but i'm happy for her,
kinda makes me want to get marry
and i really want children especially twins,
(wondey why, eh?)

Weather has been so good this week,
i thought it would hot but it feels warm.
i like it, trying to squeeze as much summer wardrobe as possible.
it sucks though, i'm spending it in lecture theatres.

oh i'm excited my laptop's coming soon!
(insert gigantic smile and que my signature squealing)i hate how dell puts that colour logo,
it's so deceiving because i wanted it in green
but it only comes in red and black.
but everytime i look at the logo,
i get hopeful.

Love Squealer.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Why are you so cold??

This referring to the lecture theatre.
i walked in and brrrrr.
well i guess i should be used to cold rooms,
seeing that at my highschool the air con was always on.
yeah not very environmentally friendly.
today was boring day,
i don't think i paid any attention

i kinda got distracted while half listening
but really not soaked in my head
so now i have to relearn the info myself,
darn me and my short attention span
but partly not my fault,
oh lectures why do you have to be so boring
and make me want to fall asleep.
(also had 5 hours sleep
so wasn't functioning properly)

i don't even remember the last lecture,
something about chemistry,
too busy on facebook

but wasn't doing much
because i usually stalk on facebook

and not many people were doing anything
and i don't really like to take an active role on facebook.
that's me, little miss passive.

i was meant to hang out with a friend today
but nooo, she had to stay in bendigo and study,
(i'm not really mad,
it just gave me a free afternoon,

and i was indecisive about what i wanted to do,
so i roamed aimlessly around the city)
thinking about, i need to study too,
but my holidays habits haven't been kicked out yet,
and my studying mode hasn't kicked in,
i'm trying but i don't want to know about cells and tissues and regression
and a billion other stuff for that matter.

i want to go to the retrostar sale tomorrow,
but i haven't decided if i'm actually going or not,
i want to go with friends but then i want to go alone
i just take ages looking at things
and i don't want to subject my friends to that
hence i like going shopping on my own.
i want to go because i would like some nice vintage dresses
but on the other hand i'm too lazy to go.
oh let me make a decision soon.

everything at uni is making me miss macrob even more,
i especially miss the library,
ahh the countless hours that i have spent in there
wasting time when i should be studying
i love reading the trashy magazines
where else i can get my magazines fix now?
the photocopying and printing at monash
is so expensive compared to macrob,
it's over 50% more expensive
(there's a little bit of maths for you to show that i still can)

it was a pretty day today, warm but not hot
and the light was refreshing though it made me tired.
it's going to be warm next week,
darn i was looking forward to the colder days
because i want to wear my orange cardigan.
(remember the bright fluro one that i mentioned previously).

This what i wore today,
note to self, pull up tights,
otherwise they will fall and make walking incredibly uncomfortable
and trying to pull up in public is not the best way to fix that.
Shirt: Op Shop
Skirt: Handmade by me
Tights: some asian brand
Belt: Just jeans
Boots: Tony Bianco
Also wear a black velvet blazer but i took these photos when i got home
hence i'm sweaty and it was hot.

I really love these boots, they a bow detail on the side
and they uber comfortable
the thing is that it has a green sole
so everytime i wear for long periods of time,
my socks/stockings/tights becomes green
and so does my foot.

i don't know why so much colour comes out.
it used to be really bad when it was new
but the green colour has subsided.

the shirt i'm wearing is massive, i'm drowning in it,
partly because it is double my normal size,
but i really like the button design and plus
flowy things hides those pesky flabs that i have.

Yay weekend,
Hope you guys enjoy yours,
Love Squealer

Thursday, March 11, 2010

My first outfit post

Something that i've been meaning to do for a long time,
but you know, I'm lazy and love procrastinating so
hence it has take me years to put my ideas into action.
just a heads up, i don't think my clothes are that great
and i don't exactly have a figure that i would like
(yes i have been also putting off going for runs,
i'm just so tired after uni but one day i will kick myself
to exercises, also on a side note, i like listening to music when i run
i mean everyone does but sometimes i get too involved with the music
so i start singing and dancing, rather badly, while running,
which means i end up looking like an idiot,
but luckily i do go back to normal running when i see someone heading towards my way,
however to those behind me...must think i'm spastic)
Excuse me bad posing, i'm a very awkard person
and i wish i had an slr camera so my photos look better
and i would take photos in natural light but i never get round to doing so
and excuse my messy room which i tried to blur out coz its embarassing.
and i'm not so fond of my face either but hopefully one day i will be braver.

This is what i wore on wednesday to uni.
i was excited becuase it's the first time i wore this jacket.
i really like coz it warm and the button are cool,
though i didn't get a close up of it, i shall one day.

Jacket: Op shop
Blouse: Op shop
Skirt: cotton on
I also wore grey tights and brown boots but this was before i had them on
(obviously) and i'm not allowed to wear shoes in my room.

Another one. This is my thursday outfit, nothing spectacular,
although i do like this particular photo because it looks like i'm flying,
shame my head is cut off though.

How convienient that my hannah montana poster are blocked. hehe
Cardigan: Red Berry
Blouse: Op Shop
Jeans: Just Jeans.
I really like this blouse, it has a really pretty bow detail on the front
and who doesn't love florals?i know it's a bit hard to see but you get the jist.

hope i did well,
note to self:
get a better camara,
find a better location for photos
find better clothes
use a natural light.

That's all.

Love Squealer.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Curiouser and curiouser

i don't know how other people are going with their first week of uni,
but should i really dislike it that much.
maybe it's not the course i want to do,
or the fact somehow chemistry maths doesn't interest me anymore
or that i'm doing biology which i loathe.
every lecture is constant slow countdown,
but then there's another lecture.
i guess the thing that is getting me through
is that i will hopefully not be here next year.
i'm very behind already because i haven't reviewed my notes
or started to learn them,
and this coming from a girl who want to get over 85%. hmmm.

well other than uni,
nothing exiting has happened,
i opened a bank account, isn't that great?

also i watched Alice in Wonderland
It was pretty good but i was expecting a more epic movie
so it didn't really live up to my expectations.
the graphics were pretty good and the mad hatter didn't really look like johnny depp
well i 'm not really a good reviewer and i will end up giving away an important part
but its pretty predictable anyways.Credits to

man it was crazy yesterday!
we heard the rain from inside the cinemas, i thought it was just part of the movie.
outside everything was drenched
a lot of the shops had been flooded
and even jam factory was flooded.
it sucked because public transport was crazy and very delayed.
and i wore the wrong shoes,
open toed flats don't give you much protection from water.
and and i didn't bring my umbrella.

i really want to start buying things online but i'm so paranoid.
so hopefully i can overcome that hurdle and buy things from america.
i want to buy from forever21 but the shipping is so expensive
but the clothes are pretty cute and relatively cheap.
and i'm looking for a uni bag but i'm so picky
so that's going to take a long time.
also on a hunt for a perfect winter jacket yet again i cannot decide
(well i actually haven't really made some choices)
although i do want a floral jacket, like this one from forever21
maybe not as bright, it does look a tad childish.
although i do like kidish things...
this jacket is pretty too,
i have one similiar but its a little long
and make me look short(er than i already am) and a dectective.

so now i'm off to prepare myself for another week of uni.
take care guys.

Love Squealer.